HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/19/1996 (3) CITY OF Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES March 19, 1996 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Other Cit�Staff Leona Orr, Chair John Hillman, Finance Jon Johnson Joe Fielding, Public Works Tim Clark Planning Staff Other Guests Jim Harris Fred High, Kent School Fred Satterstrom District Margaret Porter Carolyn Sundvall City Attorney's Office Lin Houston Roger Lubovich Laurie Evezich CITY OF KENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONSORTIUM STATUS - L. Houston Human Services Manager, Lin Houston, updated the Committee on the current status of the City of Kent Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) program(s). Currently, the City of Kent is a member of the King County CDBG Consortium and receives funds as a pass-through City. Now that the City exceeds a population of 50,000, the City may now qualify as an Entitlement City. HUD confirmed this and will offer Kent an Entitlement status after the new population figures are released. Although, King County needs to know the City's decision on this by the end of March so that the Consortium can proceed with its program planning for 1997. In addition, the City is in the process of negotiating a new three-year CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the County and other Consortium cities for 1997-1999. Lin said as an Entitlement City, more staff would be needed because of intensive administrative tasks and more time-consuming program monitoring of HUD regulations. The benefits of remaining as a pass-through City are: (1) Continue with the 21-year, excellent relationship with the County; (2) Kent retains local control over its program funds, while getting the benefit of the County providing the intensive administrative and monitoring tasks; (3) As being part of the Consortium, the City benefits by receiving additional dollars in the form of 220 4th AVE SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 C CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 19, 1996 PAGE 2 recaptured funds and program income generated by the Consortium; and, (4) Kent receives additional services for its residents through regionally funded programs such as the current Housing Stability Program. The following action was requested by the City Council Planning Committee: 1. The Mayor be authorized to send a letter to County Executive Gary Locke stating that the City of Kent desires to continue to participate as a pass-through City in the King County CDBG Consortium for the years 1997-1999. 2. Schedule this item for action at the April 2, 1996, City Council meeting. Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the two(2) aforementioned actions. Motion carried. LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD ORDINANCE - (L. Orr) Chair Orr reported this item was on tonight's Council agenda, and a recommendation was needed. There was discussion on how the Committee members felt about the confirmation process of board members. They proposed no changes. There were a few minor changes to the ordinance on page three as follows: "The planning department shall be responsible for preparing and updating the comprehensive plan, preparing and amending amendments to the zoning Code, subdivision code and any other related codes or ordinances.° Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED the motion to approve the revised Land Use and Planning Board Ordinance as mentioned above. Motion carried. Chair Orr clarified that the new board would not take effect "until the land use and planning board, as established pursuant to this ordinance, is convened and the bylaws for said board are adopted" according to SECTION 2, Transition of Boards. This board will continue to meet until the above is accomplished. NRG BARRIERS PACIFIC, INC. ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS- (R. Lubovich) City Attorney, Roger Lubovich, reported this item is on the Council's agenda at tonight's meeting. Pursuant to RCW 39.84.060, the City is required to approve the issuance of tax- exempt nonrercourse revenue bonds of King County Economic Enterprise Corporation for the CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 19, 1996 PAGE 3 benefit of NRG Barriers Pacific, Inc., but this approval shall not in any way be deemed to be a review or approval of any development permit for the Project which may be in process, or may be submitted at a future date for the project. Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the resolution for action at tonight's Council meeting. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF DCTED GRANT FOR $150,000 FROM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DCTED) - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager, Fred Satterstrom, is requesting approval by the Committee to accept a grant in the amount of $150,000 received from DCTED (under the Growth Management and Environmental Review Fund) to do a Downtown Subarea Plan, and approval to proceed with the project. This grant is matched with $50,000 general fund dollars, consisting of $25,000 in-kind match of labor, and $25,000 from the general fund Downtown Market Analysis project dollars allocated in the 1996 budget. Council member Tim Clark MOVED and Council member Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to accept a grant in the amount of $150,000 received from DCTED (under the Growth Management and Environmental Review Fund) to do a Downtown Subarea Plan, and approval to proceed with the project. This grant is matched with $50,000 general fund dollars, consisting of $25,000 in-kind match of labor, and $25,000 from the general fund Downtown Market Analysis project dollars allocated in the 1996 budget. Motion carried. REOUEST TO ADD ITEMS TO THE WORK SESSION ON 3/26/96 TO LAND USE HEARING BOARD - (F. Satterstrom) Mr. Satterstrom asked if the Committee would add some workshop items to the March 26, 1996 Land Use and Planning Hearings Board agenda. The Committee agreed to add Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA-95-2 (A-F), and Stream Buffer Requirements. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. c:mp:pco31996.min CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTE& MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 Man Site K - Orillia School Site at South 182nd and 72nd Avenue South Linda Phillips, Planner, stated the request for allowing broader retail uses, specifically drive-up windows in the MI-C zoning areas . Ms . Phillips gave information on the basis for the "C" suffix, stating the 1986 Valley Industrial Study was not included in the Comprehensive Plan Industrial Goals and Policies . Staff' s recommendation would be to include the following policy in the Comprehensive Plan: Policy LU-16.4 - To expand retail opportunities to provide necessary personal and business services for the general industrial area, implement the recommendations of the West valley -Industrial Study regarding potential areas for expanded retail opportunities for properties within the M2- Industrial Park district. Chair Orr asked Mr. Durkan if this policy would address his question. Martin Durkan, Jr. , of 330 SW 43rd, Renton said he represents the Boeing Masabe Trust, a Boeing Family Investment Group, which purchased nine tax lots located at the old Green River Corporate Park. He said he requests the same consideration, and stated that drive-up windows relieve traffic congestion. Mr. Harris said the intent of staff is to give the broadest scope of alternatives to the policy, rather than stating each retail opportunity specifically. Committee member Johnson MOVED to retain the existing Industrial designation for Map Site K, and add the Land Use policy 16 .4 as recommended by staff. