HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/16/1997 • Kent City Council Minutes September 16, 1997 TRAFFIC CONTROL This project consists of a complete traffic signal system at the intersection of Central Avenue South & Pioneer Street. The Public Works Director recommends that the Central Avenue South & Pioneer Street Traffic Signal System contract be awarded to Signal Electric, Inc. CLARK MOVED that the Central Avenue South & Pioneer Street Traffic Signal System contract be awarded to Signal Electric, Inc. for the bid amount of $27,500. 00. Houser seconded and the motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5B) Interurban Trail signals. The bid opening for this project was held on September llth with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Prime Electric, Inc. in the amount of $73 ,936. 00. The Engineer' s estimate was $135,900.00. This project consists of installing a traffic • signal system complete at Meeker Street & Interurban Trail, Smith Street & Interurban Trail and, South 228th Street & Interurban Trail. The Public Works Director recommends that the Interurban Trail Signals contract be awarded to Prime Electric, Inc. CLARK MOVED that the Interurban Trail Signals contract be awarded to Prime Electric, Inc. for the bid amount of $73,936. 00. Orr seconded and the motion carried. REGIONAL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) TRANSIT (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR) AUTHORITY Regional Transit Authority. Orr stated that because of a 1994 letter sent by the Mayor suggesting the north site as the recommended site for the RTA station, and the results of the City's recent Strategic Action Plan consultants recommending the north site, that the Regional Transit Authority was now looking only at the north site as part of their study and review. She noted that there is a considerable amount of interest in the south site, and MOVED to have a • letter dratted, which would. be .:signed by Council President Houser and Planning Committee Chair Orr 4c (c, 9 /e / °r/1 Kent City Council Minutes September 16, 1997 REGIONAL to the Regional Transit Authority requesting TRANSIT formally that they look at both the north and the AUTHORITY south sites in their review, so that there is a clear picture of which would be the better of the two sites from their prospective. Woods seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Freight Trains Warning Signs. AUTHORIZATION for staff to explore the possibility of developing an advanced warning system of freight train traffic passing thru Kent, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. BICYCLES -- (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Downtown Free Bicycle Zone. AUTHORIZATION for staff to establish a viable plan to implement a free bicycle zone with a report back to the Public Works Committee by the end of January, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This item has been presented to the Bicycle Advisory Board, who concurred. COMMUNITY (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) DEVELOPMENT 1998 Community Development Block Grant Program BLOCK GRANT This date has been set to consider the adoption of the proposed 1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, including the contingency plans for estimated entitlement changes, as recommended by the Planning Committee. Carolyn Sundvall, Block Grant Coordinator for the City of Kent, explained the Block Grant program and outlined the proposed 1998 program and pro- jects which have been recommended for funding as follows: City of Kent 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM Total Estimated Capital Funds: $383,932 Total Estimated Planning 5 Administration Funds: $ 67,455 Total Estimated Public (Human) Service Funds: $ 72,S79 Total CDBG Funds: $523,966 • Capital Applications Recommended city of Kent Home Repair Program $236,943 5 CITY OF Ytl J� Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September M, t997 Planning Committee Members Present: City AttorneX's Office: Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich, City Attorney Tim Clark Laurie Evezich,Assistant City Attorney Jon Johnson Other City staff. Plannin St taff: Gary Gill, City Engineer Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Ed White, Transp Eng Supervisor Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Matthews Jackson, GIS Coordinator/Planner Linda Phillips, Planner Margaret Porter, Administrative Assistant Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary RESOLUTION FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the Growth Management Act allows for Comprehensive Plan amendments once a year. Mr. Satterstrom explained that in order to make an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan other than once a year, Kent must declare a state of emergency through a Resolution. He explained that the Resolution is necessary to move forward with the Meridian Valley and Del Mar annexation Comprehensive Plan amendments and zoning map changes. Committee member Jon Johnson MOVED and Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the proposed resolution. Motion carried. BILLBOARD ISSUE - (T. Clark) Committee member Tim Clark stated that the commuter rail will cause significant traffic delays. He explained that the 196th corridor will become the first non-stop east-west route. Mr. Clark explained that this overpass will become the City's only unobstructed panoramic view of the area and he would like this to remain an unobstructed view. He asked the Committee to create a billboard ordinance that would prohibit billboards that would obstruct this view. He commented that he would • like to prevent a problem before one occurs. Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich explained that there was a relatively recent Washington Supreme Court decision that determined the placement of billboards could be limited for reasons of 220 4[h AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.W ASHINGTON 98032-5895/TF_LEPHONE (253)859-3300 • City Council Planning Committee Minutes September 16, 1997 protecting traffic distraction, health and safety, the preserving of aesthetics, or the preservation of natural resources. However, she explained that this could not be enacted retroactively. Clark MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a motion directing administration to draw up a"billboard" ordinance that would expressly protect the views of the 196th and 272nd corridors by prohibiting the placement of billboards. Chair Leona Orr questioned whether the ordinance should be specific. Clark commented that the uniqueness of the overpasses takes out the consideration of existing roadways. Evezich commented that the City should avoid an ordinance that would require constant maintenance. She suggested limiting the ordinance to the 196th and 272nd corridors to ensure that the ordinance would not effect existing billboards. The motion carried. 108TH AVENUE FENCE - (L. Evezich) Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich explained that the Committee had requested an update for . this item. Ms. Evezich explained that the City received a citizen petition regarding the previous existence of a fence along 108th Avenue. After substantial research,the City Attorney concluded that the fence was not a condition of development and, therefore, could not be required of the property owners. The property owners decided for their own reasons to add a fence on 108th Avenue. Ms. Evezich stated that, as of this date, the owners expect to have the fence in place by years end. Committee member Tim Clark questioned whether it was still the intent of the property owner to construct a heavy metal fence. Ms. Evezich commented that those details had not been discussed but, she will contact the owner and confirm this was still their intent. DOWNTOWN STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN - (L. Phillips) Chair Leona Orr stated that she had spoke with the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) and they are only considering the north location for the commuter rail station in their environmental review process. Chair Orr suggested that the Committee take action to formally request that RTA consider both the north and the south commuter rail station locations. She commented that she was prepared to take this issue to full Council tonight, if necessary. Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that staff did contact the RTA and they indicated that a letter from the City Council would be appropriate if the City would like the RTA to consider both the north and the south site. Mr. Satterstrom commented that it had been staff s understanding that • the RTA would automatically be considering both sites during their environmental review. 2 City Council Planning Committee Minutes September 16, 1997 Committee member Tim Clark MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to compose a letter from the Council to direct the RTA to consider both the north and the south commuter rail locations in their environmental review process. Motion carried. Chair Leona Orr stated that Mr. Alden Eld had not been sufficiently notified regarding the August 6, 1997 Special Planning Committee meeting and therefore, was not given an opportunity to testify. She explained that Mr. Eld is here today to add his comments for the record. Alden Eld,P. O. Box 866,Oregon City, OR 97045. Mr. Alden Eld owns property located at the corner of Fourth and James. Mr. Eld discussed his concerns and stated that his property is unusable as residential. He requested the Committee to consider the inclusion of five parcels in the area being rezoned to office/mixed use. Planner Linda Phillips introduced a recent letter from Marily Manthy and commented that one issue that was discussed in the introductory phase of the downtown plan was identifying market opportunities for natural medicine facilities. Ms. Phillips explained that this was inadvertently left out of the draft. Ms. Phillips discussed adding language promoting Kent as a center for health car, including natural medicine, in the"Market Opportunities" and"Enhance Civic Identity" sections of the Downtown Plan. Clark MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a motion to add the language promoting health care facilities and services,including natural medicine opportunities,as discussed above. Motion carried. Ms. Phillips outlined the East Frame District. She explained that this district includes a mixture of commercial activity interspersed among single and multifamily residential uses. The recommendation encourages preserving and developing additional residential uses within this area along with the existing commercial services. The East Frame