HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/04/1987 r KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE August 4, 1987 4 :00 PM Council Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Steve Dowell Jim Hansen Jim Harris City Administrator Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh J. Brent McFall REGULATORY REVIEW PROCESS Councilwoman Woods expressed concern about the time spent on hearing regulatory review requests versus time spent on considering other issues. Prior to the next committee meeting, Planning staff will develop alternative methods for reviewing regulatory review requests. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS Jim Hansen presented an interlocal agreement format designed by the Suburban Planning Directors, Kirkland Planning Director Joe Tovar and Jim Reid of King County. This format provides an avenue for cooperative land use planning between King County and the suburban cities in defined Impact Areas, Municipal Service Areas, Planning Areas, and Potential Annexation Areas. Jim Harris read from the agreement that this does not restrict the county and city from establishing other kinds of agreements besides land use cooperative agreements. The agreement will provide a means for committing to communication between the county and the suburban cities when there is land use activity in defined geographic areas of concern. Judy Woods would like staff to meet with Steve Dowell and Berne Biteman prior to the next committee meeting to resolve any questions they have regarding this format. GREATER KENT STUDY Staff has not received from the Law Department a determination of legal ramifications of forcing annexation prior to extension of city services, especially in light of the city's franchise for those services. Jim Hansen and City Administrator McFall stated the city could maintain requiring annexation agreements prior to extending city services and could exercise the agreements at an early date, could work to regulate the land use through interlocal agreements with the county, or could state to developers the Council's preference for immediate annexation but in the least receive an agreement to annex. Jim Hansen will prepare for the next meeting a list of actions received or required from the Planning Committee on this issue prior to forwarding it to the City Council. Once the boundaries are agreed upon, Jim Hansen will work on the fiscal impact analysis in a general approach. w CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF AUGUST 4 , 1987 PAGE TWO Each particular request for annexation, according to the Greater Kent Study, would entail a detailed fiscal analysis. REPORT ON MULTIFAMILY DENSITY -- CONTINUED DISCUSSION This item was deferred to another meeting. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for August 24 , 1987 at 3: 00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 5: 15 PM.