HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/21/1996 (3) r CITY OFLS'J�� CITY COS-'NCIf, PLANNING COMN1: AGENDA Jim White, Mayor pet7Rv4C2RPds� MAY 211 1996 we �. I`,`It OLDING A MEETING ON M.AY 2?, r 9 96 AT-,01) P.-M. IN THE C('l'7, 'CI1 CHAMBERS FAST ROOM OF, KENT CITY HALL ,47 220 . f')URIBY .'f VENUE, t ommittee MkmberS Leona Carr, Chair Jon Johnson Tiril. Ci r'k T �iI.71- 1"ti��A. i to ` Corr De'-clopment Block Grant ACTION ITElV1 - ]a bla; Ilte ulluing 1,e:veis - (". Sundvall) sly siti+)r -oin)uon t_✓ Developrncnt Block ACTION ITEM - IS 4livvie" a Jl,' ,tired Feric • _ 0 Orr) INFOItTM�4ATI0 I'�"I'A1. - IS M;�lttt a rdrerl ;tent,;: o (+ �orc pU--,QURLVG A DISABILITY ACCONV.IODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE Cell' IN FOR 00R INIOR L�MON FOR TDD R;;I_HY SERVICE., CALL I-30i1-6. 4-4995 . ts, 11II: ' IIY" OF ILL tiI' AT ;20t." S.,4l,,8 al .c.:h;n2l *n 2204th AVE SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032 5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX k 859-3334 • CITY OF PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 Jim White, Mayor uL;C✓;_iF`�a+ MEMORANDUM May 21, 1996 TO: LEONA ORR, CHAIR, AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CAROLYN SUNDVALL, HUMAN SERVICES PLANNER SUBJECT: 1997 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING LEVELS Background The City of Kent has consistently qualified to receive annual "pass-through" funds for its Community Development Block Grant Program. On April 2, 1996 Council elected to remain as part of the King County Consortium and to receive pass-through funds. Recently the City received its estimate of pass-through funds for 1997 from King County. The estimate of $450,256 is approximately $13,706 more than the City received for its 1996 program. The estimate at this time is based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) proposed 1997 budget. The estimated amount may increase or decrease due to changes in the entitlement, program income and recaptured funds. Local CDBG Program Strategies for 1996 - 1999, that form the basis for decisions pertaining to the allocation of CDBG funds in the City of Kent, were adopted by Council in 1995. There are no amendments to the strategies at this time. The City Council needs to take two actions: 1. Public (Human) Services Funding The City can reserve the maximum of its fair share of public services dollars. If the City does not reserve the right to use this amount of funding for human services, another city can request the use of any unreserved ceilings. In order to retain the maximum flexibility in the use of its CDBG funds, and to continue in its present support for human services, the Planning Department recommends that the City of Kent notify the County that it wishes to reserve the maximum dollars for human services. The estimated 1997 CDBG funding amount for human services is $72,925. 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-33001 FAX#859-3334 1996 CDBG Funding Levels May 21, 1996 Page 2 2. Planning and Administration Funds As with human services, the City has a maximum of its CDBG funds that can be spent for Planning and Administration. In 1996 the City reserved the maximum amount available. The Planning Department recommends allocating the maximum amount available in 1997 to fund a portion of salaries and other activities associated with the administration of the program. The maximum amount of 1997 CDBG funds estimated to be available for Planning and Administration is $63,933. The remaining funds would be used for capital projects. The City traditionally funds the Kent Housing Repair Services Program out of this category and also any additional capital project requests that Council approves. Recommended Action 1. Allocate the City's maximum available of 1997 CDBG funds for Public (Human) Services ($72,925). 2. Allocate the City's maximum available of 1997 CDBG funds for Planning and Administration ($63,933). 3. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its June 4, 1996 meeting. CS/JPH/mp:a:97cdbg.pco CC: James P. Harris, Planning Director Lin Houston, Human Services Manager CITY OF � J� PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 Jim White, Mayor MEMORANDUM May 15, 1996 MEMO TO: LEONA ORR, CHAIR AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: LIN HOUSTON, HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: DISPOSITION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AUDIT CONDITION During the recent audit of the 1995 CDBG Program, the state auditor determined that we had an unallowable cost of$984 in our equipment rental costs for the home repair program. We used 1995 CDBG funds to pay for the