HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/22/1986 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 22, 1986 3:30 p.m. Council Members Present Judy Woods Berne Biteman Steve Dowell Staff Present J. Brent McFall Jim Harris Bruce Creager Steve DiJulio Robin Bartlett Cheryl Fraser Jim Chandler Others Present Dee Moschel , Green River Health Center Lyle Price, Kent News Journal AGENDA 1 . Green River Community Health Clinic Site This item was continued from the meeting of September 8, 1986. Bruce Creager introduced a parking analysis of the area in the vicinity of State Street and Meeker Street. He pointed out that there are a total of approximately 663 parking stalls for both private and public parking (includes off-street and on-street parking). He pointed out that the Senior Center has 12 off- street parking stalls and the Senior Center parking lot across State Street has 22 parking stalls for a total of 34 stalls. He said that if the Health Clinic was to go on the Senior Center parking lot, the number of available off-street parking stalls for the Senior Center would be 26. He pointed out that the Clinic would need 7 parking stalls according to the Zoning Code. This would leave 19 parking stalls available for the Senior Center. Discussion ensued concerning potential future uses for the Senior Center. It was pointed out that a decision has not been made as to what other type of use might settle in the Senior Center. The possibility of finding other sites in the Central Business District for the health clinic was discussed. -1- 0 Kent City Council Planning Committee September 22, 1986 Steve Dowell felt that there must be another site someplace downtown. He was concerned about jamming up the existing off-street parking. He was also concerned about the value of the existing parking lot. Berne Biteman said he thought squeezing 7 parking spaces out of the parking lot was a good exchange in relation to the value of having the health clinic in that location. Judy Woods pointed out that any new lot would have to be affordable. She also pointed out that she feels the building the Health Clinic proposes to move onto the parking lot is temporary. After further discussion concerning other sites, the value of the parking lot and the need for the clinic to have a decision made fairly soon, Berne Bite- man moved to authorize the City staff to begin negotiations leading to a lease agreement on the parking lot. Steve Dowell seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion. It was pointed out that a tentative lease agreement would be brought back to the next Committee meeting on October 6 for its review. 2. Fees This item was continued to the October 6 meeting. 3. Review of Procedures for Checking Building Setbacks City Attorney Steve DiJulio introduced a draft ordinance which in effect says that the Building Official will not check setbacks in the field nor will Planning Department staff members. He pointed out that staff will continue to review setbacks on plans submitted for review. Berne Biteman moved to forward this ordinance to the Council . Steve Dowell seconded the motion. All voted in favor. This item will be on the October 6 consent calendar. Added Items 1 . Seattle Skeet Club and Motor Cross Judy Woods pointed out that both of these items need to be on a future agenda so proponents can give presentations. Brent McFall suggested a joint meeting with the Public Safety Committee. Judy Woods pointed out that perhaps such a meeting could be held on an after- noon when there is not a regular Parks and Planning Committee meeting. The Committee agreed to this proposal . -2- Kent City Council Planning Committee September 22, 1986 2. 1987 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program Bruce Creager suggested that the staff proposal for the 1987 program be presented to the Committee at their October 6 meeting. The Committee agreed with that date. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. -3-