HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/28/1997 1.I CITY OF Man a� an Jim White, Mayor A Planning Department (253) 859-3390/FAX (253) 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM JULY 28, 1997 MEMO TO: STEVE DOWELL, CHAIR, AND MEMBERS OF THE LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD FROM: KEVIN O'NEILL, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: #ZCA-97-3 - AMENDMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (POLYGON NORTHWEST) INTRODUCTION In April, 1997, Polygon Northwest submitted a regulatory review request to amend the regulations in the zoning code relating to planned unit developments (PUD). Specifically, the applicant wishes to allow PUDs to be developed in single-family zoning districts, as long as the site is at least 100 acres in size (currently, PUDs are not permitted in any single family zoning district). The applicant is also seeking changes to the permitted uses in a single family PUD, and would like to add a provision allowing a phased, or "master plan" approval process for PUDs. The City Council Planning Committee reviewed this request on April 15, 1997, and voted to send it on to the Land Use and Planning Board for your consideration. This memorandum will present some background information on the City's regulations pertaining to PUDs, will analyze the issues related to the applicant's request, and present a staff recommendation. The issues relating to this application were reviewed at the July 14 workshop, and were also discussed on the tour which was conducted on July 21. BACKGROUND The provisions relating to planned unit developments are found in Section 15.04.080 of the zoning code. The intent of the PUD is to "create a process to'promote diversity and creativity in site design, and protect and enhance natural and community features." As outlined in the zoning code, *UDs allow some mixing of commercial and residential uses, and also allow more flexibility with regard to development standards such as minimum lot size. Planned unit developments have`6een permitted as'j=6f theKent zoning code since 1973. In 1987, the Planning Con mtssior reviewed anew=planned unit.development ordinance, which, H Amendment to Planned Unit Development Regulations--#ZCA-97-3 July 28, 1997 Page 2 among other things, shortened;the review time and refined allowable density bonuses for PUDs. After referring the amended provisions to the Planning Committee for review, the City Council adopted the amended PUD ordinance in August, 1988 (Ordinance #2802). In 1990, the City Council received a petition from the Responsible Urban Growth Group (RUGG) which requested that the City;Council consider revisions to the PUD ordinance which would require that all units in single-family PUDs be detached (previously side-by-side single family attached units had been allowed) and establishing a minimum lot size in single-family PUDs of 7,200 square feet. In July, 19911, the City Council directed the Planning Commission to look at the PUD ordinance and address these concerns. The Planning Commission examined several alternatives, and recommended to the City Council that PUDs simply not be permitted in single- family residential zoning districts. The City Council concurred with this recommendation, and adopted Ordinance #3007 on October 15, 1991, eliminating the ability to develop a PUD in single-family zoning districts. PROPOSAL The applicant, Polygon Northwest, seeks to allow PUDs in single-family zoning districts; however, this would be limited to only those sites which are 100 acres or more. Polygon has been constructing homes for the past several years in The Lakes development, which is a large master- planned community, and would like to undertake a similar type of master plan development on the Kent Highlands property,which is located on West Hill and is currently zoned SR-3. Polygon feels that the PUD provisions, as amended, would potentially allow them to construct a similar type of master planned development (albeit at a lower density) on the Kent Highlands property as has been constructed at the Lakes. Specifically, the applicant is requesting the following amendments: 1. Allow PUDs in single-family zoning districts, but only if the site is 100 acres or more. 2. Allow attached dwelling units in PUDs--currently, the PUD ordinance allows only those uses which are permitted in the underlying zoning district, with the exception that residential PUDs of 10 acres or more may also allow commercial uses. Attached dwelling units are currently not permitted in single-family zoning districts. 