HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/20/1988 4 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 20, 1988 4: 00 PM Committee Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Steve Dowell Lin Ball Jon Johnson Mimi Castillo Stephen Clifton Others Present Jim Hansen Jim Harris Pete Curran Carolyn Lake Chris Leady Greg McCormick Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh EAST VALLEY ZONING IMPLEMENTATION Dan Stroh stated the East Valley zoning implementation is a result of the City Council 's approval of the East Valley Study. Major changes include a commercial corridor along East Valley Highway and an office zone at 212th and 167 . A public scoping meeting was held two weeks ago to discuss alternatives for implementation, including potentially a new commercial district in the Kent Zoning Code or designating GC, General Commercial, zoning with restricted uses. Staff requests that as an area-wide zoning action, the Planning Commission be authorized to apply the zoning and make the zoning map amendments as well. The committee voted unanimously to approve this request and forward it to the City Council for consideration. CHANGES TO HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - 1989 PROGRAM This was an added item to the agenda. Lin Ball presented King County' s latest estimate of funds available for Kent's 1989 Block Grant program. King County has prepared a "base level" funding estimate of an additional $7, 000 approximately and a "higher level" funding estimate of $12, 000 more ($19, 000 total) , which amount depends on the final federal budget. The Planning Committee, at their last meeting, approved funding priorities for the additional $7 , 000; these include any additional public (human) services funding would be provided to D.A.W.N. (approved by Human Services Commission) , a maximum of $6, 000 to the Burlington Northern Depot project, and any remaining funds to the Housing Repair Program. Given the "higher level" estimate, staff requests an additional $10, 310 for South King County Multi-Service Center Transitional Housing in order to fund two units for two years and any remaining funds for the Housing Repair Program. The Planning Committee unanimously approved the request for "base level" and "higher level" funding as presented. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - SOOS CREEK Fred Satterstrom stated that Auburn, Renton and Kent worked with the county to develop an interlocal agreement for the Soos Creek area to define I I + i CITY COUNCIL PLANNING CO ITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEP EMBER 20, 1988 each jurisdiction's expectation of the others and to better coordinate planning and development plan review among the four entities. There are four areas to which the interlocal agreement speaks. 1) The county and City of Kent agree to provide each other the opportunity to review and comment on plans for development t a threshold level within their respective jurisdictions. 2) The agreement spells out the county's and the City of Kent's roles in the plann ng efforts within each other's jurisdiction. 3) Each jurisdiction will co#sider the comments from the other jurisdiction on code changes affecting the Soos Creek area. 4) The county and City of Kent agree to work togetYer on municipal service and potential annexation area agreements. There io within the agreement a Duration, Termination and Amendment section which p ovides a means for each jurisdiction to withdraw from the agreement upon providing 30 days notice pursuant to legislative action by either party. The timing of the agreement is crucial because the county is in the process ¢f doing a Soos Creek update. Jim Hansen added that Allburn and Renton have passed virtually the same language. The agreement is in County Council Committee and is expected to pass. The interlocal agreement guarantees a successful planning effort in the Soos Creek area, will lead toward the opportunity for the City of Kent to work better with the county in the future, and provides an opportunity to set the stage for annexation agreements for Soos Creek and beyond. Jim Harris stated that there is wording in the agreement about the process of Soos Creek planning. Since that planning effort is underway, Mr. Harris would like to bring this issue before the City Council at the earliest possible time. Councilman Dowell noted the county has already informed the City of Kent on one occasion that it cannot deal with the City because there is no interlocal agreeme t; Jim Harris stated that is the issue with the City's challenge of the bounty's Hearing Examiner process on a couple of subdivisions. Mr. Harris stated this interlocal agreement might apply partly in that circumstance although that particular issue relates more to interlocal agreements regarding traffic mitigation. Mr. Harris replied to Councilman Dowell that because the City has an ordinance relating to provision of water and sewer service to areas outside the City boundary, this agreement would not be used to require provision of service to areas where the City does not desire *o provide service. The committee unanimously �pproved forwarding the interlocal agreement to the October 4th meeting of th City Council. Jim Hansen added that the county has improved immensely oo letting the City of Kent know about planning activities occurring with�n the county. HEARING EXAMINER APPROVAL OF EXCEPTIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS UNDER THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SECTION OF THE KENT ZONING CODE ZCA-88-5 Jim Harris stated this was an added item to the agenda. Mr. Harris