rental of a van which is used in our home repair program. The portion of the monthly equipment rental charges which the auditor determined cannot be paid for with CDBG funds is the inflation component. The remainder of the costs are allowable charges to CDBG. We have made the necessary adjustments so that 1996 charges for the inflation component of equipment rental are not charged to CDBG. As you are aware,we receive our Community Development Block Grant dollars as a"pass-through" from King County. Since King County is our grantor of these funds, the disposition of these unallowable charges is between King County and the City of Kent. We have been in communication with King County staff, and they have informed us that the $984 does have to be reimbursed to the CDBG fund. We can do this, though, in a way that will not financially impact the City. The way this can be done is for us to identify a program which the City of Kent has budgeted for with general fund dollars in 1996, but which is also CDBG-eligible. The City Council would have to authorize taking $984 in general funds away from this project and then the City of Kent would cut a check for this amount to the King County CDBG fund, specifying that the funds should be allocated back to this project. The program would still get the same amount of money, only now$984 of it would be CDBG dollars instead of general fund dollars. This method is acceptable to both the County and to HUD as a means of disposition of this $984. Staff has reviewed the programs funded with 1996 general fund human services dollars and has identified a project which is also CDBG-eligible. This is the Community Health Center's Health Services program. This particular program is funded with both general fund and CDBG dollars in 1996, so it will be an easy transfer without impacting either the City or the agency. We will merely need to amend the existing contracts. Since the agency already receives CDBG dollars from the City, it has already met the federal requirements for receiving funding. __ 220 4th AVE.SO. I KENT W ASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (200)859-3300/FAX N 859-3334 Disposition of CDBG Audit Condition May 21, 1996 Page 2 Recommended Action 1. Authorize taking $984 of general fund dollars from the 1996 Community Health Center's Health Services Program, and cut a check for this amount to the King County CDBG fund. 2. Specify that this $984 check should be earmarked to Kent's 1996 CDBG pass-through allocation. 3. Specify that this $984 of additional 1996 pass-through dollars should be allocated back to the Community Health Center's CDBG Community Health Services Program. 4. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its June 4, 1996 meeting. LH/mjp:a:pingcom5.96 cc: Jim Harris, Planning Director CITY OF J Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES May 7, 1996 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Other City Staff Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Other Guests Rodger Anderson Planning_Staff City Attorney's Office Jim Harris Fred Satterstrom Laurie Evezich Margaret Porter Roger Lubovich Kevin O'Neill ACTION CONFIRMING THE SEVENQ NOMINEES TO THE LAND USE & PLANNING HEARINGS BOARD - (L. Orr) There was no discussion at the meeting. Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council Chair Leona Orr SECONDED a motion to confirm the seven(7) nominees (Thomas Brotherton, Brad D. Bell, Steve Dowell, Ronald E. Harmon, Devendra (David) Malik, Jerry Daman and Gloria L. LaBore). Motion carried. Leona Orr spoke with Tim Clark prior to the meeting (since he was unable to attend), and Tim told Leona that he confirms the seven nominees to the Land Use & Planning Hearings Board. ADDED ITEMS: ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m. c:mp:pco50796.min 22041h AVE.SO.. I KENT,WASH INGi'ON 98011_-5895/ll1EPHONE fI061859-3300/FAX#859-3334 CITY OF MIMIT ET J DATE: �r�n�sr� SUBJECT: PAGE of Request Receive Print Address to Speak Mailings PRINT NAME (include - City/State/Zip) kVj r ! �.