HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/09/1997 i � CITY OF !y�J C\11�5�I} r Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES December 9, 1997 Planning Committee Members Present Other Leona Orr, Chair Jackie Reis, South County Journal Tim Clark Linda Johnson, Kent Downtown Partnership Val Batey, Regional Transit Authority Planning Committee Members Absent Jon Johnson Planning Staff James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Linda Phillips, Planner Margaret Porter, Administrative Assistant III Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary DOWNTOWN STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN - (Linda Phillips) Planner Linda Phillips commented that the North Frame District was approved by the Planning Committee on August 19, 1997 and the East Frame District in September. She said that discussion would begin with the Central Corridor District. Ms. Phillips went over the Summary of Recommendations for the Central Corridor District that included related Land Use and Planning Board Recommendations. Ms.Phillips explained the present design guidelines for City of Kent downtown streets based on Kent Zoning Code Provisions. She said the specific recommendations for design guidelines in the Central Corridor District are found in Section IV-11 of the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. Mr. Clark commented on his concerns with the routing of bus traffic along Central Avenue. He noted that wider sidewalks will allow for the space needed for the bus turnouts. Ms. Phillips explained that the Downtown Strategic Action Plan(DSAP) will be adapted at the time the rail station design; location and requirements are established. Mr. Clark said for the City of Kent to create a pedestrian friendly downtown area, buildings will need to be set further back from the streets as buses take more street space. Ms. Phillips said that 12 foot sidewalks have been considered as part of the planning process. 22U 4th AVENUE So( I H / KEN 1,WASHING TON 98032'_S95/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 City Council Planning Committee Minutes December 9, 1997 Page 2 Mr. Satterstrom explained that the design guidelines for Central Avenue allow for pedestrian traffic and recognize Central Avenue as an auto oriented area. He said that the DSAP does not address the use of traffic signals on Central Avenue to control the bus traffic. Mr. Satterstrom spoke at length on bus routing alternatives. Mr. Harris said that Central Avenue has four narrow lanes of traffic and few sidewalks. Mr. Harris explained that Planning staff would like to see buildings set back further to allow for wider sidewalks. Mr. Clark commented that a bus stop north of James and Central, running in an east-westerly direction, will draw bus traffic from four directions. He said that Central Avenue will than receive 75% of the bus traffic. Dialogue between Ms. Orr and Mr. Clark regarded bus traffic turnouts and impact on the streets. Mr. Clark said that as development occurs, the City of Kent needs to remain aware that the Central Corridor is only a five-block area. Mr. Harris, Mr. Clark and Chair Orr discussed possible word amendments to the DSAP addressing accommodations to speed transit connections. Mr. Harris stated that amendments to the DSAP can • be considered when Engineering begin to draft their plans. The planning process will accommodate both bus and pedestrian traffic. Ms. Phillips commented on Chair Orr's concerns about grade separation at James Street by referring to Section VI-35 and VI-36 of the DSAP. Discussion continued regarding possible locations for the bus terminal. Tim Clark MOVED and Leona Orr SECONDED a motion to approve staff s recommendation with the word modifications as outlined in the Summary of Recommendations for the Central Corridor District. Motion carried. Ms. Phillips stated that the East Frame District recommendations have been decided. Ms. Phillips went over the "Summary of Recommendations for the West Frame District." She reviewed Section IV-16 of the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. Ms. Phillips explained that this section describes the West Frame District area and proposed public improvements including a new access street and connecting the interurban trail to core districts. Mr. Clark asked Ms. Phillips what improvements are planned for pedestrian bike lanes. Mr. Clark commented on the dangers of the interurban trail crossing at Willis and State Route 167 due to: high volumes of traffic on Willis Street,congestion because of the outflow roads from the industrial district south of Willis Street, and traffic feeding onto Willis Street from the northbound ramp of the 167 • freeway. Shoreline Master Program Grantfrom Dept of Ecology Downtown Strategic Action Plan l City Council Planning Committee Minutes December 9, 1997 Page 3 Mr. Harris said that a sidewalk is located on the north side of Willis Street and the interurban trail is well identified. Mr. Harris explained that the West Frame District plan recommends creating a bike trail connection to downtown on the north side of Willis Street. Tim Clark MOVED and Leona Orr SECONDED a motion to adopt the West Frame District Plan as presented by staff. Motion carried. RAIL STATION PROPOSALS Ms. Phillips commented that the South,North and Historic Core Districts will be impacted as a result of the rail station location. Threfore, staff wished to discuss the rail station issue prior to the review of the other three districts. Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill introduced Val Batey of Sound Transit to comment on the RTA's environmental assessment. Mr. O'Neill stated that the environmental assessment report will supplement the Environmental Impact Statement(EIS), completed in 1995, for the Seattle to Tacoma Corridor rail project. Sound Transit held a series of open houses in October as part of their assessment process. • Mr. O'Neill explained that two alternate locations are being considered for the downtown rail station at the Council's request: 1) The north station location is between Smith and James Street with associated parking to the east(between the tracks and Central). 2)The south station location uses the historic depot site and proceeds south from Meeker Street with an associated parking structure along the east side of the tracks. Mr. O'Neill said that the Kent Downtown Partnership suggested an alternate rail station location that would begin at Gowe Street and move south toward Willis Street. Mr. O'Neill explained that Sound Transit's design parameters calls for a platform of 1,000 feet in length. Mr. O'Neill explained that Sound Transit is proposing to locate the alternate north station location platform between Smith and Gowe Streets using parking on the Borden play field site. Ingress and egress would be from Smith, Creek and James Street. Mr. O'Neill commented that the environmental assessment draft is scheduled for completion by December 19. He said that there will be a 30-day comment period following completion of the environmental assessment. A series of public meetings will be scheduled during the week of January 13, 1998 allowing the public opportunity to comment. Mr. O'Neill explained that comments will cover analysis of the two alternate sites. The final environmental assessment report is scheduled for completion and presentation to the RTA board in February 1998. Shoreline Master Program Grant from Dept of Ecology Downtown Strategic Action Plan City Council Planning Committee Minutes • December 9, 1997 Page 4 All of the Corridor station locations have been decided except for Tukwila and downtown Kent location. Ms. Val Batey stated that Sound Transit has found that using the Borden play field for a park and ride lot for the north rail station location is not consistent with Kent's Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Batey commented that Planning and Public Works staff is concerned with traffic issues in that area. Ms. Batey stated that a rail station configuration for both the north and south rail sites is included in the environmental assessment report. She explained that Sound Transit is looking at two parking alternatives at the south site location that includes a parking structure and surface parking lot. Ms. Batey commented that budget constraints may not allow for a parking structure. She said that Sound Transit is looking at surface parking for the north site. Mr. Clark suggested the use of alternate modes of travel for commuters to and from the rail station. Ms. Batey explained that as people become aware of alternate forms of transportation, parking lots could be converted to other uses. Mr. O'Neill shared ideas gleaned from studying long established rail systems in Chicago. He said that • adequate parking is essential as most commuters travel to a central location by car to ride on rail systems. Mr. O'Neill commented that a public meeting date has yet to be decided for January. Mr. Satterstrom brought to the Committee's attention that the comment period will begin December 19 and end before the next Planning Committee meeting in January. He suggested that the Planning Committee may wish to hold a special meeting prior to the end of the comment period if wished to discuss the document. Ms. Phillips spoke at length regarding the EIS process for the commuter rail station as it relates to the Sound Transit commuter rail project. Ms. Phillips said the review process could extend into January so the DSAP decision process may coincide with the issuance of the final Sound Transit environmental information. Ms. Phillips went over the proposed language revisions in Section V(1-3). "Vision: Growing a Home Town" saying that the and the underlined language is to be added. She stated that no changes are proposed for the section From the Present to the Future. Ms. Phillips said that Planning staff recommends modifying language in this section for improved clarity. Mr. Clark voiced his concerns about committing to a performing arts center in a particular location due to funding and maintenance, and operating budget constraints. Mr. Clark suggested that the • "Vision" section of the Strategic Action Plan currently places the Civic and Performing Arts Center Shoreline Master Program Grant from Dept of Ecologv Downtown Strategic Action Plan City Council Planning Committee Minutes December 9, 1997 Page 5 • in a specific location. Since an actual site has not been determined, a specific locational reference should not be