HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/19/1987 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE May 19, 1987 3 : 00 p.m. Council Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Lenora Blauman Berne Biteman Jim Hansen Steve Dowell Jim Harris Ed Heiser Mayor Libby Hudson Kathy McClung Dan Kelleher Fred Satterstrom City Administrator Other City Staff J. Brent McFall Gary Gill, City Engineer Bill Williamson, Ass't City Others Present Attorney Amy Kosterlitz, Attorney for Trammell Crow Jim & Leona Orr Lyle Price, Kent News Journal Colin Quinn, Centron Dennis Riebe, Centron REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST - AUTO SERVICE CENTER IN M-2 ZONE Amy Kosterlitz, Attorney for Trammell Crow, presented a Regulatory Review Request to allow automotive service, maintenance and repair facilities at centralized nodal locations in the M-2, Limited Industrial, zoning district. The location specified by Trammell Crow is a two-acre site at the northwest corner of 212th and East Valley Road. Attorney Kosterlitz suggests three alternatives for effecting this change to the Kent Zoning Code M-2 district: 1) add this use to the list of special permit uses and specify location at centralized nodes, 2) add this use to the list of conditional uses and specify location at centralized nodes, or 3) amend the purpose and add C-suffix nodes to allow this use in the East Valley. Attorney Kosterlitz stated studies have shown a change in the valley from industrial uses to more service-oriented business; the response has been an increase in Conditional Use Permit applications for commercial uses; one of the West Valley plan goals is to attract businesses providing services and selling diverse products; and where arterials intersect are locations most logical and beneficial for commercial uses to locate. Trammell Crow does not believe the East Valley Study will add to information already available on the uses needed in this area. The area is too small to perpetrate strip commercial and the request is narrowed to centralized nodal locations. The request is not for spot zoning because it is not for a use arbitrarily outside of those uses indicated by current studies and plans. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 5-19-87 MEETING PAGE TWO Jim Harris cautioned against taking results from the West Valley Study and shifting them to another area of the City with different zoning and different land uses; we need to study the area first before making changes. He stated Trammell Crow's comments are valuable and will be taken into consideration during the study. The only alternative staff might be able to support is to add the requested use to the special permit uses listed in the M-2 zone. Jim Hansen stated that by doing the East Valley Study, staff is attempting to avoid piecemeal decisions and he suggests that the Planning Committee recommend against a change in the zoning code until the East Valley Study has been completed. REGULATORY REVIEW REQUEST - DECISION - RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING IN MULTIFAMILY ZONES Jim Harris stated this request from Centron seeks to eliminate the requirement in the zoning code that multifamily developments set aside certain land for RV parking. Ed Heiser suggested staff could support using a Type I landscaping screen but that it could not support eliminating the requirement entirely, due primarily to the number of enforcement problems that would result. Ed stated there was a substantial amount of land in the City presently zoned for mini-storage areas and he does not believe providing additional areas is necessary. In response to Berne Biteman's concern about citizens' increased demand for storage in future years, Dennis Riebe of Centron stated having an optional storage area is beneficial because as storage needs change it is easier for owners to redirect the use of space. Jim Harris suggested referring this issue to the Planning Commission. Judy Woods and Berne Biteman favor flexibility in the zoning code relating to this requirement and directed the Planning Commission to review this issue. Steve Dowell abstained from comment due to conflict of interest. TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE Libby Hudson has contacted Professor Robertson of the University of Washington's Department of Landscape Architecture regarding community value of native trees. Professor Robertson is unaware of any studies relating to community value of trees outside of monetary value. Libby distributed a memo with attachments discussing monetary value of trees and the marketing value of trees in residential and industrial areas. Brent McFall and Jim Hansen discussed the tree ordinance with Jim White and Jim indicated he is satisfied with the proposal in terms of enforcement. Judy Woods clarified with staff that the ordinance is meant to assure that developers have planned for preservation of trees including special species and have considered environmental impacts of cutting down trees. In response to Steve Dowell and Berne Biteman's request that the ordinance clearly defines the City's intent in regulating tree CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 5-19-87 MEETING PAGE THREE preservation, staff will consider having a one-acre floor on those properties regulated and will show the Committee aerial photographs of the kind of tree canopies the City is attempting to protect. Berne Biteman and Steve Dowell stated the ordinance could be written to protect forested areas and peripheries of forested areas while placing a one-acre floor on those properties generally regulated by the ordinance. GREATER KENT STUDY Gary Gill stated that when the City extends utility service to an area located in the county, the City requires owners to execute annexation agreements. The development must meet all conditions -- street improvements must be consistent with construction standards, use must be consistent with plans, developers must contribute toward corridors defined in the Master Transportation Plan. Bill Williamson stated the City could refuse to extend services and the Council could condition extension of service to immediate annexation. Presently, approval of 75% of the assessed valuation is required to annex an area to the City. A large development could agree to annex and because of its size could pull in a larger area just because the development represents 75% approval. ADDED ITEM: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Mayor Kelleher stated he had just received the subject report. Mayor Kelleher requests that the Committee discuss the report' s recommendations, that the report be distributed to the Council and others interested in it and that a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce might be appropriate in light of the significant recommendations made in the report. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for June 2, 1987 at 3 : 30 p.m. Another meeting is scheduled for June 4, 1987 in order to address the large number of items on the agenda. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4 : 30 p.m. 4