HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/13/1986 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE March 13, 1986 2:30 p.m. Council Members Present Judy Woods Steve Dowell Berne Biteman Staff Present Jim Harris Jim Hansen Steve DiJulio Dennis Byerly Knute Hammer Guests Present Sandra Allen Jan Northam Bonnie Stephens REGULATORY REVIEW PROCESS Jim Hansen reviewed the process that allows the public to participate in possible changes to ordinances and regulations. A questionnaire was distri- buted which asks for comments and concerns from the public on requests for changes. Six requests have been submitted to date. This list was also distributed. The individuals with requests will receive notice of the City Council meeting to be held for discussion of possible changes. A tentative date is the Council Workshop on April 28. HOME OCCUPANCY PERMITS Jim Harris explained the Zoning Code regulations dealing with approval of Home Occupancy Permit regulations. It was noted that Sandra'Allen had sub- mitted a request for a one person beauty salon in the home. Janice Northam has also submitted a request to give massage therapy in her home in a mobile home park. Reference was made to Zoning Code Section 15.08.040 which relates to traffic limitations, parking space and sale of goods or services in addition to other standards. Both applicants feel the need to provide specialized services to small clientel without a large investment in a commercial complex operation. There was concern for protection of the surrounding homeowners if an operation would expand and get out of hand. Also the Zoning Code does not list specific unpermitted activities. Planning Committee Minutes Page two March 13, 1986 It was suggested that the Zoning Code be examined more carefully and that the Planning Commission schedule a work- shop to consider possible changes and amendments to the code in reference to cottage industries. Jim Harris requested that the record should show a zoning code amendment to the Home Occupancy regulations in 1983. It was determined that the issue will be scheduled for the March 25, 1986 Planning Commission work shop meeting at 7:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned 3:25 p.m.