included in the phrasing. Planning Director Mr. Harris commented that he would hope the Mayor and City Council will see the value in constructing a performing arts center downtown instead of on the outskirts of town. Mr. Harris explained that a performing arts center will act as a magnet to draw a mix of cultures to the downtown area. Mr. Harris commented that the center will create a viable atmosphere for people to meet. He further stated that the Plan should incorporate a specific location reference for the performing arts center to be located downtown. Mr. Clark concurred with Mr. Harris. Mr. Clark commented that funds for an election for a public bond issue for the Civic and Performing Arts Center is part of the 1998 budget. Mr. Clark suggested that additional phrasing be added to the plan for the future vision on alternative forms of transportation. Mr. Clark recommended the addition of"the City continues to invest in more bicycle routes as the population of the valley floor becomes denser, allowing the City to remain viable." Leona Orr suggested that the following portion of the Vision stating: "the first phase of the Borden site redevelopment will be underway" should be rephrased as "may be underway"as redevelopment at this site is only speculative. Mr. Harris said development plans for this site are at least fifteen years • away. Mr. Clark commented that the Plan needs to address the various forms of recreation that the City of Kent has already established in the Valley floor. Ms. Phillips concurred that this is a vital component. Mr. Clark said that "educational opportunities"need to be referenced in the "Vision." Mr. Clark and Mr. Harris spoke about the need to expand the Public marketplace as a central area where people can converge. Mr. Harris cited Seattle's Pikes Place Market as an example. Ms. Orr commented that if a special January meeting date is scheduled, it will be announced later. ADDED ITEM: D.O.E. GRANT FOR KENT SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM - (Kevin O'Neill) Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill said that the Planning department applied for a grant from the State Department of Ecology in February 1997 to update the Shoreline Master Program(SMP). Mr. O'Neill explained that it is necessary to update the SMP due to regulatory reform changes in Washington State Law adopted by State Legislature in 1995. Mr. O'Neill commented that the Department of Ecology has been rewriting the Washington Administrative Code. Mr. O'Neill also explained that an update is necessary since the City of Kent has annexed portions of the Green River and Lake Meridian, which are not part of the City's existing Shoreline Master Program. Mr. O'Neill stated the City has used Shoreline Master Program Grant from Dept of Ecology Downtown Strategic Action Plan r City Council Planning Committee Minutes December 9, 1997 Page 6 SKing County's master program on an interim basis since no local regulations exist in Kent's program. Mr. O'Neill said that the Department of Ecology (DOE) has approved Kent's grant request. Mr. O'Neill said that the DOE has given the City $23,000 and the City of Kent is matching this amount with$27,000, for a total of$50,000. A Grant Agreement prepared jointly by the DOE and the City of Kent is currently under review with the City Attorney's office. Mr. O'Neill said Planning staff is requesting a recommendation from the Planning Committee to the City Council authorizing the Mayor to sign the grant agreement with the DOE, pending review by the City Attorney's office and approval of the 1998 budget. Committee member Tim Clark said the Shoreline Master Plan addresses shoreline inventories designations and development regulations. He asked Mr. O'Neill if the City of Kent was proposing a new master plan. Mr. O'Neill explained that the existing master program contains goals and policies, and a set of development regulations relating to the Green River. With the annexation of the Lake Meridian area, new goals and policies, and development regulations appropriate to residential lake front areas are needed. Tim Clark asked Mr. O'Neill if the City should be following the same guidelines as the County concerning the Growth Management Act(GMA). Mr. O'Neill commented that the City could follow the County's guidelines on land use and zoning regulations but not from a shoreline regulation • perspective. Mr. O'Neill explained that many regulations ultimately adopted by the City of Kent will be similar to King County's regulations. Mr. O'Neill said that community involvement will be an integral part of the regulation change process. Tim Clark commented that eventually the Soos Creek area will become part of Kent's boundary area. Mr. O'Neill said that Soos Creek would not be considered a shoreline of statewide significance. Tim Clark MOVED and Leona Orr SECONDED a motion to recommend to City Council that the Mayor be given the authority to sign the grant agreement with the DOE, pending review by the City Attorney's office and pending final approval of the 1998 budget by the City Council. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. • Downtown Strategic Action Plan- Central Core District West Frame District Rail Station Proposals Vision:Growing a Home Town