HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/02/1997 CITY OF r V\ALS`J Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES Special Meeting of September 2, 1997 Planning Committee Members Present: Leona Orr, Chair Tim Clark Jon Johnson, excused Planning Staff Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Lin Houston Cashman, Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall, Planner Katherin Johnson, Planner Margaret Porter, Administrative Assistant III • 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM (C. Sundvall) Human Services Planner Carolyn Sundvall informed the Committee that the total program cost is estimated at$523,966. This is a nine percent($52,297)decrease from the 1997 CDBG funding level of$576,263. The decrease is a result of revised 1998 estimates of recaptured funds and program income. Attached is a copy of the allocation of the 1998 funds. Ms. Sundvall highlighted some of the changes that are being requested for Capital Application projects: City of Kent Home Repair Services Program - S236,943 One change to the program is to have one Home Repair Specialist benefitted position will be increased from three to four days per week (from .6 to .8 position change) beginning June 1, to address the increased demand for services. Turnkgy Park Handicapped Accessibility Rehabilitation - $60,000 Russell Road Park Handicapped Accessibility Rehabilitation - $38,000 The proposed funding would be used to rehabilitate two existing City parks to meet ADA requirements. • 1 7?0 41h AVF SO /KENP WASHING ION 98032-5895/TFLEPHONE (206)859 3300/FAX#859-3334 City Council - Planning Committee Minutes Special Meeting September 2, 1997 Easter Seals Society of Washington -Housing Modification - $18,989 This project will provide residential modification to low-income renters with a permanent disability. King County Housing Authority -Shelcor Emergency Housing- $30 000 This project will rehabilitate an existing emergency housing project for low income, homeless families. The total for the Capital projects is$383,932. The following Human Services applications were recommended for approval by the Human Services Commission: Community Health Centers of King County - Kent Clinic ($18,8771 Community Health Centers of King County - Natural Medicine Clinic ($5,087) Elderhealth Northwest- Connections Adult Day Care ($5,595) • Kent Emergency Feeding Program ($10,822) YWCA Domestic Violence Transitional Housing($32,198) The total for the Public (Human) Service funding portion of the Block Grant program is $72,579. The last category iin the CDBG Program is the Planning and Administration funding. It is recommended that the current Planner's position of 60%CDBG and 40% general fund through a job share position be changed to 100% CDBG beginning April 1, 1998. The total amount for the Planner's position is estimated at$67,455. The recommended actions are: I. Approve the proposed 1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, including its contingency plan, and forward for adoption to the full City Council. 2. Schedule a public hearing on September 16, 1997, for the full City Council to consider adoption of the proposed 1998 CDBG Program. Council member Tim Clark asked for explanation for the increase the Home Repair Specialist from .6 to .8 percent. Planner Sundvall explained there has been a general increase in demand because of the annexations to the City. Council member Orr asked if rehabilitation to Turnkey Park would 2 r. A & . e City Council - Planning Committee Minutes Special Meeting September 2, 1997 be done in conjunction with other renovations planned for the park. Planner Sundvall felt the all the work would be done at one time. Council member Tim Clark MOVED and Council member Leona Orr SECONDED the motion to approve the proposed 1998 Community Development Block Grant Program including its contingency plan and forward to adoption by the full City Council. Motion carried. Council member Tim Clark MOVED and Council member Leona Orr SECONDED the motion to schedule a public hearing on September 16, 1997 for the full City Council to consider adoption of the proposed 1998 Community Development Block Grant Program. Motion carried. Jon Johnson, by telephone, concurred approval of the 1998 CDBG Program. PROPOSED TWO-YEAR FUNDING CYCLE FOR HUMAN SERVICES (K. Johnson) Planner Katherin Johnson highlighted some of the major points in the proposal. She referred to the schedule in the packet regarding the analysis and recommendation of the two-year funding cycle and the pros and cons of a two-year funding cycle. The following requested actions is • recommended: 1. Approval of a two-year funding cycle for General Fund Human Services dollars beginning in 199. 2. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its September 16, 1997, meeting. Council member Tim Clark asked if there would be any affect on the basic services provided by the City. Planner Johnson commented there would be no affect on any of the current providers or programs. Council member Tim Clark MOVED and Council Member Leona Orr SECONDED the motion to approve the proposed two-year funding cycle for Human Services as recommended by the Human Services Commission. Motion carried. Jon Johnson,by telephone, concurred approval of this item. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m. chlccpcmin9.2 • 3