HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/01/1988 r KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE November 1, 1988 4 :00 PM Committee Members Present Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Steve Dowell Lauri Anderson Jon Johnson Jim Hansen Jim Harris Carolyn Lake Alana McIalwain Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh MOSS COMP PLAN AMENDMENT Dan Stroh identified the Moss and Elkins properties and presented staff s proposal to expand the study area to include not only the Moss and Elkins properties but also the area south of the Green River. There is before the County Hearing Examiner at the present time a proposal to rezone the Bigford property south of the river to light manufacturing. This area is part of the City of Kent's 1982 Agricultural Lands study, the area was designated Agricultural in our Comprehensive Plan, and the area is in our potential annexation area. Staff is following closely the Bigford rezone and the City has the option to appeal an unfavorable decision by the Hearing Examiner. Also pending before the County Council is a proposal to zone the area as A- 10, a new class of agricultural production lands with 10-acre minimum lot size. In other words, not only is the Bigford rezone request not consistent with the City of Kent's Comprehensive Plan land use designation, but there is internally within the county differences in perception of land use in the area in question. Discussion occurred on annexing the area and the effect of annexation on the proposals presently before the county. Councilman Dowell asked if there were ways the City could protect land within our potential annexation area from improper zoning. Dan Stroh responded the City has the option to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision to the County Council. Lauri Anderson described the land uses in the area. PUBLIC NOTICE BOARDS In response to Councilman Johnson's request at a previous meeting, Fred Satterstrom distributed a comparison of Seattle's, Bellevue's and Redmond's requirements for public notice boards, and the size of the board. The requirements are similar with the essential difference that the City of Seattle requires signs to be put on site for any action requiring SEPA determination whereas the other two cities require signs for such things as rezones, conditional use permits, plats, PUD's, etc. In Kent, signs for all SEPA actions would number in the hundreds whereas signs for other major activities would number approximately 24 . Mr. Satterstrom mentioned that Senior Planner Kathy McClung recently informed him the City of Lacey Planning CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Department constructs 3x5 signs in-house as a cost-cutting measure. He added that the public notice boards seem to be effective in Seattle, Bellevue and Redmond; no longer do citizens complain about not being notified of pending actions. There were no opponents when Redmond recently adopted their requirements for public notice boards. Jim Hansen stated citizens would be interested in the cost factor of the posting. Mr. Satterstrom estimated the cost to be $300, plus installation. Jim Harris stated that at the November 15th Planning Committee meeting, staff will bring forward a proposal on the types of project which would require a public notice board, the cost, the size, and the method used by City of Lacey. ANNEXATIONS This item was deferred to the meeting of November 15, 1988. ADDED ITEMS A brief discussion occurred on the Mayor's letter to Mr. Flick. For the November 15th meeting, Chairwoman Woods suggested staff draft a response to Mr. Flick outlining the process for rezones and inviting Mr. Flick to participate in the housing study which is underway. In response to Councilman Johnson, Jim Harris stated that the Planning Department' s staff reports are based on review of the relevant comprehensive plan and staff suggests review of the plan if it appears to be out of sync with land use. Mr. Harris was of the impression that the applicant' s representative was going to research the issue of the rezone and get back to Mr. Harris and City Attorney Driscoll. Chairwoman Woods asked how staff responds to the letters from the School District on effects of proposed developments. She suggested the City meet with the School District to let them know that if they can get a proposal through the State Legislature to allow cities to collect money for schools from developers, the City would be receptive to that idea. Mr. Harris confirmed for Chairwoman Woods that the City of Kent does not have adult mobile home parks in the City. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 5: 10 PM. The next meeting will be held November 15, 1988 at 4 : 00 PM in the Second Floor Conference Room. 2