3. Allow a phased, or. "Master plan"process for PUDs—currently, the PUD ordinance requires that the Hearing Examiner review and approve a specific development plan, including site plans, landscaping plans, and building elevations. The applicants are . requesting a process which would allow for the approval of a large conceptual, or master plan for a whole site, wbkh could then be constructed in phases, with each phase undergoing development review. This is similar to the way the Lakes project has been constructed. The Lakes project was approved as a "contract rezone", which stipulated r Amendment to Planned Unit Development Regulations--#ZCA-97-3 July 28, 1997 Page 3 densities for various parts of the development; currently, the zoning code has no provision for allowing phased, master plan projects. ANALYSIS Allowing PUDs in single-family areas Planned unit developments are typically appropriate as a means to provide some diversity in housing and land uses, and also as a means of protecting open space and environmentally sensitive areas. This may be particularly appropriate in a fairly developed city such as Kent, since many of the remaining sites available for development contain some type of environmental constraint, such as steep slopes, wetlands, or creeks. A planned unit development can therefore allow a site to contain both development and usable open space by clustering the development on a portion of the site, and leaving the rest of the site protected. The city's current PUD ordinance, for example, requires that thirty-five (35) percent of the total site area of a PUD be preserved for common open space. Furthermore, PUDs are often particularly appropriate on larger sites, as is being requested by the applicant, since a large site potentially provides greater opportunities for creative site planning. Amending the zoning code to provide the option of planned unit developments within single- family zoning districts is supported by many of the goals and policies in the Kent Comprehensive Plan. The plan discussed allowing more diversity in housing types, while at the same time protecting environmentally sensitive areas. The PUD process is potentially an ideal way of meeting these goals. Some of the applicable goals and policies in the plan are noted below. Goal LU-9 - Provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options, and densities throughout the city and the Potential Annexation Area. Goal LU 10 - Encourage high-quality site and building design for all residential developments. Goal LU 20-Protect and enhance environmentally sensitive areas via the adoption of City regulations and programs which encourage well-designed land use patterns such as clustering and planned unit.development. Use such land use patterns to concentrate higher urban land use densities and intensity of uses in speci�ed areas in order to preserve natural features such as large wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and forests. Policy H4.1 - Revise zoning and development standards to facilitate small lot sizes, manufactured housing on single family lots, townhouses, condominiums, clustering, and • other options which increase the supply of affordable home awnership opportunities. Amendment to Planned Unit Development Regulations--#ZCA-97-3 July 28, 1997 • Page 4 Policy H-9.1 - Promote diversity in style and cost by allowing innovative mixtures of housing types and creative approaches to housing design and development. As noted, allowing PUDs in single-family zones, and allowing more flexibility with regard to housing types in those PUDs, is consistent with these goals and policies. In addition, restricting single-family PUDs to sites of 100 acres or more can help ensure that single-family areas in general remain single-family (since the applicants are asking for the opportunity to attach units in PUDs), and at the same time ensure that a PUD be on a large enough site to allow for innovative site planning and protection of open space and environmentally sensitive areas. Housing types As noted, the applicant has requested the option of attaching dwelling units as part of a PUD located in single-family areas. ;Many of the comprehensive plan goals and policies noted above discuss providing more options with regard to housing. Also, restricting single-family PUDs which would allow attached units to sites of 100 acres or more would provide opportunities for these developments to be planned in such a way as to minimize impacts to surrounding single- family neighborhoods, particularly given the existing requirement that at least 35 percent of a PUD be common open space. It is also important to note that the total number of units in any PUD, regardless of housing types, would still be