� 00 La f5a� UI'll" tog A). so 4CW. 102 . SIGN-UP.WPD 0 rn m m m m m a 3 r� N Yw y m O sic.. R N e� f t b X O c T O A m c U f o v y",20 N WWW r m y V m o FSw a m 0 ��yCsO'QU 4Ous J*C � �0 fifi � fififi 107 pine street , # 1 0 3 , seattIe , wa 95101 t e 1 206 652 - 9541 fax 206 623 - 4669 The Mission of the South King County Housing Forum is to build an inclusive, committed and cohesive alliance among communities in South King County which works to create affordable and appropriate housing opportunities for everyone. Chair: Dave Daniels, Housing Director, King County Multi-Service Center, Kent Vice Chair: Henry Lennstrom, Des Moines United Methodist Church, Des Moines The Housing Forum meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Kent Senior Center Arts Room, 600 E. Smith, Kent. We welcome all people and groups interested in the housing issues of South King County. For information and meeting times, call Dave Daniels at 854-4406, or our program coordinator Mike Rossotto at 682-9541. Task Forces: Regional Cooperation Task Force Chair: Kim Von Henkle, King County Housing Authority, 241-4225 Purpose: Work with cities and interested groups to develop proposal for regional cooperation on housing in South King County. Smart Tenant/Smart Landlord Task Force Chair: Evelyn Boykan, City of Tukwila, 241-7144 Purpose: Develop resources and links for building good relationships among tenants, managers, landlords, and neighbors in South King County. Education/Advocacy Task Force Chair: Jean Hueston, League of Women Voters, 878-8706 Purpose: Advocate for housing programs and educate South King County citizens about the role of housing in our communities. We are eager to share our slide presentation on housing in South King County with all interested groups. Call Jean Hueston 878-8706 to schedule a showing. April 16,1996 386:SKHFINFO.DOC The South King County Housing Forum A Focus on Housing that Works for South King County Housing that works for South King County fits this region's needs, and the housing needs of each city and community. This means a focus on: ♦ rehabilitation of existing houses and apartments ♦ housing for people with special needs (frail elderly, people with disabilities, etc.) ♦ programs that increase stability in multi-family neighborhoods Research has shown that South King County's housing affordability gap is very real: ♦ families with very low incomes (less than $25,200 for a family of four) cannot afford to pay the average rents in South King County. ♦ the 1990 U.S. Census found that 30,786 low and moderate income households in South King County paid more than 30% of their gross income for housing. ♦ at least 1,200 South King County households were homeless in 1993. ♦ if growth continues as expected, 11,600 additional low income households will need housing by the year 2010. History and Activities The South King County Housing Forum includes representatives from church and civic groups, staff from local governments, social service agencies, nonprofit developers, lenders and rental property owners. The Housing Forum has been meeting regularly since fall 1993 to learn more about the low and moderate income housing needs in South King County and to generate ways to meet those needs. Activities include: ♦ Production of"A Fact Book: Housing Affordability in South King County," a study of housing needs in the region and in individual cities. ♦ A Community Housing Conference on October 1, 1994 in Des Moines. The 125 people who attended identified developing a regional approach to housing as their top priority. ♦ Research on housing needs and housing programs in the cities of South King County, through mail surveys and meetings with city staff. ♦ Development of the Housing Forum organization, with task forces working on regional cooperation, education and advocacy, and neighborhood stability programs. ♦ A Workshop on Regional Options for Affordable Housing for South King County elected officials, held August 23, 1995 in Des Moines. Materials for this meeting include the booklet, "Housing that Works in South King County," a guide to some successful and innovative programs. Funding The South King County Housing Forum, sponsored by the Seattle-King County Housing Development Consortium, was established in 1993 with a three-year grant from the Washington Low Income Housing Network. King County has provided continued operating funds to the Housing Forum. The community housing conference and workshop were made possible by major contributions from Seafirst and First Interstate Bank, with support from other banks and corporations. The Housing Forum is a membership organization with sliding-scale dues, to ensure that all who wish to, can join. April 16, 1996 386:SKCF0CUS.D0C *** DRAFT *** DRAFT *** DRAFT *** RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing the City work with other South King County cities to develop a draft interlocal agreement creating a regional mechanism to address South County housing needs and issues. WHEREAS, the Goal H-10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan directs the City to "actively participate in regional responses to affordable housing development needs and issues," and policies H-10.1 and H-10.2 direct the City to "participate in and promote the development of countywide resources, funding, and