HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/28/1987 i KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 28, 1987 1: 30 PM Council Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Berne Biteman Lin Ball Steve Dowell Jim Hansen Jim Harris Human Services Commissioners Present Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh Marvin Eckfeldt, Chairman Dee Moschel, Vice-Chairwoman REVISION TO 1988 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Lin Ball presented a recommendation, supported by the Human Services Commission, to reallocate $3, 000 in H&CD Block Grant funding from the K.I.D.S. project to Children' s Therapy Center. This reallocation is necessary because staff received nptice that the K.I.D.S. project had withdrawn their application. The additional money for . Children's Therapy Center will fund an additional three therapists. Berne Biteman and Judy Woods supported the recommendation which will be forwarded to the City Council at the October 6th meeting. Because Councilman Dowell had not yet arrived at the meeting, Councilwoman Woods requested that Lin Ball notify him of the recommendation. ADDED ITEM Lin Ball stated that a letter had just been received from King County requiring the cities to approve two technical (wording) changes to the CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement recently adopted. These changes would not alter the amount of funds received or the manner in which the Block Grant is administered. The Committee recommended that this matter be forwarded to the City Council for approval on the Consent Calendar. Because Councilman Dowell had not yet arrived at the meeting, Councilwoman Woods requested that Lin Ball notify him of the recommendation. MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -- POTENTIAL CHANGES Fred Satterstrom stated these requested development standard changes are not to be confused with the proposals of the Executive Committee on City Design Policy. Rather, they represent an overall approach to multifamily regulation to improve development that is happening now. In response to Councilman Biteman, Fred stated that developers presently are asking for maximum density on their projects provided the site is not difficult to work with. Staff is requesting that the Planning Committee recommend to the City Council that this issue be forwarded to the Planning Commission and Planning Department to review multifamily development standards and to recommend changes. f ' r CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 PAGE TWO Dan Stroh indicated comparisons would be made with other cities to consider such things as setbacks, open areas, landscaping, and pedestrian walkways. It is proposed the standards be predictable (set and defined) and straightforward. The review would address the issue of design but would be concerned with the overall development standards such as buffering single-family uses, minimizing impacts from major entryways into the city and looking at improved setbacks, screening and landscaping standards. Councilwoman Woods clarified that what the Planning Commission would consider is a more complete approach to multifamily development standards than what presently exists. Councilman Dowell suggested that some of the proposals of the Executive Committee on City Design Policy should be incorporated into the review. Dan Stroh stated the review might not be concerned with everything that needs to be done to improve multifamily development but would at least be a part of what is needed. Jim Harris stated the Planning Commission would probably consider the 20% multifamily reduction issue and the proposed multifamily development standards at the same time. Discussion occurred on _ the ever-changing entryways of the city due to boundary changes and Jim Hansen stated that whenever new entryways are created, perhaps new "entryway" standards could be applied. Councilman Biteman suggested that if these proposed standards are interim solutions to improving development standards, the ordinance should indicate an "ending" date. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for October 20, 1987 at 3 : 30 PM. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2 : 30 PM.