District also recommends the construction of a pedestrian trail along Mill Creek that would connect Mill Creek Park and Memorial Park, the improvement of Meeker and Gowe Streetscapes which would include landscaping and lighting, and design guidelines to help increase compatibility of uses. Mr. Satterstrom explained that the East Frame District is fairly limited in scope. He explained that the area is zoned for commercial, but the majority of the existing development is single family residential. He explained that design guidelines are a way to provide transition within this area as the area develops with more large scale commercial or residetnial projects. • Mr. Clark discussed his concern with the recommendation to encourage a pedestrian trail crossing at James. He also discussed his concerns regarding the Meeker and Gowe street improvements and stated that this may be premature due to the potential impacts of the commuter rail station. He 3 City Council Planning Committee Minutes September 16, 1997 commented that he had a great concern subscribing to a plan which may require major adjustments once specifics are determined. Ms. Phillips explained that the plan recommends pedestrian improvements and they would be adjusted for safety or other issues at the time of implementation. Mr. Clark commented that he is concerned with the recommendation that commits to current street standards. He explained that the RTA location could have a tremendous impact on streets in the downtown area and may need substantial upgrade beyond the current standard. He was concerned with the impact of increased bus traffic. Ms. Phillips explained that the recommendations for street standards are more general in nature and can be revised during the implementation to accommodate any such impacts. Chair Orr questioned whether a decision on this area should be delayed until the site of the commuter rail station had been determined. Clark questioned how quickly these projects would be fed into the Capital Facilities Program. Ms. Phillips explained that the improvements would be prioritized and the timing would be determined by funding and Council approval. She explained that recommendations involving the commuter rail would be given a priority and others would be prioritized based on the City's wants and needs. Mr. Satterstrom explained that the Council will decide based on funding and other issues whether or not improvements will be made and where. He explained that improvements are merely recommendations for specific improvements but the details would be worked out prior to implementation. Committee member Tim Clark MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a motion to adopt the East Frame District recommendations of the Downtown Plan. Committee member Jon Johnson commented that he felt it was very important to create as many trails and pedestrian links as possible. He stated that busy trails would need to cross busy streets and stated that the safety concerns would be addressed and the best solution adopted at the time of implementation. Mr. Johnson also discussed his concerns with the scale differences in this area and hoped the design guidelines would address these concerns. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA: BAYBERRY CREST PRELIMINARY PLAT - (R. Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich explained that the City Council had modified the Preliminary Plat for Bayberry Crest and these changes had effected the conditions of the plat. Mr. Lubovich stated that the Council's decision to cul-de-sac 129th Avenue Southeast, eliminated the need for certain conditions that no longer applied and gave the applicant enough land for an additional two lots. 4 City Council Planning Committee Minutes September 16, 1997 Mr. Lubovich explained that a letter had been received from the applicant requesting that conditions that were no longer applicable be removed and asked that the additional two lots be approved. City Engineer Gary Gill explained staff s position on the conditions. He explained that staff supports the applicants request to eliminate the conditions outlined in their letter with the exception of Condition 6. G)iii. which should remain as written. Committee member Tim Clark questioned the status of the pedestrian walkway. Mr. Gill explained that the pedestrian walkway would remain unchanged. Mr. Lubovich explained that the conditions being removed relate directly to 129th Avenue SE not going through. Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom asked for time to review the changes before making a recommendation to Council. Jim Howton,600- 108th Ave NE, Suite 343,Bellevue,WA 98004. Mr. Jim Howton explained that this is time sensitive and would like to have this item go to Council tonight. Committee member Jon Johnson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the changes to the Bayberry Crest Preliminary Plat as discussed pending Planning Department approval. City Attorney Roger Lubovich questioned whether Planning had authority to make minor adjustments. The Committee concurred that any minor adjustment necessary including lot configuration could be made by staff based on zoning regulations. Motion carried. Chair Leona Orr stated that the Downtown Plan will be continued to the Planning Committee Meeting on October 21, 1997 at 4:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. 5