clarified for Councilman Dowell th t when an applicant has a project which involves 2 I I I i i CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 both a variance and a conditional use permit, this proposal allows the Hearing Examiner to consider both issues. Councilman Dowell stated the proposal expedites consideration of a development when both a variance and conditional use permit are required. When just a variance is required, the issue would still go before the Board of Adjustment. The committee unanimously approved forwarding the Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council at their meeting of October 4. REGULATORY REVIEW - PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES #ZCA-88-1 Chairwoman Woods had talked with Councilmen Johnson and Dowell to discuss allowing public storage facilities in the CC, Community Commercial, zoning district and mitigating the impact of unsightly facilities. Jim Harris stated that if the Planning Committee recommends such facilities, staff would like to have applied standards for those facilities. Stephen Clifton distributed a list of standards which had been developed after discussion between staff and the applicant at the Planning Commission's direction. Design was a major concern. Mr. Clifton passed around photos of the Totem Lake mini-storage facility. Mr. Clifton clarified for Councilman Dowell that if approved, public storage facilities would be allowed in a CC, Community Commercial, zoning district only as a conditional use; further, there would be additional standards applicable to public storage facilities. Discussion occurred on the proposed standards. Councilman Dowell questioned the proposed language under "Use" to determine if it accomplishes what is intended, i.e. , to remove public storage from street frontages. Mr. Harris suggested rewording to allow access to public storage facilities from the primary street frontage but to have commercial along the street frontage and public storage in back. Councilman Dowell is concerned that a proliferation of public storage facilities might occur along a primary street frontage such as Benson Highway. Mr. Curran agreed that strict standards to prevent such an occurrence would be appropriate. Mr. Curran suggested wording to limit frontage to access with the remaining frontage for commercial/office use. Mr. Curran suggested allowing applicants to determine their needs for security, e.g. , fencing, but to require appropriate screening. Mr. Harris agreed the fencing must be compatible with CC or potential CC uses. Mr. Clifton described the landscaping requirements for front, side and rear yards and indicated extensive screening with a chain link fence would not be as much of an impact as viewing a solid wood fence with no plant material. It was agreed that this issue would be brought back to the Planning Committee at their meeting of October 4 to finalize language and also would be taken to the City Council meeting that same night. The recommendation would be to approve the appeal and direct the City Attorney to prepare the required ordinance, including the proposed standards. 3 i CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEP EMBER 20, 1988 i Mr. Clifton reviewed the additional requirements proposed by staff. Mr. Curran initiated discussion of lot size requirements;. he proposed eliminating lot size requirements or allowing maximum lot size to be 4 acres. Mr. Leady stated there did not seem to be justification for the proposed limitation of lot size. Mr. Harris s ated staff proposes to limit the size of public storage facilities in th se commercial areas; larger facilities should be located on the Valley F1 or; he stated staff could support a maximum of 4 acres. Mr. Clifton added that public storage facilities are land intensive uses and staff proposes tc restrict the size of such facilities to eliminate pressure to increase CC zoning. In response to Councilman Dowell 's concern about abutting lots both developing public storage facilities, Mr. Harris stated that the Conditional Use Permit process should prevent such an occurrence. i Discussion occurred on b ilding height. Staff proposes to limit public storage facilities to one ttory. Mr. Harris and Greg McCormick clarified the definition of one story. Applicant was agreeable to staff's proposal in this regard. The Committee recommendedl approval of the applicant's appeal and direction to the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance with the accompanying design standards. Staff agreed to meet with Mr. Curran regarding the standards. Councilman Dowell suggested the Planning Commission be advised of the Committee's decision and deliberation. Staff will so advise them. It was clarified that this issue will be on both the agendas for the Planning Committee and the City Co ncil on October 4. PUBLIC MEETING ON HOUSING ' Dan Stroh stated that on September 28 the Planning Department will conduct a public meeting on the housing study to solicit citizen concerns and input on housing policies. The meeting will be held in City Hall at 7: 30 PM. At tonight's City Council meeting, Mr. Harris will announce this public meeting. PUBLIC NOTICES Councilman Johnson propo ed posting public notices on 4x8 plywood with "public notice" in large etters on top, in at least one conspicuous place. Mr. Harris proposed talki g to the City Attorney about any legal issues in this regard and bringing Ithe topic back to the Committee at a later date. Mr. Hansen stated that Settle requires the applicant to prepare the signs. i ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at Opproximately 5: 15 PM. I 4 i i