HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/05/1988 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE C jy Off. 988 July 5, 1988 5: 00 PM Committee Members Present Others Present Judy Woods,. Chair Fire Chief Norm Angelo Steve Dowell Councilman Berne Biteman Jon Johnson Dr. E. Kosnoski Dee Moschel City Administrator Lyle Price, Kent News Journal Linda Van Nest J. Brent McFall Staff Present Charlene Anderson Jim Hansen Kathy McClung Dan Stroh SALT AIR HILLS PETITION FOR DE-ANNEXATION Jim Hansen stated staff' s position is unchanged from the initial recommendation as outlined in the Western City Boundary Report. Staff recommends the City does not de-annex to Des Moines that territory on the west side of Pacific Highway South from Kent-Des Moines Road to South 252nd Street. Councilman Johnson MOVED and Chairwoman Woods SECONDED the motion to recommend to the City Council that the City of Kent does not de-annex the subject territory to Des Moines. Councilman Biteman is concerned about precedents being set by adjacent cities pursuing de-annexations as part of their expansion philosophy. Fire Chief Angelo stated the Fire Departments are not a point of contention in this whole issue. Kent operates under strong automatic aid agreements and the department is and will continue to be in a good position to deliver service to the subject area. Chairwoman Woods and Councilman Johnson voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Dowell had not yet arrived at the meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION Jim Hansen referred to the memo from Jim Harris which the Committee members received in their packet. The memo outlines four activities staff has undertaken regarding historic preservation. Dan Stroh stated staff is developing a list of alternatives for addressing the ,issue. He added Kent is a hot spot for historic resources and we rely on the county's inventory. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 51 1988 Jim Hansen emphasized point #4 of the Harris memo wherein staff is seeking incentive-based programs for historic preservation. Councilman Biteman is particularly concerned about protecting the rights of property owners. Linda Van Nest would like the City to update its historic survey. She added that that survey can be done while the City is choosing one of the options available to them under various programs for historic preservation. In response to Councilman Dowell, Ms. Van Nest offered to seek volunteer help in completing the survey update. Mr. Stroh has the county's list of sites and has requested complete survey sheets on those sites. In addition, the City Historian is doing research on sites. Committee members and staff expressed their appreciation of Linda Van Nest's enthusiasm for and interest in this issue. In response to Councilman Biteman, Ms. Van Nest offered to check on the log cabin in the area of the Kent Highlands entrance for possible historic site designation. Jim Hansen stated staff will prepare a work program for historic preservation. Dan Stroh indicated that by the end of the summer, staff should have a better handle on the historic site inventory. At that time the Committee can consider options. LEGAL NONCONFORMING USE Dr. Kosnoski presented two concerns to the Committee. One related to the Planning Department's determination that a change in use had occurred in the commercial building owned by Dr. Kosnoski. According to the Zoning Code, when a change in use occurs, a property must be upgraded to existing development standards. Dr. Kosnoski stated that a change in use had not occurred nor had there been a vacancy for more than six months (another trigger for upgrading a site) . Dr. Kosnoski's other concern is whether the City Council intended the code to be interpreted as the Planning Department has done. The property is part of the East Valley Study and is portrayed as GC in that study. What if he spends the money to comply with the present regulations and the permitted uses change under the new zoning? Discussion occurred. What happens when he rents to another tenant in the future? Does he then have to comply with more regulations? In a depressed economy, it is possible the whole building will be vacant for more than six months. In response to Councilman Dowell, Kathy McClung stated that what is being required is minor landscaping improvements and paved and striped parking areas. Ms. McClung presented a site plan of the property. She pointed out the 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 5, 1988 areas which needed to be landscaped and those which needed paved parking. Ms. McClung added that the new tenant is very interested in having Dr. Kosnoski do the improvements. The parking area will be used by the tenants. Dr. Kosnoski stated the previous tenant did not have a City of Kent business license. He questioned whether property owners have a responsibility to ensure their tenants have a business license. Ms. McClung stated that in April staff allowed the new tenant to move in and begin operating after staff had received a letter of agreement from Dr. Kosnoski that improvements would be made within ninety days. That time period is up at the end of July. Dr. Kosnoski replied that the original business license application was made in January and City staff lost the application for three months. Because Dr. Kosnoski was going on vacation and the tenant was anxious to begin operating his business, Dr. Kosnoski signed something in a hurry to get the tenant started. Chairwoman Woods asked what role the Planning Committee has in this issue. Discussion occurred. Councilman Johnson stated he thought the issue should go to the Board of Adjustment as an Appeal of Administrative Interpretation since the Planning Department has made their decision. Discussion occurred on options available. There are three options: 1) Make the necessary improvements, 2) Make Appeal of Administrative Interpretation to Board of Adjustment, or 3) Obtain Planning and Engineering staff approval of optional paving. Planning staff will work with Dr. Kosnoski to resolve the issue. The Committee urged staff to consider all three options. ADDED ITEMS Jim Hansen stated that staff will have a draft work program for 20% multifamily reduction at the next Planning Committee meeting. There are some legal questions to be resolved before finalizing the work program. Chairwoman Woods will give a report on the progress of the work program at tonight's Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6: 00 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for July 19, 1988 at 4 : 00 PM. 3