regulated by the underlying zoning district. For example, a PUD in a SR-3 zone could only contain 3.63 units per acre, regardless of the type of units. The exception to this is that the current PUD ordinance allows up to a 20 percent density bonus for the provision of certain amenities (see Section 15.04.080(D)). Therefore, the requested amendment would help enable difficult sites, such as the Kent Highlands site, to be built out at the densities envisioned by the comprehensive plan, which might otherwise be difficult to accomplish without the clustering of units. The Board has several options to consider with regard to how the amended provisions would allow units to be attached in a single-family PUD. These options are outlined below: • Provide flexibility with regard to allowing attached units, and have staff, hearing exammer, and city counbil review as part of PUD application • Allow attached units, but do not allow any density bonuses if multi family dwellings are part of the PUD . • Require that multi-family buildings to be no more than two stories • Only allow attached side;.by side units (townhouses), not vertically stacked • Allow attached units, but restrict the number of units per building • Only allow a certain percentage of total units to be multi family • The applicants have requested flexibility with regard to the mix of units in a large PUD, since a PUD occurring on a large site would likely be constructed in phases over time. It is important again to emphasize that regardless of the unit mix, the overall density of the underlying zoning Amendment to Planned Unit Development Regulations--#ZCA-97-3 July 28, 1997 Page 5 district would still regulate the total number of units to be constructed. One way to make this clear would be to remove the density bonus option in a PUD located in a single-family district. Master plan process With regard to the request to allow for a conceptual master plan process, this type of process makes sense for larger sites, and was also utilized (under the provisions of a contractual rezone) in the development of the Lakes project. This type of process would also be appropriate in the future for sites which might be developed in phases or combining different uses. For example, the draft Downtown Subarea Action Plan recommends that the Borden site be developed under a master plan process; however, there currently is no provision in the zoning code for such a master plan to be reviewed. The amendment to the PUD ordinance as requested by the applicant would provide such a process. Under a master plan process, a conceptual plan would be reviewed by staff and the hearing examiner as part of the approval process, as opposed to a specific site plan. The conceptual plan submittal would include total number of units to be built, description of uses, a generalized circulation plan, phasing plan, and show areas on the site to be preserved. Upon approval, it is • envisioned that each phase of the project would be reviewed for consistency with the master plan, and approved administratively if in compliance with such plan. PUD Approval As noted earlier, part of the applicant's request involves allowing attached dwelling units in a single-family PUD. Attached dwelling units are typically not permitted in single-family zoning districts. Furthermore, the existing PUD ordinance allows commercial uses (those permitted in the Neighborhood Community Commercial (NCC) district) in a residential PUD of over 10 acres in size. Commercial uses are also typically not permitted in residential zoning districts. Under the current PUD ordinance, decisions on PUDs are made by the hearing examiner (Section 15.04.080(E)(7)). The hearing examiner's decision is final unless it is appealed to the City Council. However, the City's Law Department feels that approving a PUD which permits uses which are not typically principally permitted in the underlying zoning district is ultimately a legislative function(similar to a rezone), and should therefore be approved by the City Council. RFC ATION After review of the applicant's request, and based upon the analysis of issues as outlined above, recommends that the Land Use and Planning Board make the following recommendations to e City Council to amend the regulations pertaining to planned unit developments, as outlined below: Amendment to Planned Unit,Development Regulations--#ZCA-97-3 July 28, 1997 Page b I. Amend Section 15.04080(A) of the zoning code as follows: A. Zoning districts where permitted PUD's are permitted in all zoning districts with the exception of the A-1, agricultural, , fly-genes. Zone provided, however. that PUDs in SR zones are only allowed if the s� its®Wast 100 acres in size. Also amend Section 15.04.080 (C)(2) as follows: C. Development standards. The following development standards are minimum requirements for a planned unit development. Zones Minimum site acreage z n109 acre Multifamily (NMD, None MR-G, MR-M, MR-I) Commercial, offij-e and None manufacturing zones II. Amend Section 15.04.080 (13)(1) and (13)(4) as follows: B. Permitted uses. 1. PrIncipally`permitted uses. The principally permitted uses in PUD's shall be the same as those permitted in the underlying zoning classifications Pxr arovided in subsection B)(4) below. 