programs to assist low- and moderate- income households in obtaining affordable and appropriate housing; and work in cooperation with other jurisdictions to ensure an equitable and rational distribution of affordable housing to all income groups throughout the county;" and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has an established and recognized housing need as indicated by the fact that about 3,500 households, or 90 percent of Kent's low- and moderate-income households have housing costs that are unaffordable, thereby putting those households at risk of homelessness or of not meeting their other basic needs, and by the fact that more than half of Kent's households cannot afford to buy a home in Kent; and WHEREAS, the Countywide planning policies under the Growth Management Act and Kent's Comprehensive Plan require that for the growth in Kent's housing stock, at least 17 percent of the units shall be affordable to those making 50 to 80 percent of the median income (moderate income) and 20 percent shall be affordable to those making less than 50 percent of King County's median income (low income), and that a regional housing entity can be a good method in helping to meet these housing targets and requirements; and 5/2I/96 486:SKREGRES.DOC *** DRAFT *** DRAFT *** DRAFT *** WHEREAS, residents commute across city lines for both jobs and services, and housing market areas are broader than jurisdictional boundaries; and WHEREAS, affordable housing is vital to entry-level wage earners and thus is key to attracting new businesses, as well as essential to healthy families and communities, to thriving schools and maintaining a stable community; and WHEREAS, on April 2, 1995, the City Council of the City of Kent authorized preliminary exploration of a regional mechanism to address housing needs, in recognition of both the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of addressing housing needs on a regional level; and on August 1, 1995 supported a Housing Workshop and encouraged other South King County elected officials to attend; and WHEREAS, after approximately two years of study, workshops, and deliberations, the South King County Housing Forum has determined that the creation of a regional housing entity for South King County will greatly assist the the cities of South King County in meeting their goals for providing affordable housing, and the South King County Housing Forum has recommended the creation of such a regional housing entity: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. To continue to work with the South King County Housing Forum and provide necessary staff resources to explore specific language for an inter-local agreement that could be used by Kent and neighboring South King County cities to create a regional housing entity. 5/21/96 486:SRREGRES.DOC U 0 0 rl d O �+ ^'C •a O y 0 m 4J 41 � •� a�i ro °''b � � 'b --� aki � ai ." m 0 wU O 0 m ou MI) m x o o 0x m ro 0U O %—O W r `� ro > p 0 �t m a O W m roLl� O O >, o O m y -O O � •� �' � p � O � -mod > � �o m " -� 'o a o ro d u L� 410 ro O rox U �� _C w mo 04 Z � U U rl 0^d O O O i m ro k U ro F+ vo C p m • Z O U p m O i; O H O b N �. rocc td �+ roro 'oo N an d m U d y cc %.++ F-' to �a^C 'On L; O W m ; LUi O y >, p r-4-+ o a� d o ro a a) aroi rd y ^O ^b—b .a, y -a it �1 {" t O d O O > O O +' �I U ro vo m '-O 0 m l�cc �J g .0 o '* o f U1 c' o K n Cf� m U] O ' O ¢ * ID aaC- O K c P--• 'ram r• 'OJ' O m O O S, rt m m Oa CD rt 75� „ CD w rt E E a �y-.O m tp n f* p� �� p O E C7 �O va L .�..; Q p w�a Qa CD Qa F��-1 rt rt all O Oa c~o r�+- `S O N "S7 'ro0_ �Of-s p Q F•4 H fK9 O O ��,'_, na C:b m C m O rt y pe K. P- ° ~� o Oo< mW tmt1 m CD m CI- ft UOL h W ° ��k• �o tO7 c�' °p� CnG-- OGw— co ( 0 o m fD m 'K a N Z tin n rt I rr O mOWOm m ° °CD CD rjr) CC ° ° naa ri o� va w co o OGG CD rL CD w ' G � � C< G m CDG� p p a m0 �. f' vPo b OK m n p 0 CD CDP- O K ~ rar "C m O m 'T w C1 o K p O O co P rn - A° m 0 Qa �. 0, Ks < TK K m Z � aK0 a O a� O Pj (� rmr 'O K ° " as m .-..E G1 (11 C °°' rpry� o m m o O. UKaO. rOr °m F� rt K•� (D ' CD G ~ CD rt P- tSi C p, CD m •'�'• ^ rt .. _''* K' r P-C m m L1-. awo. Cni m `'� m cp a w cD �K ti �--'`t' m O p i(Dt n- m W M S G rL'p o14 x ' Pi Pam- •5 as N n P o w_ P r '— Q- p, v m M C7 • c' w m cKi O n• m pp m K �.... m w Qa O N n C CD CD m m p- crt' n co G GP— CD o t7--x rt G CD CD H CA n CD CD rt CD m O C P-+ Ort o UOO. �•n •p N ►a•-+ ."S f' O~ K "�` rmr 'J x rt n w •� m mCL- YG m r* CL K m }a7' as wCD o ao n rt G v w K E O rt aka ° CD a° CD o w m. `< mrt n rt Q O O m w P- PSCD G- n n O C � •� � w P'"' y. C'r P� P- fir' O p p c' ago w .� b- UOL C a K m m ct G rt m m G (D rt C- P- �, F-• ri (D Ort O p 0. rt `3 P--