HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/15/1997 CITY OF • Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES April 15, 1997 Planning Committee Members Present: City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Jon Johnson Other Planning Staff Jason L. Cooper, JLC Consulting Jim Harris, Planning Director Eric Wells, Polygon NW Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Gary Young, Polygon NW Carolyn Sundvall, Human Services Planner Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary • APPLICATION FOR OPEN SPACE TAXATION - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris stated this public hearing should be continued to the regularly scheduled May 20th Planning Committee meeting. Mr. Harris explained that due to an unfortunate clerical error the applicant was not given sufficient notice to make arrangements to be at today's meeting. He explained that the applicant agreed to the May 20th meeting date and the Committee concurred with the continuation. 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING LEVELS- (C. Sundvall) Human Services Planner Carolyn Sundvall explained that the City of Kent is a member of the King County Consortion that receives the federally funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. She explained that the estimated 1998 CDBG funding for the City of Kent is $515,970. This figure is based on the national congressional budget and the number of low and moderate income people residing in the City of Kent. This figure is subject to change. Ms. Sundvall explained that the CDBG funds are distributed in three categories. She explained that the ceiling for Planning and Administration is$67,170 and the ceiling is$71,342 for Public(human) Services. The remaining $377,458 is designated for capital projects. Ms. Sundvall explained that staff is recommending that the Planning Committee recommend that the City Council take the following action. 1. Accept the 1998 pass-through funds. 2. Allocate the City's maximum available of 1998 CDBG funds for Public (Human) Services ($71,342). 1 220 4th AVE.SO. I KENT WASHINGTON 98032 5895/TELEPHONE (20W59-33001 FAX#859-3334 City Council Planning Committee Minutes April 15, 1997 3. Allocate the City's maximum available of 1998 CDBG funds for Planning and Administration($67,170). 4. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its May 6, 1997 meeting and authorize the Mayor to sign the County form indicating the City's desire for distribution of 1998 funds. Committee member Jon Johnson MOVED and Committee member Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to accept staffs recommendation as outlined above. Motion carried. AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE - (K. O'Neill) Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill explained that the City received a request for a regulatory review to amend the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance from Polygon Northwest. Mr. O'Neill explained that currently the City does not allow PUD developments in single family zones. Mr. O'Neill explained that Polygon is requesting amending the Ordinance to allow PUD's in single family zones when the area being developed is 100 acres or greater, allow attached units, and allow for flexibility in phasing development. He explained that requiring a minimum of a 100 acre site will restrict the application of the amendment. He explained that it is the Committee's responsibility to determine whether the regulatory review presented today merits further consideration. He stated that if this item has merit it would be the Committee's decision to forward this item to the Land Use and Planning Board for a public hearing. Eric Wells, 4030 Lake Washington Boulevard NE #201, Kirkland, WA 98033. Polygon Northwest representative Eric Wells stated that there are few areas remaining within the City that are 100 acre sites that could be developed. He explained that Polygon's intent is to utilize the change to create a development that is very similar to the Lakes project. Planning Director Jim Harris stated that the Meridian Valley Country Club is a PUD development that is approximately 200 acres in size. He explained that the Country Club is part of the Meridian Valley Annexation and would become a legal non-conforming use without this amendment to the PUD Ordinance. Mr. Harris also explained that there are few single family sites remaining that are 100 acres or greater. Committee member Tim Clark questioned whether allowing these amendments would keep the basic integrity of the single family zone. Mr. Harris explained that staff will inquire into these issues when considering the specific rules and regulations to allow a broader use. i 2 City Council Planning Committee Minutes • April 15, 1997 Mr. O'Neill explained that the site in question is currently zoned three units per acre and is designated for three units per acre in the Comprehensive Plan. He explained that in terms of traffic impacts and other impacts the overall build out on this site would be consistent with what is envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Wells explained that the site being considered for development has sensitive areas which limit the development of certain areas. He stated that the amendment would allow the site to be better developed as a"master"plan and allow for more open space. Gary Young,4030 Lake Washington Boulevard NE,#201,Kirkland,WA 98033. Polygon NW President Gary Young expressed his appreciation for having an opportunity to make this recommendation to staff. He stated that he is looking forward to working with staff in proceeding further. Committee member Tim Clark MOVED and Committee member Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to forward this item to the Land Use and Planning Board for their consideration. Motion carried. • ADDED ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. 3