4. Exceptions., In residential PUD's of ten (10) acres or more, commercial uses may be permitted. Commercial uses shall be limited to those uses permitted io the neighborhood convenience commercial district. In PUD's located in*_zones- mnld- mile dwellines are permitted: nmvid than if Pt��lairele- miiv zonin_Q district ptnposec to inchide multi-family dwellings, the density bogs provisions outlined in Section 15.04.080(D) shall�o��ls M. Add a new subsection to Section 15.04.080 as follows: Master plan anarovals. AS master elan process is intended to allow approval of a • yencralized_ conceptual dewomneni elan on a site which would then be consttucted in nhases over a loneer period bf time than a typical planned alit development. The master 1 sl . ►• 1 • •� �p •. •-•• •Ias • 1 - •111" 1 1 1 11 1 • i ! " • •' a•• • ell 1 1 !e - ( ! - !• 1 • " • • - ♦ ♦ •/ 'l •[ :- Its • Mr.M . 11.1 • tl tl.. 1- l. ! II! . 11. I • e11 ' l . 1 • ' - •/ lt " 1 1 .Is 1 ► • •1 •! " IS � 1 lel" � • • - sTWo1. ► eJ Wo I• 1 • 1 1. I l� • - Y tt - 1 l - ► 1 - •I' • !' ► •Iil - 1 .1 ' .1- 11. 1 I l •• sll • 1' 1 ' • I� 1 C ' -• • ►• 1• I l • 1 it •- • 1 • l ' 11e • • � •• • •!!!!" i • !! ! i • e l ! 1 • I !• l- lot ! Its - • ! - I " - I111 - 1 ! - • • 1 " ► ' 1 • MaPit l st • 1 • si • ! 1 ' • l t I - I •11 " • Iy� - la .-! t• / - � til I .. - 1 - a'e - • l a% 1s • s.11 • R7 ' l 1. 1 I s1 1 l 1 ' 1 � I I 1 e 11 • • -1 I s! ' • L - - tt t - • s l t - � - _ 1 � 1 ilt% .j/ • " l 1 - elll. 11 ' 1 ' 1" IIi • •" 1• 111• " 1 . 1• • 1 - 1 1tN< t •1.• 1 . r /t. ht r .1 - � . ! ! 1 ' �y, t111- 1 1 . ►► 111 Iql /. f rl �[• • - / f • �7. • 1 1 11•.. • 1 • • 4 1 .. •i "1 - e.11 I I , nl /I I[I rl - ►J/ • 1IsIZZ67771tal was, •.Y.d ► / ,J/j1 •✓ 1 • 1 1 . O"gil11 M44211 ►j l/. T • Il 1 ham• 1 1_ 1.•al3 ti •IIt -l1 [ �q lay a: •7il -!i l•1 11 . Yty ► . 1 .. IJ►IVK . • 1 1 . /� 1 11 1�I •1 1 -• 1 /� 1: 1 1� • : (.!L l .Ylt<!!f N/�[Ua( Il I-f.11 (...( •L(. �N 11.•. Y y I 1 • J7� i,. •.yy1 a IJ•I l• Z• •1 11.Y 1 Wo 7ml • 1 1� 1 :11� •.1 1 • I It _• • l •. . 1 .1 / 11►t1 yl i •� t : R• I • 1 Y �fl 1 1 - 11 .. ' �� / 1 1/ ZONING § 15.04.080 permitted in the underlying zoning of this section. If an adjacent property classification. The conditional use is undevelopable under this title, the permit review process may be consoli- hearing examiner may also reduce the dated with that of the PUD pursuant perimeter building setback require- to procedures specified in subsection F. ment to the minimum standards in the of this section. city building and fire codes. 3. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and 4. Maximum height of structures. The buildings which are customarily inci- maximum height of structures of the dental and subordinate to a principally underlying zone shall apply. Multi- permitted use are also permitted. family transition area requirements 4. Exceptions. In residential PUD's of ten shall apply to any multifamily devel- (10) acres or more, commercial uses opments (as provided in section may be permitted. Commercial uses 15.08.215)except where specifically ex. shall be limited to those uses permitted emoted by administrative design re- in the neighborhood convenience dis- view(as provided in section 15.09.045). trict. The hearing examiner may authorize C. Development standards. The following de- additional height in CC, GC, DC, CM, velopment standards are minimum require- Ml, M2 and M3 zones where proposed ments for a planned unit development: development in the PUD is compatible 1. Minimum lot size exclusion. The min- with the scale and character of adja- imuxn lot size requirements of the dis- cent existing developments. tricts outlined in this title shall not 5• Open space. apply to PUD's. a. The standard set forth in this sub- 2. Minimum site acreage. Minimum site section shall apply to PUD residen- acreage for a PUD is established ac- tial developments only. Each PUD cording to the toning district in which shall provide a minimum of thirty- the PUD is located, as follows: five (35) percent of the total site area for common open space. In