HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/19/1988 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE July 19 , 1988 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present Others Present Judy Woods, Chair Laurie Dowling Steve Dowell Gary Gill, Engineering Jon Johnson Nancy Mann, Moss Construction Tom Sharp, PUD Committee City Administrator Carol Stoner, PUD Committee J. Brent McFall Staff Present Charlene Anderson Jim Hansen Jim Harris Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh MOSS CONSTRUCTION - WATER AVAILABILITY RE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION As a first step when applying to King County for a zoning action in an area serviced by City of Kent utilities, a party must obtain an availability certificate from the Engineering Department. The property in question is in the Horseshoe Acres portion of South Kent on the east side of 79th Avenue (Rose Avenue) , north of 266th. Nancy Mann proposes to use an existing residence for an office and a storage yard for construction equipment and materials. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan designates the area for multifamily; this is not consistent with the intended use. Gary Gill distributed copies of Ordinance #2767, the third page of which conditions the provision of utility service upon consistency with the Comprehensive or Sub- area Plan. The applicant is requesting approval for deviation from that ordinance. Jim Hansen added that normally requests for deviation from the ordinance relate to differences in density rather than differences in land use as is the case now. A storage yard is classified "Industrial" whereas "Multifamily" is residential. In response to Mr. Harris, Ms. Mann stated the county has slated the area for "Light Manufacturing. " Nancy Mann of Moss Construction distributed pictures of the property in question and nearby land uses. She estimates that 60% of the land use in the area is light manufacturing and not residential. Ms. Mann added that none of the properties have requested a rezone from King County and they were hoping to be grandfathered upon any future annexation to Kent. Ms. Mann described the proposed use and stated it should not place an extra burden upon City facilities or roadways. She requested authorization to sign the sewer and water availability certificate. Ms. Mann asked if the land use would be grandfathered and what restrictions there would be related to that i i w I CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JU Y 19 , 1988 should annexation to Kent}. occur and no authorization for sewer and water were obtained. Mr. Harris responded that the use would be grandfathered. He suggested the Planning Department take a look at the land use in that area because it appears many changes have occurred since the Valley Floor Plan was adopted in 1979 . In the meantime, the Council could agree to sewer and water availability. DiscussioP occurred on implications of that authorization for sewer and water availability. In response to Councilman Dowell, Ms. Mann stated the property is Served now by City of Kent water. Gary Gill added that because of the impeding rezone application, the applicant must obtain a City of Kent sewer and, water availability certificate. Mr. Hansen stated the Treason for bringing this issue to the Planning Committee was the need tor the City to administer the ordinance versus the apparent conflict betweOn the Comprehensive Plan and existing land uses. City Administrator McFal� stated he believed it would be appropriate for the Committee to permit sewer and water availability, if they were of a mind to do so, and simultaneously to request that this section of the Valley Floor be reviewed for futur6 land use. All the Committee would be doing, essentially, is to perm�t what already exists. In response to Councilman Dowell, Mr. Harris stated that granting this permit might provide an opportunity for conflict in the future but he stated that this was an unusual circumstance and it appears the whole neighborhood has drifted toward industrial land use. Councilman Johnson movedito grant the application for water and sewer service and at the same time toiconduct a study of the Comprehensive Plan for that particular area. Councilman Dowell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This issuo will be forwarded to the next City Council meeting under the Consent Calendar. i PLANNING DEPARTMENT WORD PROGRAM - 20o MULTIFAMILY DENSITY REDUCTION Jim Harris stated therelare two scenarios for addressing implementation of changes to the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. He added that City Attorney Driscoll has indicated that the Planning Commission can be allowed to hear changes to the Comprehensive Plan as well as the zoning implementation. Therefore, staff will be presenting only the best case scenario. Dan Stroh add d that there has not been a determination on whether an Environmental Impact ; Statement will be required; if an EIS is required, it would require an additional six months. Mr. Harris outlined thetime frame and projected hours for the work program and stated that staff is requesting one additional planner on a temporary basis for a one-year period. Jim Hansen stated that City Administrator McFall had agreed to support a supplemental appropriation of approximately $30, 000 for the additional planner. He added that this request should not be confused with the ore-half time person requested by staff for the 1989 budget year. 2 i i CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 19, 1988 Dan Stroh pointed out the note at the bottom of the schedule, which note states that this twelve-month work program schedule is an optimistic view of the time required for the review and hearing process (one month each for environmental review, Planning Commission and City Council) . Chairwoman Woods stated that it was agreed at the onset of this work program development that the time frame for staff would be distinct from the timeline for the commission/council hearings, i.e. , staff would provide the required information but could not dictate the direction of the Planning Commission or City Council. Carol Stoner added it was conceivable the Planning Commission could meet more often on this issue. Jim Hansen added that staff has considered the time frame very carefully; the nature of the work and the types of hearing dictate what might seem to be a long period of time for this project. Chairwoman Woods agreed that a statement regarding the nature of the democratic process related to time would be appropriate when staff gives the presentation for this issue. Fred Satterstrom added that initially staff had considered a very simple work program. However, the City Council expanded the program considerably by requesting an in-depth study of three areas of the City. Because this program deals with zoning of people's property, it will be important to cover all bases and coordinate with the City Attorney' s office and the public. In response to Tom Sharp, Mr. Satterstrom indicated that in the interim the 20% reduction in density is in effect. New development will be subject to lower density. Discussion occurred on presenting both scenarios to the full Council. Councilman Dowell moved to recommend to the Council the work program as presented. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADDED ITEMS PUD Fred Satterstrom stated the PUD Committee had completed its review of the PUD ordinance and the committee and staff have proposed a consensus ordinance. He asked that a meeting be scheduled to review the proposed ordinance. Chairwoman Woods stated she would not be available to meet in August and suggested that the proposed ordinance could be considered in her absence. In response to Councilman Dowell, Jim Harris stated the Planning Commission had recommended to the City Council a revised PUD ordinance. The Council had forwarded the issue to the Planning Committee; in turn, the Committee is now able to return a recommendation to the Council without requiring further hearings by the Planning Commission. Carol Stoner and Tom Sharp stated that the PUD Committee had reached a 3 i CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JOLY 19, 1988 consensus after having 0onsidered a lot of issues and concerns. Tom Sharp stated the PUD Committe attempted to limit the time and lower the cost for the PUD process. He added that if a developer could not work under the proposed PUD, the City $hould eliminate the process altogether. Councilman Johnson movedjto accept the PUD ordinance as presented and forward it to the City Council ; Councilman Dowell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. I The meeting adjourned al� 5: 00 PM. i i i I i i I i i I i i I 4 I