HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 04/19/1999 Item 2 Public Works/Planning Committee 4119/99 Street Vacation - 125t" Place SE Recommended Motion: I move that the Public Works/Planning Committee recommend to the Council adoption of a Resolution setting a hearing date for the 125th Place Southeast street vacation. J v DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 19, 1999 TO: Public Works/Planning Committee FROM: Don Wickstrom a RE: Street Vacation — 125' Place S.E. We have received a valid petition from Donna Young of 12524 S.E. 270`h St., to vacate a portion of 125' Place S.E. In accordance with state law, a public hearing thereon must be held. As such we recommend adoption of a Resolution which sets the Public Hearing date. • MOTION: Recommend adoption of a Resolution setting a hearing date for the 125' Place Southeast street vacation. J 28, TWP. N . , RGE. 5 E. , W. M . MAR clrY of 20' PERMANENT �/ EASEMENT _I clrY cL<;ENE ERK I-00 30+00 31+00 32+00 F557'34'D8"E 1776 S.F. SPr7'34'08"E Z 4'08"E 101 SS" 80.03' 88.82' 11792 S.F. 1b 10 IN 16 AM 3 2401 S.F. 2572 S.F. '`2BT5"S. 3Q_.TEMPORARY -, - - - - - - - - EASEMENT • 49'43"E 2.57' OTITLE NO. ' O �O 325120-18 TITLE NO. TITLE N0� i_J`l TI llrl12508 325121-19 325122-20 / h ' 3 #12524 0' PERMANENT C ASEMENT -- --_ �� #125 S 70 7OW N � .. - _ ........... \ D41 T ON � 14 <3> Item 3 Public Works/Planning Committee 4119199 Surplus Vehicles/Equipment - Authorization Recommended Motion: I move that the Public Works/Planning Committee recommend to the Council authorization to declare this equipment as surplus and authorize the sale thereof at the next public auction. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS April 19, 1999 TO: Public Works/Planning Committee FROM: Don Wickstro RE: Surplus Vehicles/Equipment—Authorization Attached is a list of Equipment Rental vehicles and equipment, which are no longer needed by the City. As such, we are requesting that they be declared as surplus and sold at the next public auction. MOTION: Authorization to declare this equipment as surplus and authorize the sale thereof at the next public auction. Public Works Operations FYI. 310RAND UM Phone: 359-3395 Fax: 859-366d April 2, 1999 To: , Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Thru: Eddy.Chu, Operations Manager4� AK From: Steve HennessfPF`liet Superintendent Subject: Surplus Vehicle/Equipment Authorization Request I am requesting authorization to surplus the following vehicles/equipment and police sedans that have been replaced with the 99 purchases and are no longer needed by Fleet Services. All of this equipment meets Fleet Services replacement point system except 8701,8753, and 8754. These three vehicles are all the same vintage and have an inherent problem with the rack and pinion steering gear. This repair would exceed half the value of the vehicle and would not be cost effective to repair. All of these vehicles except police sedans will be sold to the highest bidder at the next public auction. Police sedans will be sold to other police agencies. SERVICE VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT Unit# Yr. Serial# Milea¢e Descrintion 5315 *75 X174J5 NA Swenson Sander 5394 *87 149789 96,000 Chevrolet 1 Ton 8761 87 224167 47,000 Celebrity Wagon 8742 *89 936 NA Chipper 8748 *89 U89329 NA Air Compressor 8753 87 224021 38,000 Celebrity Wagon 8754 87 224003 46,000 Celebrity Wagon POLICE VEHICLES Unit# Yr. Serial# Mileaee Description 3104 **94 123794 85,000 Chev Caprice 3122 **96 116805 82,000 Crown Victoria 3123 **96 116808 83,000 Crown Victoria 3124 **96 116814 80,000 Crown Victoria 3125 **96 116818 91,000 Crown Victoria 3126 **96 116823 78,000 Crown Victoria 3128 **96 116834 75,000 Crown Victoria 3136 **95 167857 91,000 Crown Victoria 3137 **95 167056 92,000 Crown Victoria 3139 **94 124295 90,000 Chev Caprice * Meets Service vehicle replacement point system of 20 (1 Point Per Year, 1 Point Per 10 K) **Meets Police vehicle replacement point system of 10 CC: Dianne Sullivan CITY 0 F KEN T Bill Price Frank Olson APR 0 7 1999 ENGINEEHING DEPT Item 4 Public Works/Planning Committee 4/19/99 Garrison Creek Reservoir Seismic Upgrade - Accept as Complete i Recommended Motion: I move that the Public Works/Planning Committee recommend to the Council accepting as complete the Garrison Creek Reservoir Seismic Upgrade contract. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • April 19, 1999 TO: Public Works/Planning Committee FROM: Don WickstromGu RE: Garrison Creek Reservoir Seismic Upgrade Accept as Complete On October 6, 1998 the Garrison Creek Reservoir Seismic Upgrade project was awarded to Able Wright Sz Company for the bid amount of $49,798.53. The final construction cost was $102,197.10. The cost overruns were due to the following reasons. • • The contractor bid the job based on 92 anchors as described in the bid documents. After the contract was awarded it was determined that 184 anchors were necessary which, resulted in additional expenditures. • The Parks Dept. was concerned that the anchors were not recessed in the concrete slab along the fence line. The roof of the reservoir acts as a tennis and basketball court area. Additional costs were necessary to recess the anchors. • Upon inspection of the walls to the tank, leaks were found. It was necessary to seal the leaks and seal a weir adjacent to the wall. Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage. MOTION: Recommend accepting as complete the Garrison Creek Reservoir Seismic Upgrade contract. Item 5 Public Works/Planning Committee 4/19/99 Condominium Zoning • Recommended Motion: I move that the Public Works/Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the proposed Condominium Zoning Code Amendments, as outlined in the memo, be forwarded to the Land Use and Planning Board for refinement and public hearing. ZCA=99=5 CONDOMINIUM ZONING Proposed Motion: To recommend that the proposed Condominium Zoning Code amendments, as outlined in the memo, be forwarded to the Land Use and Planning Board for refinement and public hearing. } CITY OF Jim White, Mayor .NVIcTA Planning Department (253) 859-3390/Fax (253) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director April 19, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: TIM CLARK, CHAIR & MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FROM: FRED N. SATTERSTROM, PLANNING MANAGER RE: CONDOMINIUM ZONING For the past month, the Planning and Public Works Committee has been studying the issue of how to encourage homeownership opportunities through amendments to the • zoning code. Several options have been discussed including contract rezones, townhouse zoning, Planned Unit Development amendments, and density incentives in existing multifamily zones. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the general recommendations of the Planning Department staff in order to stimulate discussion and direction from the Committee, and move this issue on to the Land Use &Planning Board. Therefore, staff recommends the following methodologies for encouraging homeownership (condominiums) through regulatory changes: 1. Develop a "Townhouse" zoning district. ■ A separate zoning district would be developed. It would not be applied to property by the City Council but by individual application by property owners. ■ The anticipated density would be in the range of 10-14 units per acre. ■ A two-story limit would be placed on building height. No "stacked units" would be allowed in the townhouse-zoning district. Units would be allowed to be attached along the sides only (as in townhouse design). ■ There would be a requirement of one unit per lot, which would require subdivision. The subdividing of lots would dictate that townhouse condominiums be built. ■ Where land is not presently "comped" for multifamily residential use, a comprehensive plan amendment would be required prior to rezoning to Townhouse. 2204th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895 Condominium Zoning 4/19/99 Page 2 2. Amend the Existing Planned Unit Development Regulations. ■ The present PUD regulations would be amended to allow PUD's in SR (single family) zones on sites less than 100 acres in size. Staff recommends the site size minimum be in the range of 1 to 3 acres. ■ There would be no density bonus given for PUD's in SR zones. ■ Units would be permitted to attach in a townhouse configuration (i.e., two- story limit, side-by-side, but with no stacked units). ■ The City Council would approve all such PUD's after public hearing and recommendation from the Hearing Examiner. • Criteria would be developed to assist the decision-making process. Factors which the City Council might consider are: ■ Access to collector and arterial streets ■ Proximity to transit service ■ Proximity to and convenience of commercial services ■ Compatibility with surrounding neighborhood ■ This option could be limited to certain SR zones, such as the SR-6 and SR-8 zoning districts. At the Planning & Public Works Committee meeting on April 19, 1999, the Planning Department staff will further clarify the above recommendation. We hope that the Committee is reasonably comfortable with this general outline and that it will recommend this strategy be moved forward to the Land Use & Planning Board for refinement and public hearing. Of course, any Board recommendations will have to come back to the City Council for final review and adoption. However, under the new Council committee operations, the Board's recommendation would go directly to the Planning and Public Works Committee before it goes to the Council as a Whole. FNS:pm P:IADMIMcondo3.doc cc: James P.Harris,Planning Director Matthews Jackson,GIS/Planner