HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/02/1997 (4) VE ASSISTANT III CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETwhite, Mayor AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 l r t L4 x4 xi _ ( ..L`l, CJ INCX iR'sLAfflVI1VG COM4ITI'>�T.1r TS:iy<1A j3t1N A'SP,( C,RL,Pd TT XCMMETING N HAIL AT.2XFOUIZ, '-AVENUE SOZIZH Committee Members Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Tim Clark AGENDA 1. 1998 Community Development Block ACTION ITEM - 15 Minutes Grant Program - (C. Sundvall) 2. Proposed Two-Year Funding Cycle for Human ACTION ITEM - 15 Minutes Services - (K. Johnson) ANY PERSON REQUIRING A DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY IN ADVANCE FOR MORE INFORMATION. FOR TDD RELAY SERVICE, CALL 1-800-635-9993 OR THE CITY OF KENT AT (2W813-2068. rnp:c:pco90297.agn 120 41h AVENUE SOUTH 1 KENT.WASHINGTON 98o32-5895/TELEPHONE (253)FS59-3300 CI Y OF IWtI Mr J • lanning Department (206) 859-33901FAX(206) 850-2544 ames P. Harris, Planning Director Jim White, Mayor MEMORANDUM September 2, 1997 MEMO TO: LEONA ORR, CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: CAROLYN SUNDVALL, PLANNER SUBJECT: 1998 PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM Attached is the proposed 1998 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Program for the City of Kent. The total proposed program is estimated at$523,966. This is a 9 percent($52,297) decrease from our 1997 CDBG funding level of$576,263. The decrease is a result of revised 1998 estimates in addition to recaptured funds and program income. A description of each program requesting Kent's CDBG funds and the rationale for the recommended funding is attached for your review. The Human Services Commission reviewed the CDBG human (public) service applications. The attached proposal includes the Commission's • funding recommendations for those human services programs. As in past years, the majority of the CDBG funds are recommended to support the City's Home Repair Services Program. This program continues to serve many low-income, disabled and senior homeowners in Kent by providing needed repairs. The program also guarantees that some of Kent's low- and moderate-income housing stock is maintained and preserved. Keep in mind that Kent's CDBG entitlement figure of$523,966 for 1998 is an estimate. The amount of money we receive could change depending upon the final federal appropriations bill Congress passes in the Fall. Therefore, the recommended funding includes a contingency plan to address any potential entitlement changes that may occur when Congress adopts the 1998 budget. Kent's adopted 1998 CDBG Program must include such a contingency plan and be forwarded to King County by September 30, 1997. Recommended Actions 1. Approve the proposed 1998 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Program, including its contingency plan, and forward for adoption to the full City Council. 2. Schedule a public hearing on September 16, 1996, for the full City Council to consider adoption of the proposed 1998 CDBG Program. • CS/mp:p:users\carolyn\98pgrm.pc cc: Jim P. Harris, Planning Director Lin Houston Cashman 2204th AVE SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895!TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 PROPOSED City of Kent 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM otal Estimated Capital Funds: $ 383,932 otal Estimated Planning&Administration Funds: $ 67,455 Total Estimated Public (Human) Service Funds: $ 729579 Total CDBG Funds: $ 5239966 Capital Applications Requested Recommended City of Kent Home Repair Program $236,943 $236,943 City of Kent Parks &Recreation: Turnkey Park,ADA 50,000 60,000 City of Kent Parks &Recreation: Russell Road Park,ADA 38,000 38,000 Easter Seals: Rental Access Modification 18,989 18,989 King Co Housing Authority:Shelcore Emergency Housing Rehab 30,000 30,000 Elderhealth Northwest: Rehab 209000 0_ Total Capital $393,932 $3839932 Public (Human) Service Applications Requested Recommend Community Health Centers: Primary Medical $ 25,000 $ 18,877 ommunity Health Centers: Natural Medicine Clinic $ 15,000 $ 5,087 lderhealth Northwest, Connection Adult Day Care $ 5,500 $ 5,595 Emergency Feeding Program $ 10,638 $ 10,822 YWCA: Domestic Violence Housing $ 32,090 $ 32,198 Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound $ 5,000 $ _-0- Total Public (Human) Services $ 93,228 $ 729579 Planning &Administration $ 67,455 $ 679455 TOTAL CDBG FUNDS $ 523,966 1998 Human Service Contingency Plan: If Kent's CDBG Human Services dollars increase from the current estimate,then each program's funding will be increased proportionately. If Kent's CDBG Human Service dollars decrease from the current estimate then: Each programs funding will be decreased proportionately with the exception of the Community Health Center, Natural Medicine Clinic which will not be reduced below the minimum funding level of$5,000. 1998 Capital Contingency Plan: If Kent's CDBG Capital dollars increase from the current estimate then that increase will be carved over into 1999 funding. If Kent's CDBG Capital dollars decrease from the ent estimate then: First: City of Kent, Turnkey Park will be reduced to the requested amount. Second: g County Housing Authority, Shelcore Emergency Housing will be reduced up to $5,000. Third: Further decreases will be distributed proportionately among all programs. ' PROPOSED CITY OF KENT 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STAFF ANALYSIS CAPITAL PROJECTS 1. CITY OF KENT HOME REPAIR SERVICES PROGRAM Amount Requested: $236,943 Program Summary: The City's Home Repair Program provides major rehabilitation, minor repairs, and house painting services to income eligible owner-occupied houses and mobile homes located within the City of Kent. The proposed 1998 program includes a summer painting program with two temporary painter positions. The CDBG funds will pay the salaries of our home repair staff(who do the actual minor repairs, coordinate major repair works, and administration of the program), a temporary summer painting crew, supplies for minor repairs, vehicle rental, contractor fees for major repairs, and miscellaneous administrative fees. One Home Repair Specialist benefitted position will be increased from three to four days per week (from .6 to .8 position change) beginning June 1 st, to address the increased demand for services. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. • Staff Funding Recommendation: $236,943 This project may receive a decrease in funds as noted in the Capital Contingency Plan. Rationale: The City should continue its commitment to the Home Repair Program which has operated in the City since 1975 when the Federal CDBG program began. The program serves 100% low and moderate income Kent residents. Many of the clients are seniors or disabled persons; the program helps these people remain in their homes and helps to maintain and preserve Kent's housing stock. 2. CITY OF KENT'S PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Turnkey Park Handicapped Accessibility Rehabilitation Amount Requested: $50,000 Project Summary: The proposed funding would be used to rehabilitate an existing park,incorporating the installation of handicapped accessible concrete entrances, new gating,concrete picnic area pads and plaza with new tables, concrete pathways, and a concrete curb for the play area. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: • The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Staff Funding Recommendation: $60,000 The additional $10,000 will fund a Swing set with a fibar ground material and concrete curbing. This project may receive a decrease in funds as noted in the Capital Contingency Plan. 1998 Proposed CDBG Program September 2, 1997 Page 2 Rationale: This project will provide accessibility for the non-ambulatory population. Turnkey Park is adjacent to Valli Kee Housing,an East Hill low income housing complex. In addition,the project will enhance recreational opportunities in a low and moderate income neighborhood. 3. CITY OF KENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Russell Road Park Handicapped Accessibility Rehabilitation Amount Requested: $38,000 Program Summary: This existing park will be rehabilitated to create handicapped accessibility by installing concrete plazas for barbecue grills, demolishing curbs along the play equipment and expanding the play area. The plazas will provide access to the play equipment for the non-ambulatory population community- wide, since this park serves the entire community. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Staff Funding Recommendation: $38,000 This project may receive a decrease in funds as noted in the Capital Contingency Plan. Rationale: This project would provide funding for part of the improvements to the play area allowing community-wide access for physically challenged persons, including children. 4. EASTER SEALS SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Housing Modification for People with Disabilities Amount Requested: $18,989 Program Summary: This project will provide residential access modification to low income renters who live with a permanent disability, increasing client self-sufficiency. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Staff Funding Recommendation: $18,989 This project may receive a decrease in funds as noted in the Capital Contingency Plan. Rationale: This project serves physically challenged residents of Kent residing in rental housing. The project specifically addresses a City of Kent local program priority to provide access modification for physically challenged individuals. 1998 Proposed CDBG Program September 2, 1997 Page 3 5. KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Shelcor Emergency Housing Amount Requested: $30,000 Program Summary: This project will rehabilitate an existing emergency housing project for low income, homeless families. The scope of work includes installation of new roofs and gutters, repair of ceiling and wall damage, as well as various other repairs and refurbishment. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: This project complies with all local and consortium policies. Staff Funding Recommendation: $30,000 This project may receive a decrease in funds as noted in the Capital Contingency Plan. Rationale: This project will ensure a healthy and safe environment for residents of Shelcor Emergency Housing who are low income, homeless families. Shelcor Emergency Housing is located in the City of Kent and provides eight two-bedroom apartments. Project also leverages funds from other sources. 1998 CAPITAL CONTINGENCY PLAN If Kent's CDBG Capital dollars increase from the current estimate, then that increase will be carried over into 1999 funding. If the City receives a decrease in its CDBG capital funds from the current estimate then: First: City of Kent Parks Dept. Turnkey Project will be decreased up to the requested amount. Second: King County Housing Authority Shelcor Emergency Housing would be reduced up to $5,000. Third: Any additional decrease would be distributed proportionately among all projects. PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION 6. CITY OF KENT PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (for the CDBG program) Amount Set Aside: $67,455 Program Summary: The planning and administration of the CDBG program involves a number of tasks such as contract development and monitoring, regional cooperation, and fulfilling the various federal reporting requirements. These dollars will fund a regular full-time planner position and a temporary intern position. Currently,this planner position(works full time) is funded 60% out of CDBG and 40% by general fund through a job share position. The job share is to discontinue in 1998 and it is recommended that CDBG funds pay for 100%of the Planner's position beginning April 1, 1998. The remaining funds will fund the intern position and general program administrative costs which support Kent's CDBG program. 1998 Proposed CDBG Program September 2, 1997 Page 4 Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Staff Funding Recommendation: $67,455 Rationale: The Council has already taken action at its May 6, 1997 meeting to accept the maximum set aside for Planning and Administration CDBG dollars. The current estimate is $67,455. We need this amount to be set aside for planning and administration, because Kent's general fund does not fully cover the staff time needed to administer and plan for the CDBG program. PUBLIC (HUMAN) SERVICES You will note that some of the funding recommendations exceed the requested amount. This is due to the City receiving notice of award of additional funds subsequent to the Human Services Commission adopting its recommendations. These extra dollars were allocated to the programs based on the Commission's adopted Contingency Plan. 7. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS OF KING COUNTY- Kent Clinic Services Amount Requested: $25,000 Program Summary: Funds will be used to help support the compensation of one physician, who will provide primary medical care to low and moderate income people at the Kent Clinic. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The project meets all local and consortium policies. Human Service Commission Funding Recommendation: $18,877 If Kent's CDBG Human Service dollars increase or decrease from the current estimate then funding for this program may change. See final page for details. Rationale: Health care is a critical need in Kent. The Kent Clinic is the major point of access to medical services for Kent's low income population. Access to basic medical services is limited for low and moderate income residents because of lack of insurance and the lack of medical providers who accept Medicaid or Medicare clients. This project addresses that need. 1998 Proposed CDBG Program September 2, 1997 Page 5 8. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS OF KING COUNTY-Natural Medicine Clinic Amount Requested: $15,000 Program Summary: This project will directly address the health care needs of low income and uninsured Kent residents by providing integrated conventional family practice services and natural medicine services for poor and uninsured people in the City of Kent. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies and priorities. Human Services Commission Funding Recommendation: $5,087 If Kent's CDBG Human Service dollars increase or decrease from the current estimate then funding for this program may change. See final page for details. If Kent's human service dollars decrease funding will only be reduced to $5,000. The minimum level of funding allowed is $5,000. Rationale: . The City of Kent has a large low income population which lacks adequate access to basic health services. Many low income patients of the Kent Community Health Clinic are recent immigrants who are more accustomed to receiving natural medicine health care services. Many insurers do not cover natural medicine services, making them unaffordable to most low income and moderate income patients. 9. ELDERHEALTH NORTHWEST - CONNECTIONS ADULT DAY CARE Amount Requested: $5,500 Program Summary: Funds will be used to help off-set the costs of adult day health services for Kent residents who are frail, elderly or disabled and who still live at home. Clients receive medical assessments, on-going health monitoring,meals, social and therapeutic activities. Caregivers and families are offered support, education and counseling. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Human Service Commission Funding Recommendation: $5,595 If Kent's CDBG Human Service dollars increase or decrease from the current estimate then funding for this program may change. See final page for details. If the City's CDBG Public • Services funding levels change, this program may be decreased but only to the $5,000 minimum funding requirement. Rationale: This program addresses the growing need for adult day health services for low income residents. Program assists them in being able to remain in their homes. 1998 Proposed CDBG Program September 2, 1997 Page 6 10. KENT EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM Amount Requested: $10,638 Program Summary: The Emergency Feeding Program provides emergency meals for distribution at a number of sites in Kent. This program differs from a food bank in that it provides nutritionally balanced meals for three days. Special meals are available for specific health concerns such as high blood pressure, low sodium diets, low sugar, and liquid diets. They also provide infant meal packs and food for the homeless that doesn't need cooking. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Human Service Commission Funding Recommendation: $10,822 If Kent's CDBG Human Service dollars increase or decrease from the current estimate then funding for this program may change. See final page for details. Rationale: The agency provides nutritionally balanced and special diet meals to individuals and families in crisis. The City of Kent began funding this agency five years ago. The agency has demonstrated to the City that it is providing a vital service in a competent and efficient manner. 11. YWCA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRANSITIONAL HOUSING Amount Requested: $32,090 Program Summary: This program provides transitional shelter along with support services for victims of Domestic Violence and their children. In 1998,the YWCA will continue to provide Kent victims of Domestic Violence with shelter in five units of transitional housing. Local and Consortium Policies and Priorities: The proposed project complies with all local and consortium policies. Human Service Commission Funding Recommendation: $32,198 If Kents CDBG Human Service dollars increase or decrease from the current estimate then funding for this program may change. See final page for details. Rationale: The YWCA's program is a vital service for Kent residents who are experiencing domestic violence. This is one major component in the continuum of housing services needed to help • victims move out of the cycle of violence. ' 1998 Proposed CDBG Program September 2, 1997 Page 7 • 1998 PUBLIC (HUMAN) SERVICES CONTINGENCY PLAN If Kent's CDBG Human Services dollars increase from the current estimate, then each program's funding will be increased proportionately. If Kent's CDBG Human Service dollars decrease from the current estimate then: Each program's funding will be decreased proportionately with the exception of the Community Health Center,Natural Medicine Clinic which will not be reduced below the minimum funding level of$5,000. a:p:\humanser\carolyn\98cdbprg.ana