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. 'The motion CARRIED unanimously. Man Site L - North side of James Street, from 1st to 5th Avenue Matthews Jackson, Planner said the property owners have requested by petition, a City Center or Commercial designation, stating these properties are difficult to rent for residential uses because of noise generated from James Street. Also stated was the potential of loss in value when the Regional Justice Center (RJC) is completed in 1997 . Mr. Jackson said after review 'cf the history of this area, and downtown studies, staff' s recommendation remains SF-8 . He said further review of the impact upon completion of the RJC could be made to see if a change is warranted. Committee member Johnson MOVED to retain Map Site L as SF-8 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. 6 CTTV OF � Jim White, Mayor �E;Qrg6,^S� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES March 19, 1996 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Other City Staff Leona Orr, Chair John Hillman, Finance Jon Johnson Joe Fielding, Public Works Tim Clark Planning Staff Other Guests Jim Harris Fred High, Kent School Fred Satterstrom District Margaret Porter Carolyn Sundvall City Attorney's Office Lin Houston Roger Lubovich Laurie Evezich CITY OF KENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONSORTIUM STATUS - L. Houston Human Services Manager, Lin Houston, updated the Committee on the current status of the City of Kent Community Development Block Grant(CDGB) program(s). Currently, the City of Kent is a member of the King County CDBG Consortium and receives funds as a pass-through City. Now that the City exceeds a population of 50,000, the City may now qualify as an Entitlement City. HUD confirmed this and will offer Kent an Entitlement status after the new population figures are released. Although, King County needs to know the City's decision on this by the end of March so that the Consortium can proceed with its program planning for 1997. In addition, the City is in the process of negotiating a new three-year CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the County and other Consortium cities for 1997-1999. Lin said as an Entitlement City, more staff would be needed because of intensive administrative tasks and more time-consuming program monitoring of HUD regulations. The benefits of remaining as a pass-through City are: (1) Continue with the 21-year, excellent relationship with the County; (2) Kent retains local control over its program funds, while getting the benefit of the County providing the intensive administrative and monitoring tasks; (3) As being part of the Consortium, the City benefits by receiving additional dollars in the form of 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859 3300/FAX#859-3334 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 19, 1996 PAGE 2 recaptured funds and program income generated by the Consortium; and, (4) Kent receives additional services for its residents through regionally funded programs such as the current Housing Stability Program. The following action was requested by the City Council Planning Committee: 1. The Mayor be authorized to send a letter to County Executive Gary Locke stating that the City of Kent desires to continue to participate as a pass-through City in the King County CDBG Consortium for the years 1997-1999. 2. Schedule this item for action at the April 2, 1996, City Council meeting. Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the two(2) aforementioned actions. Motion carried. LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD ORDINANCE - (L. Orr) Chair Orr reported this item was on tonight's Council agenda, and a recommendation was needed. There was discussion on how the Committee members felt about the confirmation process of board members. They proposed no changes. There were a few minor changes to the ordinance on page three as follows: "The planning department shall be responsible for preparing and updating the comprehensive plan, preparing aPA afnendifig amendments to the zoning code, subdivision code and any other related codes or ordinances." Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED the motion to approve the revised Land Use and Planning Board Ordinance as mentioned above. Motion carried. Chair Orr clarified that the new board would not take effect "until the land use and planning board, as established pursuant to this ordinance, is convened and the bylaws for said board are adopted" according to SECTION 2, Transition of Boards. This board will continue to meet until the above is accomplished. NRG BARRIERS PACIFIC, INC. ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS - (R. Lubovich) City Attorney, Roger Lubovich, reported this item is on the Council's agenda at tonight's meeting. Pursuant to RCW 39.84.060, the City is required to approve the issuance of tax- exempt nonrercourse revenue bonds of King County Economic Enterprise Corporation for the CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 19, 1996 PAGE 3 benefit of NRG Barriers Pacific, Inc., but this approval shall not in any way be deemed to be a review or approval of any development permit for the Project which may be in process, or may be submitted at a future date for the project. Council member Jon Johnson MOVED and Council member Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the resolution for action at tonight's Council meeting. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF DCTED GRANT FOR $150,000 FROM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DCTED) - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager, Fred Satterstrom, is requesting approval by the Committee to accept a grant in the amount of $150,000 received from DCTED (under the Growth Management and Environmental Review Fund) to do a Downtown Subarea Plan, and approval to proceed with the project. This grant is matched with $50,000 general fund dollars, consisting of$25,000 in-kind match of labor, and $25,000 from the general fund Downtown Market Analysis project dollars allocated in the 1996 budget. Council member Tim Clark MOVED and Council member Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to accept a grant in the amount of $150,000 received from DCTED (under the Growth Management and Environmental Review Fund) to do a Downtown Subarea Plan, and approval to proceed with the project. This grant is matched with $50,000 general fund dollars, consisting of $25,000 in-kind match of labor, and $25,000 from the general fund Downtown Market Analysis project dollars allocated in the 1996 budget. Motion carried. REQUEST TO ADD ITEMS TO THE WORK SESSION ON 3/26/96 TO LAND USE HEARING BOARD - (F. Satterstrom) Mr. Satterstrom asked if the Committee would add some workshop items to the March 26, 1996 Land Use and Planning Hearings Board agenda. The Committee agreed to add Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA-95-2 (A-F), and Stream Buffer Requirements. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. c:mp:pco31996.min