Zones Site Acreage mixed use PUD's containing resi- dential uses, thirty-five (35) per. Multifamily (MR-D, None cent of the area used for residen- MR-G, MR-M, MR-H) tial use shall be reserved as open Commercial, office and None space. manufacturing zones b. For the purpose of this section, 3. Minimum perimeter building setback. open space shall be defined as land E The minimum perimeter building set. which is not used for buildings, G back of the underlying zone shall apply. dedicated public rights-of-way, Multifamily transition area require- traffic circulation and roads, ments shall apply to any multifamily parking areas, or any kind of developments (as provided in section storage. Open space includes but 15.08.215),unapt where specifically ex is not limited to privately owned emoted by administradve design re- woodlands, open fields, streams, view(as provided in.section 15.09.045). wetlands, severe hazard areas, The hearing examiner may reduce sidewalks, Sys, landscaped building separation requirements to areas, gardens, courtyards or the minimum required by the building lawns. Common open space may and fire departments according with provide for either active or passive the criteria set forth in subsection F.1. recreation. 1167 4 15.04.080 KENT C17Y CODE c. Open space within a PUD shall be by the applicant and approved by available for common use by the the planning director. Vehicular residents, tenants or the general parking areas may be provided by public, depending on the type of onstreet parking or offstreet project. parking Iots. The design of such parking areas shall be in accor. 6. Streets. If streets within the develop-ment are required to be dedicated to in chapter 1 dance with the standards outlined he s the city for public use,such streets shall c. One-way streets. One-way loop be designed in accordance with the streets shall be no more than one standards outlined in the city subdivi- thousand five hundred(1,500) feet sion code and other appropriate city long. standards. If streets within the devel- d. Onstreet parking. Onstreet parking opment are to remain in private own- ership and remain as private streets, shall be permitted. Privately owned and maintained the following standards shall apply: may parking"and"fire lane"signs may a. Minimum private street pavement be required as determined by the widths for parallel parking in res- city traffic engineer and city fire idential planned unit developments. department chief. Minimum private street pavement widths for parallel parking in res- 7. Pedestrian walkways. Pedestrian walk- idential planned unit develop- ways shall be constructed of material meats are as follows- deemed to be an all-weather surface by the public works director and planning No Parking Parking director. Parking One Side Both Side: 8 Landscaping. (feet) (feet) (feet) One-way 20 29 38 a. Minimum perimeter landscaping street of the underlying zone shall apply. Two-way 22 31 40 Additional landscaping shall be re- streets quired as provided in chapter 15.07 The minimum widths set out in and section 15.08.215. this subsection may be modified b• All PUD developments shall en- upon review and approval by the sure that parking areas are inte- city fire chief and the city traffic grated with the landscaping engineer providing they are sufl"i- system and provide screening of ve- cient to maintain emergency ac- hicles from view from public cars and traffic safety. A mainte- streets.Parking areas shall be con- nance agreement for private veniently located to buildings and streets within a PT-M shall be re- streets while providing for land. quired by the hearing examiner as moping atUacent to buildings and a condition of PT.M approval. pedestrian access. b. Vehicle Adequate c. Solid. waste collection areas and ' waste reduction orrecyclingcollec- vehicular parking areas shall be tion areas shall be conveniently provided. The required number of and safely located for onsite use parking spaces may vary from the and collection,and attractively site requiremeats of chapter 15.05 and screened. • shall be approved by the hearing examiner based upon a parking 9. Signs. The sign regulations of chapter need assessment study submitted 15.06 shall apply. 