HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/24/1987 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE August 24, 1987 3:00 PM Council Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Berne Biteman Jim Hansen Steve Dowell Jim Harris Fred Satterstrom Others Present Dan Stroh Lyle Price, Kent News Journal MULTIFAMILY DENSITY Fred Satterstrom outlined the six options for reducing multifamily density in the City of Kent and stated staff is recommending Options B and C. Graduated Scale Reduction and Rezone of "Overzoned" Areas. Judy Woods confirmed that Option D, Application to Newly-annexed Areas, would not reduce multifamily density in areas presently within the city limits but stated that by not applying the reduction to newly-annexed areas, multifamily density within the city could become worse. Dan Stroh presented charts showing multifamily housing comparisons among seven neighboring cities. Discussions ensued on possible reasons for the increased multifamily density in Kent and Steve Dowell asked if a reduction in density would occur via natural market conditions without a Council resolution. Fred Satterstrom replied that multifamily housing developments in 1987 appear to be keeping pace with 1986. Fred added that staff is recommending Option C in order to bring the zoning into line with the single-family usage presently existing in certain areas. Dan Stroh clarified for Judy Woods that staff had contacted the City Attorney regarding the options; the City Attorney cautioned that a systematic, rational decision-making process must be undertaken when rezoning an area. The committee decided to present its recommendation of Options B and C at the September 1st City Council meeting with the request that the Council refer the issue to a workshop session. GREATER KENT STUDY The committee accepted the policies of the Greater Kent Study with the request that Land Use Policy #LU4 be changed to read, "Annexations shall occur only if the area is contiguous to the existing City boundary with the exception of annexations for municipal purposes. " Jim Hansen stated that it is recommended that the Council designate a lead department to coordinate annexations and that the election method of annexation be seriously considered. The committee accepted the ten and twenty year annexation maps (#2 and #3) with the amendment to round out to Pacific Highway South and to include the Woodmont Shopping Center area. The committee agreed with Jim Hansen's recommendation to CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF AUGUST 24 , 1987 PAGE TWO present to the City Council the policies, procedures and maps in an executive summary format with an accompanying memo explaining how the issue has progressed. The technical background and rationale will be outlined in a separate document to be used as backup. The recommendation will be made to adopt the Greater Kent Study as a "preferred annexation policy. " The Greater Kent Study will be presented first at a workshop session prior to being presented to the full Council. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS The committee accepted the interlocal agreement form as designed by the Suburban Planning Directors. This item will be on the Consent Calendar for the September 1st City Council meeting. It was suggested that the material presented to the Council indicate the non-binding nature of the agreement at this time, and that the Council is merely approving a form. REGULATORY REVIEW - PROPOSALS FOR HANDLING The committee approved the staff proposal to send Regulatory Review requests directly to the Planning Commission, who would decide whether or not to proceed with public hearings on the request. The committee recommended one change; that is to allow an appeal to the Planning Committee for those requests with which the Planning Commission decides not to proceed. Planning Committee meetings to consider appeals would be held every three months. The new procedures will be implemented on a one-year trial basis. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for September 11 1987 at 4:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.