HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/20/1996 CITY OF ��LSV� Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES August 20, 1996 Planning Committee Members Present:Present: Citv Attomev's Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Tim Clark Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Tom Brubaker Planning Staff Other City Staff Jim Harris, Planning Director Brent McFall, Chief of Staff Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Bill Wolinski, Public Works Matt Jackson, Planner Brian Swanberg, Code Enf. Carolyn Sundvall, Human Services Planner Margaret Porter, Administrative Assistant III Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary Other Rodger Anderson, Seattle King County Association of Realtors PROPOSED KENT "JUNK" ORDINANCE - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris noted that this issue was forwarded from the previous Planning Committee meeting. Code enforcement officer Brian Swanberg explained that the draft ordinance brought before the committee modifies the current code to comply with State statutes and to define "junk" vehicles. Kent City Attorney Roger Lubovich explained that when the original ordinance was developed Kent's code was within the State requirements; however, the State has since relaxed "junk" regulations. The State has eliminated the requirement that a junk vehicle must be without a current registration to be classified as a"junk" vehicle. The State also required a "junk" vehicle to meet four additional conditions. The State has since relaxed that requirement; a"junk"vehicle now only needs to meet three of the four requirements. Mr. Lubovich again explained that the draft Ordinance presented would amend Kent's code to meet the current State statutes, and clean up the language of said ordinance. Committee member Tim Clark questioned whether the requested amendments would make the code more difficult to enforce. Mr. Swanberg explained that the changes would actually make it easier to classify "junk" vehicles and therefore make it easier to enforce. 120 4th AVE SO !KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 City Council Planning Committee Minutes August 20, 1996 Page 2 • Clark also questioned if there had been any difficulty in identifying the vehicle owners. Code Enforcement Officer Swanberg indicated that identifying an owner can be impossible; as in an example when a VIN#has been removed. Mr. Lubovich explained that the State regulations allow for a vehicle to be disposed of if the legal owner is unable to be identified (as in the instance of a removed VIN#, etc.). Chair Leona Orr requested a cost break down of the expense the City would incur to enforce the "junk" ordinance prior to the Committee's recommendation for final action. Planning Director Jim Harris questioned whether this item should be brought back to the next meeting and Chair Orr confirmed this item should be forwarded to the next Planning Committee meeting for action. 1997 - 1999 HOME INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - (C. Sundvall) Human Services Planner Carolyn Sundvall explained that the current three year HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (ICA) expires at the end of 1996. Ms. Sundvall explained that the only major change from the current agreement is the inclusion of the Federally funded McKinney Homeless Assistance Program. Previously the McKinney funds were allocated directly to agencies; this change would allow the funds to be allocated through the HOME Consortium. • Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Recommend the approval of the 1997-1999 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. 2. Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at the September 3, 1996 meeting,with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1997-1999 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Committee member Clark asked for clarification as to the length of the HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Sundvall explained that it is a three year agreement with an annual review for funds. Committee member Jon Johnson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two (2) actions. Motion carried. 1997-1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT (C. Sundvall) Human Services Planner Carolyn Sundvall explained that the current CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement expires at the end of 1996. Ms. Sundvall reviewed the two major changes in the new ICA, which were outlined in the staff report memo dated August 20, 1996. Staff recommended the Planning Committee take the following action: • 1. Recommend approval of the 1997 - 1999 Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. `- City Council Planning Committee Minutes August 20, 1996 Page 3 • 2. Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at the September 3, 1996 meeting,with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1997 - 1999 CDBG Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. Committee member Clark MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two (2) actions. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF THE MANUFACTURING AND R&D TAX EXEMPTION - (L. Orr) Chair Leona Orr discussed the issue regarding taxes that the City of Kent and other cities lose as a direct result of the manufacturing and R&D tax exemptions given by the State. The State is in the process of looking at ways in which to modify the Growth Management Act and is requesting feedback from cities. At this time the Growth Management Act is set up for cities to accept annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Chair Orr suggested that the City consider suggesting an amendment to the Growth Management Act that would limit modifications to the Comprehensive Plan to once every two or three years. The City spends a great deal of resources processing Comprehensive Plan Amendments on an annual basis. Orr stated that she has personally received numerous complaints from concerned citizens • regarding the unsettling issue that land use zoning designations could change from year to year. Planning Director Jim Harris suggested that this item be brought back to the next meeting for immediate action with a proposed recommendation from the City of Kent to the State for an amendment to the Growth Management Act allowing two or