1168 ZONING § 15.04.080 10. Platting. If portions of the PM are to including but not limited to jogging or be subdivided for sale or lease, the pro- walking trails, pools, children's play cedures of the city subdivision code,as areas, etc. Only that percentage of amended,shall apply.Specific develop- space contained within accessory struc. ment standards such as lot sue, street tures that is directly used for active design, etc., shall be provided as out- recreation purposes can be included in Lined in subsection 15.04.080 E. the ten-percent active recreation re- 11. Green River Corridor.:Any development quirement. located within the Careen River Cor- 3. Stormmater drainage. A two-percent ridor special interest district shall ad- density bonus may be authorized if here to the Green Riker Corridor spe- stormwater drainage control is accom- cfal interest district zregulations. plished using natural onsite drainage 12. V:em regulations. View regulations as features.Natural drainage feature may specified in section 15.08.060 shall include streams, creeks, ponds, etc. apply to all PUD's. 4. Native vegetation. A four-percent den- 13. Shoreline master progIram. Any devel- sity bonus may be authorized if at least opment located within two hundred fifteen (15) percent of the native vege- (200) feet of the Greeri River shall ad- tation on the site is left undisturbed in here to the city sboreline master pro- large open areas. gram regulations. 5. Parking lot sue. A two-percent density D. Density bonus standards.The density of res- bonus may be authorized if offstreet idential development for PTM's shall be parking is grouped in areas of sixteen based on the gross density of the under- (16) stalls or less. Parking areas must lying zoning district. The hearing exam- be separated from other parking areas iner may recommend a dweilling unit den- or buildings by significant landscaping sity not more than twenty (20) percent in excess of type V standards as pro- greater than that permitted by the under- vided in section 15.07.050.At least fifty lying zone upon findings and conclusions (50)percent of these parking areas must that the amenities or design features which be designed as outlined in this subsec- promote the purposes of this subsection, as tion to receive the density bonus. follows, are provided: 6. Mixed housing types. A two-percent 1. Open space. A four-percent density density bonus may be authorized if a bonus may be authorizeii4f at least ten development features a mix of residen- (10)percent of the open space is in con- tial housing types. Single-family resi- centrated areas for passive use. Open dences, attached single units, condo- space shall include significant natural miniums, apartments and townhomes features of the site, inclujding but not are examples of housing types.The mix limited to fields, woodlands, water- need not include some of every type. courses, and permanent and seasonal 7. Project planking and management A wetlands.Excluded from the open space two-percent density bonus may be definition are the areas]within the granted if a desiaWdevelopment team building footprints, land used for is used.Such a team would include a parking;vehi,cularchzdation or rights- mixture of architects,engineers,land- of-way,and areas used foriany kind of scape architects and designers. A do- Storage. sign/development testa is l. duce rwvction areas A dour-percent likely to pro- density bonus may be authorized if at duce a professional development least tea(IO) percent of th$site is uti- concept that would be consistent with lized for active rec�estionol purposes. the purpose of the zoning regulations. 1169 1 15,04.080 KENT CITY CODE 10 These standards are thresholds, and par- at least one (1) publication in the tial credit is not given for partial attain. local newspaper at least ten (10) went.The site plan must at least meet the days prior to the public hearing. threshold level of each bonus standard in Written notice shall be mailed first order for density bonuses to be given for class to all property owners within that standard. a radius of not less than two hun. E. Application process. The application pro- dred (200) feet of the exterior cess includes the following steps: informal boundaries of the property subject review process, compliance with the state to the application. Any alleged Environmental Policy Act, community in- failure of any property owner to formation meeting, development plan re- actually receive the notice of view,and public hearing before the hearing hearing shall not invalidate the proceedings. examiner. b. Nonresidential PUD's not Iocated 1. Informal review process. An applicant within two hundred(200) feet of a shall meet informally with the plan• residential zone shall not require ring department at the earliest pos- a community information meeting. sible date to discuss the proposed PUD. The purpose of this meeting is to de- velop a project that will meet the needs public hearing. The hearing examiner of the applicant and the objectives of shall hold at least one(1)public hearing the city as defined in this title. on