HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/15/1987 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE June 15, 1987 2 : 00 p.m. Council Members Present Others Present Judy Woods, Chair Bruce Creager, Barghausen Steve Dowell Jim Harrison, Bush, Roed & Hitchings Tom Hirsch, Mobil City Administrator Bruce Pelton, The Gilbo Corporation Lyle Price, Kent News Journal J. Brent McFall Staff Present Charlene Anderson Jim Hansen Jim Harris Kathy McClung REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST - REDUCED PARKING FOR SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS Kathy McClung stated staff's position on a regulatory review request by The Gilbo Corporation to reduce the number of parking stalls required for senior citizen apartments. Staff agrees that the requirement would be excessive for senior citizen apartments and suggested a modified version of the code as outlined in the staff report of May 8, 1987 . Bruce Pelton of The Gilbo Corporation stated his concern that excess parking stalls create unnecessary impervious surface. He suggested defining "retirement building" not in terms of age group but in terms of type of care required and basing parking requirements on that definition. Mr. Pelton also suggested that if certain criteria are met, required parking could be reduced to one stall per every 3 units, at the discretion of the Planning Director. Jim Harris proposed this issue be forwarded to the Planning Commission and that Mr. Pelton meet with Kathy McClung to discuss the presentation to that commission. Councilman Dowell indicated the Planning Commission should consider parking required not only for residents but for their guests as well and that the "retirement building" definition be clarified. The committee forwarded the request to the commission. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST - AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION SIGNS Kathy McClung stated that gasoline service stations have changed from mere auto-oriented uses to include mini marts and car washes; the need for signage has changed as well. Staff recommends this issue be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and public hearings. Tom Hirsch of Mobil Oil stated that if a station is located on a corner ti. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 6-15-87 MEETING PAGE TWO lot, the one freestanding sign allowed presently could not address both avenues of approach, and landscaping that is required could block the view of the one freestanding sign. He suggests permitting monument signs that are set back from the corner. Jim Harrison of Bush, Roed & Hitchings would like to have also permitted two advertising signs that would preclude the need for multiples of signs. Councilman Dowell stated that if changes to the sign code are made, all businesses should be treated alike and service stations should not be singled out for different requirements. Jim Harris indicated that sign requirements are presently related to zoning districts and service stations are separated out; he suggests keeping the consideration narrowed to the request before the committee because reviewing signage as a whole and as applied to every district would be a monumental task. Councilwoman Woods indicated that public hearings by the Planning Commission on this specific request could provide clues to other industries which might need changes in sign requirements. Bruce Creager of Barghausen indicated his support of the requested changes and offered to assist in the Planning Commission presentation. The committee forwarded the regulatory review request to the Planning Commission. GREATER KENT STUDY Along with the recommended 10- and 20-year annexation areas, Councilwoman Woods proposed a 5-year target area which would fill in those areas adjacent to the City and islands north and south of present City limits. Jim Hansen will prepare a list of those areas and graphics outlining the areas and will amend Recommendation "b" to reflect this 5-year target area. The committee accepted the General Policies which included among others interlocal agreements to bring about consistent regulation of lands within Kent's Potential Annexation Areas and performing fiscal impact analyses of impacts and costs of delivering services to the proposed annexation areas. The committee also accepted the Land Use Policies with #LU4 amended to state "Annexations shall occur only if the area is contiguous to the existing City boundary with the exception of municipal annexations for the purpose of securing watersheds. " Brent McFall stated consideration needs to be given to special purpose governments within annexation areas; perhaps they need to be bought out. The Utilities Policies are accepted provided the City Attorney's office establishes the legality of forcing annexation upon extension of utility service and the legality of exercising annexation options on existing agreements. Brent McFall stated the "timing" of forcing i City Council Planning Committee Minutes of 6-15-87 Meeting Page Three agreements is a key element. Jim Hansen indicated a question remains on which department will have the responsibility of administering these annexation policies. Jim indicated it might be tied to a program the City can put together to advertise the City and pursue annexations; the City needs to coordinate extension of utility service, land use decisions and other advertising. Finance will play a crucial role in the fiscal -impact analyses. Jim Harris suggested a separate committee such as the SEPA Committee which has representatives from several departments. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for July 9, 1987 at 7: 30 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 p.m.