HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/05/1987 r KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE May 5, 1987 3 : 00 p.m. Council Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Lin Ball Berne Biteman Jim Hansen Steve Dowell Jim Harris Dan Stroh City Administrator Ass't City Attorney J. Brent McFall Bill Williamson Others Present Lyle Price, Kent News Journal TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE (PROPOSED) The most significant change to the ordinance has been in enforcement. Bill Williamson stated he used zoning enforcement powers as the primary tool. The ordinance gives the Planning Department civil and criminal enforcement powers. The City can condition permits for compliance with this chapter. The City can require that trees be restored in addition to any criminal action initiated and can revoke permits issued previously. Berne Biteman suggested a performance bond alternative which allows a developer who has removed trees to replace them with ones of a stronger stature rather than to replace them with like kind. He is concerned about small homeowners and developers alike who remove trees to protect their property from perceived hazard. Staff responded that trees have not stood in the way of development in Kent. The ordinance was passed originally in response to community desire to protect trees. Developers submit a tree plan showing existing trees and staff works with them to protect a mixture of trees in a natural setting and enhance development at the same time. Bill Williamson stated the drainage utility ordinance relies on tree stands to keep velocity and amount of water from eroding basin areas; their tree policy is from the zoning code. Steve Dowell stated that if the ordinance is for protecting large stands of trees, what about designating forest protection areas or placing a floor on the acreage regulated by the ordinance. Judy Woods suggests staff meet with Jim White to obtain his satisfaction with enforcement policies. She would like staff to consider amendments suggested by Biteman and Dowell and discuss alternatives at the May 19 meeting. a_ Council Planning Committee May 5, 1987 Page Two GREATER KENT STUDY The draft policies which are contained in the Greater Kent Study were distributed to those in attendance. Discussion ensued on the benefits of requiring annexation immediately upon extension of utility service versus requiring annexation agreements in order to obtain City services. Steve Dowell stated extension of City services usually precedes an increase in development activity and in turn increased demand for City services; the City should be able to regulate that development. Bill Williamson stated the City does use pre-annexation agreements whereby before City services are provided, the development must meet City of Kent requirements for streets, lighting, signalization, traffic mitigation, etc. Zoning compliance has been to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. Jim Hansen indicated the City will consider interlocal agreements with the county in which development within a City's potential annexation area would comply with City standards. Jim Hansen will invite Gary Gill or Don Wickstrom to the next Planning Committee meeting to discuss present annexation policies and technicalities. HOUSING CONDITIONS IN CITY'S NEIGHBORHOOD STRATEGY AREA Staff is conducting a needs assessment to determine future direction of the City's housing repair program. Staff conducted a "windshield" survey of four strategy areas (CBD, South of Willis, North Park and Lower East Hill) to locate areas of substandard housing. Dan Stroh distributed a handout and showed a map depicting housing conditions in those four areas. Staff will be doing additional work to focus on infrastructure, zoning, owner versus renter housing, and concentrations of problems. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for May 19, 1987 at 3 : 00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.