HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/21/1997 Y � , - - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Jim White, Mayor JANUARY 21, 1997 THE CITY CO UNct- PLAN11tING COMMITTEE IS HOLDING A°MEETING ON JANUARY 21, 1997AT 4.00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS EAST ROOM OF KENT CITY HALL AT 220 S. FOURTH AVENUE. Committee Members Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Tim Clark- AGENDA I. Annexation Policy - Q. Harris) POTENTIAL ACTION ITKNI - 15 Minutes 2. Regulatory Review - Green River ACTION ITEM - 10 Minutes Corridor Regulations - (F. Satterstrom) 3. Regulatory Review - CM-1 Zoning ACTION ITEM - 10 Minutes District permitted use change - (F. Satterstrom) 4. Chambers Task Force Report - INFORMATION ITEM - 15 Minutes School Impact Fees - (J. Harris) 5. Special Planning Committee meeting ACTION ITEM - 5 Minutes on February 4th (Mixed Use Zoning) Added Items: •ANY PERSON REQUIRING A DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY IN ADVANCE FOR MORE INFORMATION. FOR TAD RELAY SERVICE, CALL 1-800-635-9993 OR THE CITY OF KENT AT (206)813-2068. mp:c:pc012197.agn 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINGCON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONR l206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 CITY OF " Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX (206) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director Jim White, Mayor MEMORANDUM January 21, 1997 MEMO TO: LEONA ORR, CHAIR AND CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: JIM HARRIS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ANNEXATION POLICY The following comments are in response to Councilmember Jon Johnson's remarks concerning the proposed Annexation Policy. Jon Johnson's comments and staff responses COMMENT: What is meant by "active" role? My feeling is that the city should play a passive role until citizens contact the city interested in annexation. STAFF RESPONSE: An active role means that, once citizens come forward with an annexation proposal, staff will help them move through the 10% petition collection phase and the 60% petition phase, much as we did in the Meridian annexation area. This has not always been the case. The City will not initiate an annexation. COMMENT: "Also this is to be accomplished by the year 2007 which is in conflict with Potential Annexation Area Plans on page 3 that states 'The City's Potential Annexation Area boundary, which includes the area the city is expected to annex within the next 20 years. STAFF RESPONSE: Actually the 20 year statement does not mean that the City needs to wait 20 years to annex the remainder of the PAA, but that all of the PAA will be annexed within 20 years. Perhaps seven years is too early to annex the remainder of the PAA. However, there are only approximately nine square miles left in the PAA. Three annexation efforts are currently underway: Meridian Valley containing .81 square miles; Del Mar containing .90 acres; Green River containing .92 square miles. These three annexations total 2.63 square 1 220 4th AVE.SO., I KENT WASHINGTON 98032 5895/TELEPHONE 11061859-3300/FAX N 859-3334 i Annexation Policy January 21, 1997 miles and along with the existing City's square miles, leaves approximately 6.37 square miles remaining in the PAA. It appears that at the rate that citizens are coming forward with annexation requests, that a significant remainder of the PAA may well be annexed at least in the next ten years. COMMENT: "... we cannot afford to annex the remainder of our Potential Annexation Area in seven years." STAFF RESPONSE: The report emphasizes the fact that the City should not annex unless we can afford to and that high levels of service are maintained in both the newly annexed areas as well as in the existing City. COMMENT: The following comments are Jon Johnson's concerns related to the proposed policies contained on pages 7 and 8 of the report. Policy 1, "As stated above I feel that over the next 20 years is much more realistic. Just as important, annexation doesn't have to occur if the city can't afford it. STAFF RESPONSE: Perhaps Policy 1 can be reworded to say that the City intends to annex all of its PAA within the next 20 years. This would be consistent with the statement on page 3 which states, "The City's Potential Annexation Area boundary, which includes the area the city is expected to annex within the next 20 years." COMMENT: Policy 2, "I disagree. To pursue vigorous or an aggressive annexation policy would be counterproductive and potentially could result in ill will toward citizens. It would also make the City be like a bully by forcing citizens to annex." STAFF RESPONSE: This policy could be reworded to state that the City shall actively assist citizens who have • shown an interest in annexing to the City. This would include helping them set up annexation information meetings; preparing brochures about Kent's services. 2 { Annexation Policy January 21, 1997 COMMENT: Policy 3, "I don't understand what is meant by 'paced'." STAFF RESPONSE: The word "paced" means that we are not attempting too many annexations at the same time. For instance, if we are annexing Meridian Valley and Del Mar at the same time, how can we deal with an annexation such as the area near Kent Ridge High School at the same time. We can't and we should be in the position of telling the Kent Ridge folks that we are not ready to entertain an annexation petition from them until we have the other annexations well in hand. Thus, the word paced. COMMENT: Policy 4, "Let's keep our options open rather than limiting annexations to one at a time. I would also delete the last sentence of#4 as having a 'lag' between annexations is vague and undefined." STAFF RESPONSE: This policy could be reworded to state that, "All areas of the PAA shall have an equal priority for annexing to the City." COMMENT: Policy 5, "Once again I feel we should be passive. Also, it is going to take considerable staff time and resources to identify these citizens. Our resources would be much better used if this is done after we have accepted the 10% petition." STAFF RESPONSE: This policy doesn't mean that the City will scour neighborhoods to find persons who might want to annex to the City. It does mean that as persons call the City about potential annexations, we place their names in a file and when an interest is shown for an annexation in their neighborhood we will pull their name out and contact them. Case in point: The Del Mar annexation; we have names of persons interested in annexing that area; we have contacted them; they have given us a set of questions that might be asked at the community meeting that will be held to describe the City's services if Del Mar annexes. COMMENT: Policy 10, Mr. Johnson states, "I strongly disagree. While I can see the concern of revenue vs. expenditure, we have the right to simply say no. Keep our options open." 3 Annexation Policy • January 21, 1997 STAFF RESPONSE: This policy is one of the most important in the Annexation Policy document. The old way of annexing to Kent was to do small piecemeal annexations without any consideration as to their cost to the City. This policy merely says that annexations should pay their own way which is another way of saying that annexations should not diminish already existing City services by not carrying their own financial load. That is why it is important that the City does not do piecemeal residential annexations without a commercial component since residential annexations generally do not pay their own way. It would not pay for the City to annex the residential areas around Kentridge High School without also bringing in the Commercial area located at the intersection of S.E. 208th Street and 108th Avenue S.E. However, if it can be shown that a residential annexation will pay its own way and will not diminish levels of service, then the Council should give strong consideration to annexing such an area. COMMENT: Policy 14, "I would generally agree, there may be a time however, that the election method would be in our best interest. Be flexible." STAFF RESPONSE: This policy can be changed to read, The preferred method of annexation is through the property owner petition method. However, the election method may be, from time to time, in the City's and citizen's best interest. COMMENT: Policy 15, "This could be deleted as it has already been stated." STAFF RESPONSE: Yes, this policy can be deleted. jph:a:annexpl. 4