HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/16/1996 (3) CITY OF J V\Lr! V r.I Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES January 16, 1996 Planning_Committee Members Present: City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Jon Johnson Other City Staff Kristen Langler, PW Planning Staff Norm Angelo, Fire Chief Jim Harris, Planning Director Mary Berg, Asst Fire Chief Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Cliff Craig, Finance Linda Phillips, Planner Barbara Ekstrom, Finance Margaret Porter, Administrative Assistant Gary Gill, PW Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary Ed White PW Other Rodger Anderson, Seattle King County Association of Realtors Geri Walker, Federal Way School District • Daniel Moberly, Kent School District Fred High, Kent School District Dan Flynn, Master Builders Association Grace Yuan, Preston, Gates, &Ellis Gary Young, Polygon NW Dan Swallow SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER& ZERO LOT LINE DEVELOPMENT ZONING CODE& SUBDIVISION CODE AMENDMENT #ZCA-95-2/#SCA-95-1 (L. Phillips) Planner Linda Phillips outlined the pending issues regarding the Single Family Residential Cluster &Zero Lot Line Development Zoning Code and Subdivision Code Amendments. The departments that are involved in resolving these issues are Fire, Public Works and Planning. The following is an outline of those issues discussed. Preservation of Open Space - The preservation of open space becomes more important as Kent continues to grow. The City will be tasked with managing the open space which is an important issue for preserving the quality of life and saving natural resources. • #ZCA-95-2/SCA-95-1 Single Family Residential Cluster&Zero Lot Line Development Zoning& Subdivision Code Amendments 2 Ath AVE,.SO., /KENT,WASHING TON 980325895/TELEPHONE '206)859-3300/PAX#S59-3334 Planning Committee Minutes January 16, 1996 Page 2 Affordabilily - Sixty percent (60%) of Kent's current population is under the age of 35. Median income increased from$20,407 in 1980 to $32,341 in 1990(a 58%increase), where housing prices increased 100% from 1980 to 1990. The need for affordable housing continues to be important. Impervious Surface Coverage- The City is concerned with impervious surface coverage and the ill effects relating to water quality in both aquifers and above ground water sources. Kent is projecting about 20,000 future households and as this growth continues the impervious surface concerns become more important. Fire and Traffic Safety - There are concerns regarding what the minimum safe and viable street widths are specifically for Kent. The question was asked whether narrow streets would allow enough maneuvering and visibility in Kent. Parkins- The following issues were discussed: • Enforcing restricted parking and no parking areas • Providing guest parking on a common lot to reduce street parking • Curbs - standard vs. rolled(possiblity of sidewalk parking) • Sidewalks -mandated? • Connecting streets vs. dead end streets. • Kristen Langley from the Public Works department explained the three types of residential streets in the City of Kent. 1. The typical residential collector street is a three lane facility that is 36 feet wide from curb to curb with sidewalks on both sides of the street and no on- street parking. 2. The standard residential street is a 32 foot wide curb to curb roadway with sidewalks on both sides of the street,on street parking provided on both sides of the street which allows for approximately 16 feet for two way access per vehicle. The right of way is typically 49 or 50 feet. 3. The minor plat residential street is 28 feet from curb to curb. It allows on- street parking on both sides of the street;there is only enough width for travel in one direction by one vehicle at a time. When vehicles are heading in the opposite direction one would have to pull over to allow the other to pass. This street is designed around the ability of a fire truck to enter local access streets with on street parking still occurring on both sides of the roadway. The minor plat residential street is only allowed in single subdivision properties with nine lots or less. #ZCA-95-2/SCA-95-1 Single Family Residential Cluster&Zero Lot Line Development Zoning& Subdivision Code Amendments Planning Committee Minutes January 16, 1996 Page 3 Committee member Tim Clark questioned whether those street standards would still allow for the City to become more bicycle friendly. Ms. Langley explained that bicycle lanes are not being planned for the small local access residential streets. Assistant Fire Chief Mary Berg presented a video tape demonstration of maneuvering a fire truck and engine with reduced street widths. The video depicted different scenarios to include parking on both sides of the streets and curved roadways. The video demonstrated the close proximity of reduced street standards and the difficulty the fire trucks had in maneuvering. The fire fighters also demonstrated the difficulty they would have trying to get to their equipment and the inability to lower the outriggers in order to use the ladder for second story buildings. Fire Chief Norm Angelo stated that the major problem with restricting no parking is enforcement. He explained that it is too late to enforce no parking at a time of emergency. Committee member Johnson commented that sidewalks should be required especially near schools. Chair Orr added that sidewalks should be required in the multi-family developments. #CPA-96-1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE KFNT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCORPORATE THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN OF THE KENT & FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICTS (L. Evezich) • Kent School District representative Fred High requested that the Committee consider the next step involved in implementing the school impact fees-adopting the school district's capital facilities plan into the Comprehensive plan. Mr. High presented elements of the Kent School District's capital facilities plan. The Kent school district is currently constructing a new elementary,junior and senior high school. As Kent continues to grow, more schools will be needed. Mr. High presented the Committee with specific multi-family data regarding student generation and apartment size. Ms. Geri Walker from the Federal Way school district requested the Committee consider adopting the Federal Way Capital Facilities Plan into the Kent Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Walker explained the continuing growth patterns expected for the Federal Way school districts. At this time the Federal Way school district is not constructing any new schools; however, they are looking toward modernization of six existing schools in order to increase the capacities. Chair Orr questioned the next step involved in implementing the school impact fees. Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich explained that the next step would be to amend the Capital Facilities element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way school districts and to establish a fee schedule. This issue was forwarded to the Land Use & Planning Board for a public hearing on January 30, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. • #ZCA-95-2/SCA-95-1 Single Family Residential Cluster&Zero Lot Line Development Zoning&Subdivision Code Amendments Planning Committee Minutes January 16, 1996 Page 4 AMENDMENT TO KENT'S SEPA ORDINANCE - (J. Harris) Planning Director James Harris requested that the Section 11.03.510 Kent City Code be updated to reflect changes in the reference documents. Mr. Harris explained that in order to condition the SEPA checklist the City has to reference the 26 documents that are indicated in the Kent City Code. Mr. Harris explained that he would need to work with other City departments to reference the most current documents in the SEPA process. Mr. Harris would like the Code to reference the most current documents available at this time but also include verbiage that would change to include updated and amended reference documents as they are amended. Mr. Harris requested to bring this issue to the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Committee (February 20, 1996). Gary Young,Polygon addressed the presentation made by Mr.High. Mr. Young was concerned that Mr. High's presentation addressed only apartments in his study. Mr. Young explained that it was his experience that condominiums generated less students than apartments. He requested that the Committee look atthe difference in student generation numbers between individually owned condominiums and leased apartments. • ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. C:\USERS\DOC\PCOM\MINUTES\PCO 116.MIN #ZCA-95-2/SCA-95-1 Single Family Residential Cluster&Zero Lot Line Development Zoning&Subdivision Code Amendments