HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/17/1997 1 CITY OF LTD i • / Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P. Harris,Planning Director CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES June 17, 1997 Planning Committee Members Present: City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other James P. Harris, Planning Director David Wolbeck Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary • PARK ORCHARD FENCING ISSUE/108TH AVENUE SE - (L. Evezich) Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich explained that this issue was originated from a citizen complaint regarding the removal of a previously existing fence at the Summit Apartments. The group's main complaint is the pedestrian traffic that has increased because of the removal of the fence. Ms. Evezich explained that the City has no legal grounds to enforce the apartment complex to reconstruct the fence. However,the property manager has informed the Assistant City Attorney that they have budgeted and scheduled the construction of an iron gate perimeter fence for September of this year. The fence is being constructed for security reasons and will be accessed by a card key. Because the apartment's initiative to construct a fence,Ms. Evezich feels that this meets the concerns the citizen group therefore there is no reason to pursue this issue farther. Committee member Jon Johnson discussed his concern with on-street parking and suggested limiting parking to one side. He discussed the issue of residents parking inoperable vehicles or working on vehicles while they're parked on the street. Ms. Evezich explained that those would be code violation issues and could be addressed in that manner. Committee member Tim Clark asked for this item to be scheduled for the September meeting to check the apartments progress. Mr. Satterstrom explained that a building permit is not necessarily 1 220 4th AVE.SO., I KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206,859-3300I FAX#859-3334 • City Council Planning Committee Minutes June 17, 1997 required if the fence is less than six feet tall. Ms. Evezich offered to write the apartments a letter to explain the City's appreciation of their efforts, inform them of the development requirements, and ask for them to keep the City informed to their progress. The Committee agreed to bring this item to their September meeting. GREEN RIVER ANNEXATION PROCESS - (T. Brubaker) Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker stated that there are several annexations in progress at this time. He explained that Del Mar and Meridian Valley annexations will become part of the City on July 1, 1997. Mr. Brubaker explained that the Green River Annexation is still pending. The 10% petition and notice of intent was previously accepted by the City Council. Mr. Brubaker explained that the petition method of annexation requires 60%or more of the assessed valuation of landowners to agree to the annexation. King County owns more than 40% of the land value and to this date refuses to agree to the annexation. The area consists of approximately 12 • residents and the majority support the annexation. The annexation would benefit the 277th Corridor project by unifying the permit and construction process and would eliminate the need to work in more than one jurisdiction. The other method of annexation is by ballot,and Mr. Brubaker explained that process. The process would be commenced by a Resolution. A copy of the Resolution would be sent to the King County Auditor and the Boundary Review Board. The Boundary Review Board would hold a public hearing in the vicinity of the area proposed for annexation. The Boundary Review Board makes a recommendation to either approve as proposed or modify the area. Mr. Brubaker explained that if the Boundary Review Board does not approve the annexation, there can be no action on the annexation for 12 months. If they approve the annexation, it will be forwarded to the King County Auditor to be placed on the ballot. The ballot will include two questions, one if the area should be annexed into the City of Kent, and two whether area should assume the existing indebtedness of the City. Clark questioned how much of the area was a part of the King County Agricultural lands. Planning Manager, Fred Satterstrom, explained that about 2/3 of the area were agricultural lands. The area consists of some King County parks and one property owner is not in the Purchase of Development Rights program. Johnson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the Green River Annexation Process • and send the Resolution to the Council for their approval. Motion carried. 2 6 • City Council Planning Committee Minutes June 17, 1997 ADDED ITEM: CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES FROM MAY 20 1997 Chair Leona Orr asked for changes to be made to the May 20, 1997 Planning Committee Minutes to reflect the statement made by herself and Ms. Evezich regarding the appearance of fairness and the reason Ms. Aulgur was at the Planning Committee. Chair Orr asked for the minutes to be corrected and brought back to the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. • 3