HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/12/1999 . July 12, 1999 THE AGENDA COVER SHEET FOR THE 7/19/99 PUBLIC WORKS/PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING • TITLE OF ITEM: 2000-2002 HOME INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (ICA) ACTION: Action Item To recommend approval of THE 2000-2002 HOME Interlocal Agreement and to forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its August 3rd meeting authorizing the Mayor to sign the Agreement. BACKUP MATERIAL: Staff Report from Katherin Johnson dated July 19, 1999. Home Investment Partnerships Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. • PRESENTER: Katherin Johnson, Human Services Manager TIME: 10 minutes • 2000 - 2002 HOME INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (ICA) ACTION ITEM To recommend approval of the 2000 — 2002 HOME Interlocal Agreement and to forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its August 3rd meeting authorizing the Mayor to sign the Agreement. CITY OF L"LIM4T • Jim White, Mayor INVICTA Planning Department (253) 856-54541FAX(253) 856-6454 James P. Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM July 19, 1999 MEMO TO: TIM CLARK, CHAIR AND CITY COUNCIL PLANNING—PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: KATHERIN JOHNSON, HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: 2000—2002 HOME INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (ICA) Background The current three year HOME Interlocal Cooperative Agreement(ICA) with King County expires at the end of 1999. It is necessary for the City to enter into a new agreement for the King County HOME Consortium for the years 2000—2002 (Copy is attached). The agreement governs the City's participation with the County and other King County cities in the distribution • of federal HOME funds. King County receives these funds under the federal HOME National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. These funds are available for distribution throughout the County for projects, which provide permanent affordable housing for low-income families and individuals. Since King County administers the HOME Program, with no separate funds for this Program coming individually to the member cities, the ICA is very short and straightforward. City of Kent Housing & Human Services Staff are members of the HOME Working Group and participate in the drafting of policies, review of application and recommendations for HOME funding. Our participation helps ensure that South King County captures its share of HOME dollars for affordable housing. The new ICA has only minor changes from the current agreement: 1) Language to clarify appointments to the Joint Recommendation Committee and 2) Term of agreement provides for an automatic renewal of the three-year agreement upon written notice. The City's approval of the HOME ICA needs to be forwarded to King County by August 4, 1999. Recommended Action 1. Approval of the 2000—2002 HOME Interlocal Agreement 2. Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its August 3`1 meeting authorizing the Mayor to sign the Agreement. KT\pm\PUBLIC\Human Services\CDBG\HOMEICA.doc enc: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Summary of Changes to CDBG and HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreements cc: James P. Hams,Planning Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner ` 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)856-5200 r. • Summary of Changes to CDBG and HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreements for 2000-2002 Two Revisions to HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement: 1. Appointments to JRC: Corrects misleading statement about Suburban Cities Association,which has always appointed only the eight CDBG+HOME cities to the JRC (four regulars and four alternates) and not the two HOME-only cities. These two cities—Bellevue and Auburn—automatically rotate membership on the JRC, and are not appointed by the SCA. In addition, gives County Executive the option of appointing a citizen representative of unincorporated King County as one of the four County representatives (the number of county representatives does not change). 2. Term of agreement: Provides for automatic renewal of the 3-year agreement,upon written notice to participating jurisdictions that they have the option to amend or opt out. Five Changes to CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement: 1. The obligation of county staff to provide timely information to Consortium partners • and allow time for response before making recommendations to the JRC, is clearly stated. Similarly,the responsibility of county staff to get contracts out in a timely fashion is clearly stated. 2. There is now a"grandfather"clause,which would allow cities that previously received a Pass-through to continue receiving one even if they fall below the threshold in future years. 3. All references to Pass-through cities doing their own local strategic plans or local program policies are eliminated, since we are making this optional under our new approach to the Consolidated plan. For consistency, this necessitated some changes in what the consortium expects of new Pass-through cities. 4. Appointments to JRC—see HOME changes, above. 5. Term of agreement—see HOME changes, above. • HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between King County,an urban county pursuant to 24 CFR Subpart 92.101 and Subpart 570.3,hereinafter referred to as the"County,"and the City of hereinafter referred to as the"City,"said parties to the Agreement each being a unit of general local government of the State of Washington. RECITALS WHEREAS,a unit of general local government that is included in an urban county may be part of a HOME consortium only through the urban county;and WHEREAS,a metropolitan city or an urban county may be part of a consortium;and WHEREAS,the City and King County agree that it is mutually desirable and beneficial to enter into a consortium arrangement pursuant to and authorized by 24 CFR Part 92 and 42 USC § 12746 for purposes of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program,hereinafter referred to as "HOME Program"; NOW,THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING CIRCUMSTANCES AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN,IT IS AGREED THAT: 1. This Agreement is made pursuant to the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990,as amended,42 USC§ 12701 et.seq.(the"Act")and RCW 39.34,the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. 2. The City and the County agree to cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking HOME Program housing assistance activities which are eligible under 24 CFR Part 92. 3. The County is hereby authorized to act as the representative member on behalfof the Consortium for the purposes of the HOME Program. The County agrees to assume overall. responsibility for ensuring that the Consortium's HOME Program is carried out in compliance with federal requirements and the housing objectives of the City and the County as adopted in the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan(Consolidated H&CD Plan). The City agrees to cooperate fully with the County in the development and preparation of the Consolidated H&CD Plan,and to prepare and provide those elements specifically pertaining to the City. 4. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the period necessary to plan and carry out all activities that will be funded from,HOME funds awarded for the 2000,2001, and 2002 federal fiscal years,the three-year qualification period that coincides with the Agreement for the Distribution and Administration of Community Development Block Grant,or until the County s designation as a participating HOME jurisdiction or an urban county is rescinded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development,whichever is shorter. This agreement will be automatically renewed for participation in successive three-year qualification periods,unless the county or the city provides written notice it elects not to participate in the new qualification period. Such written notice shall be given by the date set forth in an Urban County Qualification Notice applicable to subsequent three-year qualification periods and provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 5. The city and the county agree to adopt any amendments to the agreement incorporating changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements set forth in an Urban County Qualification Notice applicable for a subsequent three-year qualification period,and to submit such amendment to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Failure to adopt such amendment will void the automatic renewal of such qualification period. 6. During the term of this Agreement,neither the County nor the City may withdraw from participation from their respective obligations under this Agreement. 7. By executing the HOME Agreement,the City understands that it may not participate in a HOME consortium except through the urban county,regardless of whether the urban county receives a HOME formula allocation. 8. This Agreement shall be executed in three counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original,by the chief executive officers of the County and the City,pursuant to the authority granted them by their respective governing bodies. One of the signed counterparts, accompanied by copies of the authorizing resolutions from the County and the City,shall be filed by the County with the Region X office of HUD. A copy shall be filed with the Secretary of State and the Clerk of the King County Council,the County Auditor,and the City pursuant to RCW 39.34.040. 9. The County and the City both hereby agree to affirmatively further fair housing. 10. Joint Recommendations Committee Composition. The Committee shall be composed of four County representatives and five Cities representatives. The four County representatives may be Department Directors or their designees,and/or citizen representatives of unincorporated communities.County representatives shall be specified in writing and should,where possible;be the same person consistently from meeting to meeting. Five participating city representatives and their alternates will include city planning directors or comparable level staff,or elected officials. Two city representatives and their alternates will be from the northeast region of the County and two city representatives and their alternates will be from the south region of the County. An additional revolving position on this Committee shall be rotated between the HOME-only Cities of Auburn and Bellevue. The revolving position will be non-voting,except on issues related to the King County HOME Consortium and other federal housing-related funds (excluding Community Development Block Grant). 11. Appointments. The King County Executive shall appoint the County representatives. The Suburban Cities Association will select eight different jurisdictions,four to serve as members and four as alternates,which in turn,will assign representatives to this Committee. Terms of office shall be for two years. Priority for one of the positions will be for a small city representative. The revolving HOME position will be appointed annually by the respective jurisdiction. Members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities. 12. The Joint Recommendations Committee will adopt HOME program policies, consistent with the Consolidated H&CD Plan,developed by the City and County staff working group. The Joint Recommendations Committee will approve funding decisions. All funding decisions must be in accord with adopted policies. Once the policies are adopted,the City,as a representative member of the Consortium,shall also have the right to comment on any program changes prior to their implementation by the County. 13. The chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Joint Recommendations Committee shall be chosen from among the members of the Committee by a majority vote of the members for a term of one year beginning the first meeting of the calendar year. Attendance of five members will constitute a quorum. 14. The City shall participate jointly with the County in the development of the Consortium's HOME Program by participating in development of a HOME Program strategy sufficient to accommodate both the collective and individual housing objectives contained within local comprehensive plans or other adopted plans of both the City and the County. 15. Federal HOME funds,allocated to the Consortium,shall be used to fund housing assistance activities that are the subject of this Agreement. The City and the County shall cooperate in the establishment of budgets for separate HOME activities.The County intends to enter into contractual agreements with any city,nonprofit organization,or other entity that it selects to implement HOME activities. The County's administrative costs will be paid from the HOME grant,after review and approval by the Joint Recommendations Committee. 16. This agreement applies to the Consortium's acceptance of other federal housing-related funds which may be allocated by formula to the Consortium. Allocation decisions for these funds will be subject to policies and procedures developed by the City and County staff working group and adopted by the Joint Recommendations Committee. This Agreement is legally binding and valid upon signature of all parties. CITY OF KING COUNTY Signature of Chief Executive Officer for Ron Sims,County Executive Name and Title(printed) Date: Date: h:lusers\ica197-99hm.doc CITY OF Jim White, Mayor 'r ICTA Planning Department (253) 856-5454/FAX(253)856-6454 James P.Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM July 19, 1999 MEMO TO: TIM CLARK, CHAIR AND CITY COUNCIL PLANNING — PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: KATHERIN JOHNSON, HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (ICA) FOR YEARS 2000 — 2002 WITH KING COUNTY. (THIS IS NECESSARY BECAUSE HUD HAS NOTIFIED THE CITY THAT WE ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AN ENTITLEMENT). Background Recently the Seattle office of HUD informed us that Kent does not qualify for Entitlement Status. With this new information, our options are limited, if the City wants to continue receiving HUD dollars. The U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires cities to sign an Interlocal Agreement as a condition of receiving federal funds, which are used to benefit low and moderate income people. The City's current three year Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with King County expires at the end of 1999. To continue our participation in the King County Consortium and receive federal pass through dollars for the next three years the City will need to sign a new ICA with King County (attached). The New ICA includes only minor changes from the current agreement and is attached. Recommended Action 1. Recommend approval of the 2000 — 2002 Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Agreement. 2. Forward this consideration to the full City Council for consideration at its August 3td meeting authorizing the Mayor to sign the Community Development Interlocal Agreement. KJ\pm\P:\Human Services\CDBG\cdbgica2.doc enc: Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Community Development Block Grant Joint Agreement Summary of Changes to CDBG and HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreements for 2000-2002 cc: James P.Harris,Planning Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)856-5200