HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/21/1997 (3) AL T CITY OF 1 • Jim White, Mayor �72 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES January 21, 1997 Planning Committee Members Present: City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Tim Clark Jon Johnson Other Planning Staff Gary Volchok Jim Harris, Planning Director John Torrance Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Matt Jackson, GIS Coordinator/Planner Margaret Porter, Administrative Assistant III Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR REGULATIONS (F. Satterstrom) • Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the regulatory review process is set up to give citizens an opportunity to request an amendment to City regulations. Gary Volchok representing the Benaroya Company has requested the City to consider amending the Green River Corridor Special Interest District Regulations. Mr. Satterstrom explained that the action requested today is for the Planning Committee to decide whether to refer this item to the Land Use and Planning Board for their consideration. Gary Volehok, 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700,Seattle,WA 98101. Mr. Volchok explained that he is representing the Benaroya Company who is trying to acquire the property and build about 650,000 square feet of warehouses on the property. Mr. Volchok explained that he had personally participated in the Valley Studies which established these regulations. The reasons for establishing the Green River Corridor regulations were based on speculations that never came true. The City owns 282 acres of which 259 acres are developed into a flood storage and wetland enhancement area. He explained that only one building in Benaroya's plan would be effected by these regulations. The Benaroya Company would leave all the wetlands in place and extend 228th. The development will look similar to the Van Doren's Landing and will be called Van Doren's West. Mr. Volchok presented the Committee with pictures of Van Doren's Landing and a rendering of what the . buildings would look like when looking from the south to north. Volchok stated that Benarova is planning to put very large trees in immediately. 220 4th AVE.SO., 1 KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300I FAX#859-3334 City Council Planning Committee Minutes . January 21, 1997 Page 2 Planning Director Jim Harris explained that the current ordinance does not allow buildings of 200' in length along the river. This request would modify the code to allow buildings longer than 200'. Mr. Harris explained that the City is basically built out along the river and there are not many existing buildings along the river as previously anticipated. Volchok commented that all of the buildings are outside the 200' setback from the river. Mr. Harris stated that this would meet the Shoreline Master Program requirements. Mr. Harris stated that the Valley Studies did its job because you do not see the encroachment on the river in Kent as you do in Tukwila or Auburn. We have come to one isolated area that is effected by these regulations and only one building effected. Committee member Tim Clark MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to send this item to the Land Use and Planning Board. Motion carried. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the Land Use and Planning Board would consider this item at the January 27th Workshop at 7:00 p.m. • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT - SCHOOL IMPACT FEES (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris stated that the Planning Department has reviewed this report. The Chamber of Commerce Task Force made three recommendations regarding school impact fees. The first recommendation was to set up a process to collect school impact fees upon completion of construction before allowing occupancy. Mr. Harris stated that Building Official Bob Hutchinson • has written a memo regarding issues in complying with this recommendation. The second recommendation was to modify the parking requirements based on use. Mr. Harris explained that the Planning Department will be reviewing portions of the zoning code this year for possible revisions. The school parking requirements could be considered at that time. The third recommendation was to encourage the City to modify code requirements for schools to amend standards that are feasible in order to reduce costs. The task force gave an example of school sites with substantial open space to explore reducing drainage requirements by introducing more creative storm detention methods. Mr. Harris stated that the Public Works Department could review this item. Chair Orr questioned whether it would be better for some of these items to go to other Committees. Mr.Harris stated that the third item should go to the Public Works Committee and the first two items would be for the Planning Committee to consider. City Council Planning Committee Minutes • January 21, 1997 Page 3 Mr. Harris discussed the comment in the report stating that school impact fees should be eliminated or significantly reduced. He explained that the sunset Ordinance for school impact fees will expire in April. He requested that the Committee continue this item to the February meeting for action. Committee member Tim Clark commented that he has a hesitation regarding the second item. He explained an experience when he attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting at Neely O'Brien Elementary. The school could not be utilized if the parking had not been available. Harris discussed the issue regarding parking for community meetings at Martin Sortun or George Daniel Elementary when every parking spot was taken. He stated that the Planning Department will be looking at this issue very carefully. Chair Leona Orr stated that she drives by Daniel Elementary and the cars are parked illegally on the street in no parking zones on a daily basis. She explained that there isn't enough space for parents picking up or dropping off let alone space