HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/21/1996 l ��ppjj CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTJAm White, Mayor u Q� Ma 1 Y 4: 0 PM Committee Members Present Other City Staff Leona Orr, Chair Other Guests Jon Johnson Tim Clark Rodger Anderson Dave Daniels Planning, Staff Kavia Jordan Elsy Rust Jim Harris Jim Rust Fred Satterstrom Kathy Larson Margaret Porter Sam Paffile Carolyn Sundvall Mike Rossotto Lin Houston City Attorney's Office Laurie Evezich • 1997 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING LEVELS - (C. Sundvall Planner Carolyn Sundvall explained the 1997 CDBG Funding Levels as indicated in the agenda packet. On April 2, 1996, the City Council elected to remain part of the King County Consortium and to receive pass-through funds. The 1997 estimate of $450,256 is approximately $13,706 more than the City received for its 1996 program. The estimate at this time is based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) proposed 1997 budget. The estimated amount may increase or decrease due to changes in the entitlement, program income and recaptured funds. Also, Carolyn stated that Local CDBG Program Strategies for 1996 - 1999, that form the basis for decisions pertaining to the allocation of CDBG funds in the City of Kent, were adopted by Council in 1995. There are no amendments to the strategies at this time. Staff requested that the following actions be approved: 1. Allocate the City's maximum available of 1997 CDBG funds for Public (Human) Services ($72,925). 2. Allocate the City's maximum available of 1997 CDBG funds for Planning and Administration ($63,933). 3. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its June 4, 1996 meeting. Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned three(3) actions. Motion carried. 220 4th AVE.SO., I KBNT,WASHINGTON 98032 895/TELP.PHOVE 206 859-33001 FAX N 8593334 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 21, 1996 PAGE 2 DISPOSITION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AUDIT CONDITION - (L. Houston) Human Services Manager Lin Houston explained the situation as indicated in the memo in the agenda packet. During the recent audit of the 1995 CDBG Program, the state auditor determined that we had an unallowable cost of$984 in our equipment rental costs for the home repair program. Through the 1995 Home Repair Program, the Planning Department used the 1995 CDBG funds to pay for the rental of a van which is used in the CDBG's home repair program. The portion of the monthly equipment rental charges which the auditor determined cannot be paid for with CDBG funds is the inflation component. The remainder of the costs are allowable charges to CDBG. Since King County is our grantor of these funds, the disposition of these unallowable charges is between King County and the City of Kent. We have been in communication with King County staff, and they have informed us that the $984 does have to be reimbursed to the CDBG fund. King County and staff have agreed this is the best method to resolve the situation and this will not financially impact the City. Staff has reviewed the programs funded with 1996 general fund human services dollars and has identified a project which is also CDBG-eligible. This is the Community Health Center's Health Services program. Staff requested that the following actions be approved: • 1. Authorize taking $984 of general fund dollars from the 1996 Community Health Center's Health Services Program, and cut a check for this amount to the King County CDBG fund. 2. Specify that this $984 check should be earmarked to Kent's 1996 CDBG pass-through allocation. 3. Specify that this $984 of additional 1996 pass-through dollars should be allocated back to the Community Health Center's CDBG Community Health Services Program. 4. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its June 4, 1996 meeting. Council member Tim Clark MOVED and Council member Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned four(4) actions. Motion carried. ISSUE REGARDING A REQUIRED FENCE - (L Orr.) Mr. Jim Rust, 8619 S. 218th Street, Kent, WA, stated he has a new neighbor who built a new warehouse. It was Mr. Rust's understanding that a fence was to be put up along their property lines. The fence has not been put up yet and he would like to know why. Mr. Rust stated the • warehouse is on 288th Place and Mr. Rust's pasture abuts the warehouse. Jim Harris, the Planning Director, said the Planning Department would research the record and determine what _, is suppose to happen there. The Committee and staff will report back to Mr. Rust. If this item CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 21, 1996 PAGE 3 is better to be handled at the Public Works Committee, we will get this item to the proper Committee to be dealt with. ADDED ITEMS: SOUTH KING COUNTY HOUSING FORUM - PRESENTATION BY MICHAEL ROSSOTTO Lin Houston introduced, Mr. Michael Rossotto, the South King County Housing Forum Coordinator, 107 Pine Street, Seattle, WA 98101, who came to give an update to the Committee about affordable housing. In April of last year, the Kent City Council made a motion for the City to participate with other south county cities in exploring a mechanism for addressing affordable housing and explore some options for affordable housing. Since the last presentation, Mr. Rossotto said they have been working on putting together a package that could be presented to communities to show options on how communities can work together on affordable housing throughout the south county. In this process, there have been ongoing meetings and a Regional Cooperation group have been addressing what kinds of issues are really pertinent to the local communities such as resources, time, and staffing. • He presented an up-to-date slide show with current statistics about housing. Mr. Rossotto passed out a briefing packet which included a draft resolution; a question and answer sheet called A Regional Housing Entity for South King County, which states the overall Goal; a summary sheet providing the following information: Mission statement, a list of Task Forces, a Focus on Housing that Works for South King County, History and Activities, and Funding; a reported called Housing that Works in South Kin County from the SKCHF dated August 1995; and a booklet entitled Housing Affordability in South King County A Fact Book prepared by the Seattle - King County Housing Consortium for the South King County Housing Forum dated October 1, 1994. Mr. Rossotto briefly went over the goal which is to "Obtain agreement from at least three South King County cities to sign an interlocal agreement forming a regional entity for low and moderate income housing in South King County by the end of 1996". The Forum is at a point in drafting language for a resolution for consideration by the Kent City Council for approval, which would basically authorize the City of Kent to work with other south King County cities to develop a draft interlocal agreement creating a regional mechanism to address South County housing needs and issues. Chair Orr stated that perhaps a City Council Workshop be set up in the next month or so to get the entire Council up to speed on this issue and move forward in finding a way to participate and getting this into the City's budget process. The Committee agreed that a Council Workshop needs to be set up (possibly July 2nd) and specifically Tim Clark requested that the history and background on this issue be presented at this Workshop. They would like Mike Rossotto to give a presentation to the full Council on this issue. Chair Orr stated she anticipates that after the CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 21, 1996 PAGE 4 Workshop the Council could take action in about month after at a Council meeting. Chair Orr thanked Mr. Rossotto for coming to the meeting and for his presentation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m. c:mp:pco52196.min •