HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/05/1988 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 5, 1988 4 : 00 PM Council Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Steve Dowell Lin Ball Jim Hansen Others Present Jim Harris Fred Satterstrom Mike Ledbetter, Finance Dept. Dan Stroh Leona Orr Sue Sampson, Attorney with Loren Combs 1989 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Lin Ball presented the funding options for the 1989 CDBG program. The revised estimate for Kent' s share of CDBG funding is $170, 000. The Committee agreed with staff's recommendations as follows: 1) Elect to receive pass-through funds 2) Allocate 15% of funds for public (human) services 3) Allocate 6% of funds for planning and administration. These recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council at their meeting this date. Further, the Mayor will read a proclamation at tonight's meeting declaring this week National Community Development Week. There is a display on this topic on the first floor of City Hall. Jim Harris confirmed for Councilman Dowell that the Human Services Commission recommends the use of human services funds from both the General Fund and the CDBG funds. ADDED ITEMS Chairwoman Woods set April 19, 1988 as the meeting date to discuss 20% multifamily density. The meeting will be held at 3 : 30 PM in the Library next to City Hall. Fred Satterstrom stated that currently the Planning Department is working on two other projects that will impact the multifamily density issue. One is the Planned Unit Development ordinance and the other is the Central Business District Subarea Plan Update. The CBD Task Force has been reviewing a revision of the CBD Plan' s goals and policies and map and have expanded the geographic scope of the CBD to include north/south boundaries of James and Willis and east/west boundaries of SR 167 and Jason Street. CBD Task Force recommendations will include creation of a special multifamily zoning district to recognize 1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1988 I urbanization of the CBD with perhaps greater densities and greater development standards.!, The Task Force is also recommending that mixed use designations be p ced on several properties in the CBD. The Task Force recommendation s ould be going forward to the Planning Commission at the latest sometime in early May. The mission of a committee created to look at the PUD ordinance is to work out problems with the ordinance and get it linto a workable form to forward to the Planning Commission and City Council. i The 20% graduated sca]e reduction option is only part of the direction given by the City Council to the Planning Department in Resolution No. 1145. Overzoned areaslof the City need to be addressed as well (Option C) . However, staff *hought the best approach was to look first at zoning district densi�y levels as a whole and then look at rezoning; decisions on rezoningl properties might be different depending on the outcome of the decision on multifamily zoning densities. Rezones are heard before the Ke t Hearing Examiner. Discussion occurred on approaches the City C uncil could take in considering all three issues of PUD, CBD, and 20% m ltifamily reduction. In response to Jim Hansen, Chairwoman Woods indicated the meeting on April 19th would bE conducted so that everyone would have an opportunity to provide input. The Committee will ask questions. No decision will be made at the April 19th meeting. Staff will provide information prior to t e meeting. The meeting was adjour�ed at approximately 4:45 PM. I I I I i j I ' I I i 2 I I