for special event or community parking. Orr commented that Neely O'Brien may have an abundance of space but Daniel has insufficient parking available. • Mr. Harris questioned whether the Committee would like this item brought back to the February meeting for action. Chair Orr explained that she felt that these fees were not going to be eliminated but the Task Force is trying to review some issues that we can have an effect on. Orr asked Clark to schedule the third recommendation for the Public Works Committee to review and to keep the Planning Committee informed on this item. Clark agreed. City Attorney Roger Lubovich explained that the school impact fees will expire the first of April and will have to be renewed by the Council. He explained that a decision would need to made by the beginning of March whether these fees would continue or not. Mr. Harris stated that these items will be brought back in February. Clark commented that both the school districts should be notified of any hearing that would effect them. SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING (L. Orr) Chair Leona Orr questioned whether the Committee members would be available on February 4th for a special Planning Committee meeting to discuss Mixed Use Zoning. Committee member Jon Johnson stated that he should be available. Administrative Assistant stated that she was able to schedule the Planning Department Conference Room. Committee member Tim Clark remarked that City Council Planning Committee Minutes January 21, 1997 Page 4 he should be available but was hesitant to confirm the date. Orr stated that the meeting would be set tentatively for February 4th and later confirm the date. Clark and Johnson concurred. ANNEXATION POLICY (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris identified the area designated as the City's Potential Annexation Area (PAA)and explained that the total area is approximately 36 square miles. He identified three current annexations in progress within the PAA. The Meridian Valley and the Green River annexations have completed their 10%petitions and are awaiting the 60%petition. The Del Mar annexation has not yet completed the 10%petition however, Mr. Harris believes that the Del Mar will be the first annexation completed. He explained that after these three annexations are complete there will be about six square miles left in the PAA. Mr. Harris explained that the annexations would continue to be initiated by citizens. The City will facilitate to put citizens in contact with each other regarding potential annexations. Harris believes the rest of the PAA will be annexed within the next ten years with only six square miles left to annex. He stated that the Kent Ridge HS and the Panther Lake area is already looking into annexing into the City. Mr. Harris suggested leaving off any reference to dates. He explained that if the City was unable to afford the annexation then it should not be accepted into the City. Mr. Harris stated that there is only one commercial component left. The best way to help support the increase in residential expenses from an annexation is to include commercial property in the annexation. Mr. Harris explained that the three annexations in progress at this time is about all the staff can handle at one time. He explained that we do not have to limit the annexations to one at a time instead allow for a policy that could put one on hold until other annexations are well in hand. Harris explained that all areas should have an equal priority to annex into the City. Mr. Harris stated that revenues need to balance out in an annexation. The Council's policy is that high service that we provide should not be diminished because we bring in new areas and that the new areas should receive the same level of high service as the existing City has. Harris stated that this worked very well for the Meridian Annexation area. The City should look closely as to whether we can afford to pay for the new police and fire services that would be needed in the new annexed area. Mr. Harris explained that the policy could state that the preferred method of annexation is through the property owner petition method; however, the election method my be used from time to time when it is in the City's and the citizen's best interest. He mentioned the islands on west hill could possibly be an area to annex through an election. City Council Planning Committee Minutes ' January 21, 1997 Page 5 Committee member Tim Clark commented that their was a concern on the part of some Council members that in the presentation to Meridian Valley the Mayor was somewhat expansive about the role the City could play on solving a number of their problems and it made it appear that we are in a hurry for them to come in. The assertiveness of the stated policy seemed to imply that the City is rushing out to add in significant numbers. Clark stated that it is not his position to lean on citizens to annex. It is inappropriate to give the impression that we are trying to add on as much as we could. Mr. Harris commented that Meridian Valley was so eager to annex in the beginning. Clark commented that he observed some people in that area generating a false impression about what the potential was and what the City could do about it. Harris explained that one of the annexation policies is for City to do a fiscal impact analysis and present the findings to the Council. The fiscal analysis could be used to determine whether or not it is feasible to annex an area into the City. He explained that citizens in the Meridian Annexation expected a lot from the City and the City came through. Mr. Harris stated that he will bring back a revised document for the February meeting. Chair Orr questioned whether Fred was able to find out the accuracy of the cost analysis for the Meridian Annexation. Hams stated that the original numbers were inaccurate and that he will have the revised numbers with the new document. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:52 p.m. UADOCIPCOMWINUTESTCO 1-21.MIN