three years between Comprehensive Plan Amendments instead of the current annual amendment process. Chair Orr agreed to forward this item to the next meeting. The Committee continued to discuss related issues involving annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments with neighboring jurisdictions and potential annexation areas and the impact of both of these issues on Kent. The Committee questioned how the City can effectively plan for future growth when Kent has little or no control over the planning for the potential annexation areas. The Committee also discussed the specific issue regarding Kent's desire to preserve farmland in an area in south Kent. The farmland area directly south of the City limits currently in King County is being considered for commercial use. This land is in Kent's potential annexation area and would one day become a part of Kent. The committee discussed concerns regarding the County's consideration of amending the land use designations to allow industrial uses in an area historically preserved for agriculture. Committee member Tim Clark MOVED to recommend to the full council (at that evening's City Council meeting) to direct the Mayor to write a letter directly to King County that illustrates the • concerns discussed by the Committee. These issues include the County's ability to make changes in zoning designations in potential annexation areas without regard to the Kent's future plans and • City Council Planning Committee Minutes August 20, 1996 Page 4 • the process that lacks communication between neighboring jurisdictions. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Jon Johnson. Motion carried. Added Item: #ZCA-96-4 STREAM BUFFER REQUIREMENTS - (B. Wolinski/M. Jackson) The City is acting under a moratorium with regard to stream setback requirements within the Meridian Annexation area. The moratorium will expire on October 1, 1996. Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker explained that the Stream Buffer Ordinance must be approved by the second meeting in September. Otherwise,the Interim Stream Buffer Ordinance will need to be extended at that time. The Committee decided to bring this item back on September 3, 1996 for action. Committee member Clark requested that staff provide two separate map formats: i.e. one map illustrating the entire Soos Creek Basin and the other specific to the portions within the City limits. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. • U:1DOCTCOMWINUTESTC00820.MIN August 20,- 1996 • PUBLIC WORKS Department to correct that situation, and furthermore to authorize funding of the same estimated at roughly $50, 000 from the Miscel- laneous Drainage Improvement Fund. Woods seconded. Motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) 100th Avenue S.E. Overlay Between S.E. 240th and S.E. 229th. Bid opening was held on August 14, 1996, with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Lakeside Industries in the amount of $199, 305. 00. The Engineer's estimate was $220, 060. 00. The Public Works Director recom- mends that the contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount. Upon the Mayor's question, Wickstrom explained that the road has deteriorated and that school children use it to get to East Hill Elementary. He added that it will be widened more than normal on the east side. He noted for Clark that the shoulder will be striped. Mayor White pointed out that this addresses concerns of the school . principal as well as citizens. CLARK THEN MOVED that the 100th Avenue S.E. Overlay (S.E. 240th Street to S.E. 229th Street) contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount of $199, 305. 00. Woods seconded and the motion carried. LAND USE F(ADDED USINESS - ITEM 4B) Y COUNCILMEMBER ORR) nty Action - Land South of Rent. Orr at at their meeting today, the Planning e unanimously recommended bringing the following proposal to the Council at this time. SHE MOVED that the Mayor communicate the Council's and citizen's concerns over the County's proposed Comprehensive Plan change in. land use in this area from agricultural use to industrial use south of Kent along S. Central I Avenue south to the Green River, and further that f the County coordinate such a proposed change with the City of Kent in the future. Woods seconded. [ r i Orr explained that one of the County Council committees has recommended a change which is in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and • that the City has not been involved in the ! I process. She said the Planning Committee wants 1 to ensure that the City has an opportunity to 5 • August 20, 1996 LAND USE provide input before the change is madjShe noted that the area is currently in th annexation area. Clark expressed frustration that monthspent developing the Growth Managementcitizens provided input on and agreed to have King County completely ignore actions. Orr' s motion then carried. POLICE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) ' (ADDED BY CITY ATTORNEY LUBOVICH) Public Safety Grant. Police Chief Crawford discussed a grant from the Department of Community Trade & Economic Development for Law Enforcement Agencies, noting that it has to do with the Youth Conference sponsored through the Drinking Driver Task Force. He explained that $14, 500 of the grant will go towards that con- ference and that $6, 500 will go towards overtime pay for extra DARE officers. BENNETT MOVED to • approve the Law Enforcement Education Partnership Program Grant Agreement for the amount of $21, 317 . Woods seconded. Clark explained that this item was presented at the Public Safety Committee meeting today, and commended Chief Crawford for his efforts in finding sources to continue the education process. The motion then carried. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Boeing Recycling Donation. ACCEPTANCE of a donation to the Special Populations Program from Boeing Employees Recycling Program in the amount of $3 , 354 . 00 to be used for uniforms. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Regional Justice Center/Kent Municipal Parking Fee Remuneration. ACCEPTANCE of and authoriza- tion to appropriate $27, 650. 00 to the Skate Park budget. On March 4 , 1996, Hensel Phelps Construction • agreed by contract to pay the City of Kent for parking at the municipal parking lot at the RJC site during construction. 6