HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/24/1986 G KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 24, 1986 3:00 P.M. Council Members Present Judy Woods Steve Dowell Staff Present Jim Harris Jim Hansen Sarah Stiteler Guests Present Jack Ewing Paul Morford AFFORDABLE HOUSING Jack Ewing spoke as a representative of the Chamber of Commerce and made refer- ence to the Chamber's letter to the Mayor in August 1985 presenting Affordable Housing recommendations. Ewingcommented on the City's Housing Study as primarily paralleling the Chamber' s concerns with the exception of items relating to the building codes and meeting with building officials. The building community wants to meet with the City building official to review City procedure, policy and code changes. One specific request involves changing the hours for building inspectors and office staff to be available before -9 a.m. Also the staggering of inspector's assigned days make them unavailable for projects they deal with. Judy Woods explained this is an internal, problem and will be handled with work- ing with the appropriate staff. Concern was also raised over delays with the Public Works Department and King County Surface Water Management. Woods opted to handle this on the appropriate agenda contacting Jon Johnson and the Public Safety Committee. Procedural items will involve a designated resource person. The Housing report is to be accepted as policy by resolution. Harris will con- sider addressing. action for the May 5 Council meeting. The review (annual or semi-annual ) is to be considered an addendum item with a draft statement to be reviewed with the Chamber representative including input from the builders. Paul Morford added that in the past year, the Chamber committee submitted input at the direction of the Council members (Kelleher and Biteman) . The staff was directed to do the housing study. Woods noted that accompanying the pro- posal would be an addendum to guarantee at least annual meetings between City staff and representatives of the building industry perhaps via a Chamber Com- mittee in the lead. Woods emphasized that the Council is proactive and inter- ested in moving along on a policy or,plan. April 24, 1986 . Planning Committee Page two Minutes HOUSING, Continued Ewing voiced concerns on adopting new UBC codes. Woods announced this item would be tentatively on the May 5 Council agenda for action with Planning staff working with Ewing on the verbage that would be appropriate as an addendum with respect to the annual review of codes. This is in response to the Chamber's Local Gov- ernment Committee via Jack Ewing 's letter. Ewing was requested to submit a draft memo indicating concerns on procedures and code changes to the Planning Department. Woods and Dowell are on record as being in support of this action with the nota- tion that Councilmember Biteman was not available for this meeting. The Affordable Housing Study was lauded as a report very well done. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUESTS Harris reviewed the procedures on the regulatory review process. Six formal requests were presented for consideration to the committee. Additional requests have been received since the original six items. Woods noted that if the Planning Committee decided that requests warranted no action, the issue would go to the Council as a whole immediately. Hansen added that depending on the nature of the requests, such as a zoning code change, the issue can go to the Planning Commission with their recommendations then forwarded to the Council . However, those dealing with City policy, administra- tive procedure or an existing void, would not go to the Planning Commission. Woods pointed out that the Council , in retreat, decided that the items were pre- ferred to go to the Council Committee for handling rather than a Council workshop. Council workshops are primarily for dealing with the Council as-a-whole issues. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST # RR-86-1 Truck Maneuvering Area Planning staff recommends no change from the present requirement of 100' of truck maneuvering for-dock-high loading or in a right-of-way area. Committee moved to leave the regulation stand as it is. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST # RR-86-2 Designated Set backs from a Hazardous Waste Site to Protect Water Quality The Planning Department recommends consultation with EPA, DOE and the Health Depart- ment on this issue including the use of testing to identify and designate appro- priate set backs from hazardous waste sites. Hansen explained the inability of a City to establish set backs without determining a land use. !1 (Applicants will receive a response to requests for regulatory review of the City's action,) REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST # RR-86-3 Tree Preservation This item is to be discussed in conjunction with the overall review of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. It was noted that Councilmember Biteman had specifically requested notification of the meeting date for discussion of this issue. Com- mittee moved to hold action on this request. April 249 1986 Planning Committee Page three Minutes REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST # RR-86-4 Legal Nonconforming Use in an M-1 Zone All options have been discussed with the applicant. The Committee moved to leave the regulation as it stands. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST # RR-86-5 Location of Fireworks Stands Jim Hansen explained that fireworks are restricted to commercial areas to pro- tect the citizenry. A fireworks stand in a church lot would allow this activity in a multi-family zone. The Committee moved to refer the issue to the Planning Commission at the earliest possible date for action including possible zoning code amendment. It will be scheduled for the May Planning Commission meeting and onto to Council in early June. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST # RR 86-6 Zero Lot Lines in an MR-G Zone An elaborate plan has been submitted by the applicant. This can be considered in the context of affordable housing. The Committee moved to refer this pro- posal to the Planning Commission for consideration as a change to the Subdivision Code. Ewing offered a ,hour of a complex built in Auburn as an example of this type of development: Judy Woods announced that a change of name for the Affordable Housing Study was suggested. The suggestion to call it "flexible housing" was made. Another idea is to use "streamlining" . This item will be presented with the executive report in the addendum with Ewing's letter. Woods reiterated that the regulatory review requests would be accepted on a regular basis with the applicant to be notified immediately and scheduling for considera- tion to be discussed with the applicant. Harris explained that SEPA changes will go directly to Council for consideration. Administrative changes and policy changes can take place within the Committee structure. HUMAN RESOURCES Sarah Stiteler presented an update of the Human Resources Committee activities at present still in the first phase, task one of the study. A thorough approach is being taken to address the needs in the community. Initially the Committee arrived at the meaning of human resources. Other agencies are being looked at via a survey. A survey of people on the street to determine needs is being con- sidered. Demographic information is being looked at and revealing the "hidden poor" in areas east of the City. Funding is limited for the future with respect to federal resources. Planning Committee Page four Minutes Stiteler clarified the City' s allotment statement of funds to social service agencies. Out of the total of $ 90,000 allotted, $ 45,000 came from the City's general fund. The City's Sphere of Interest is important to consider in terms of reporting human services provided. The City's per capita expenditure now in terms of-providing assistance comes to $ 2.70 per person. This project is still in the information gathering stage, Stiteler noted. Harris requested this presentation to come before the Planning Committee prior to Council workshop for review. On May 27 Judy Woods will be speaking to the South King Council of Human Resources organization at noon to represent government on the topic of providing human services funding. Steve Dowell suggested a tour of human services agencies in the area. COMPLIMENTARY LETTER RECEIVED The City Council has received a complimentary letter from.the Simchowitz Corporation which congratulated the City on the high calibre of professionalism and courtesy encountered without exception, particularly in dealing with Will Wolfert, Lin Ball , Don Wickstrom, Terry Fergeson and Eldon Lewis. Woods suggested that the Mayor respond on behalf of the City. SKCAC Jim Harris reported on the current status of the agency noting that now revenue is matching expenses. Staff cuts are still being made. The goal to raise $ 10,000 has been met halfway. The decision is pending on going into Chapter Seven proceedings. The present building and other sites are still being con- sidered for its location. If Chapter Seven is undertaken, a corporation will immediately be formed for their continued operation. NEXT MEETING Woods noted that the agenda for next meeting scheduled for May 8 will include a Seattle Skeet and Trap Club request for use of the Kent Highlands landfill site. Also the Tree Preservation Ordinance and additional Regulatory Review Requests will be considered. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.