the proposed PUD and shall give 2. SEPAcomplianca Compliance with the notice thereof in at least one (1) publi. state Environmental Policy Act and cation in the local newspaper at least regulations and city SEPA require- ten(10)days prior to the public hearing. ments shall be completed prior to de- Written notice shall be mailed first velopment plan review. class to all property owners within a 3. Development plan review. After in- radius of not less than two hundred formal review and completion of the (200) feet of the exterior boundaries of SEPA process,a proposal shall next be the property subject to the application. reviewed by city staff through the de. Any alleged failure of any property velopment plan review process. Com- owner to actually receive the notice of ments received by the project devel. hearing shall not invalidate the pro- oper under the development review ceedings. process shall be used to formalize the 6. Consolidation of land use permit pro- proposed development prior to the de- cesses. The PUD approval process may velopment being presented at a public be used to consolidate other land use - hearing before the hearing examiner. permit processes which are required by 4. Community information meeting. other sections of this title. The public hearing required for the PUD may a. A communityinformation meeting serve as the public hearing for the can. shall be required for any proposed ditional use permit,subdivision,shore- PUD located in a residential.zone line substantial development and re- or within two hundred(200)feet of zoning if such land use permits are a a residential zone.At this meeting part of the overall PUD application. the applicant shall present the de. When another land use permit is in- velopment proposed to interested volved which requires city council ap. residents. ]'sues raised at the proval,the PUD shall not be deemed to meeting may be used to refine the be approved until the city council has PUD plan.Notice shall be given in approved the related land use permit. 1170 ZONING § 15.04.08a If a public hearing is required for any b. Unusual environmental features of of the categories of actions listed in this the site shall be preserved, main- subsection,the hearing examiner shall tained and incorporated into the employ the public hearing notice re- design to benefit the development quirements for all actions considered and the community. which ensure the',maximum notice to c. The proposed PUD project shall the public. provide areas of openness by using 7. Hearing examiner decision. The techniques such as clustering,sep- hearing examiner shall issue a written aration ofbuilding groups,and use decision within ten (10) working days of well-designed open space and from the date of the hearing. Parties of landscaping. record will be notified in writing of the d. The proposed PUD project shall decision. The decision is final unless promote variety and innovation in notice of appeal is ruled with the city site and building design.Buildings clerk within fourteen (14) days of re- in groups shall be related by ceipt by the developer of the decision. common materials and roof styles, S. Effective date. In approving a PUD, the but contrast shall be provided hearing examiner shall specify that the throughout the site by the use of approved PUD shall not take effect un- varied materials, architectural de- less or until the developer files a com- tailing,building scale and orienta- pleted development permit application tion. within the time period$required by this e. Building design shall be based on title as set forth in subsection G.of this a unified design concept, particu- section. No official maps or zoning text larly when construction will be in designations shall be amended to re- phases. flect the approved Pt7D designation 2. Nonresidential planned unit develop- until such time as the PUD becomes ment criteria. effective. a. The proposed project shall have a F. Review criteria for planned unit develop- beneficial effect which would not ments. Upon receipt of a complete applica- normally be achieved by tradi- tion for a residential PUD,, the planning tional lot-by-lot development and department shall review the application and not be detrimental to present or make its recommendation to the hearing potential surrounding land uses as examiner. The hearing examiner shall de- defined by the comprehensive plan. termine whether to grant, deny or condi- b. Unusual environmental features of tion an application based upon,the following the site shall be preserved, main- review criteria- tained and incorporated into the 1 Residential planned unit jde mlopment design to benefit the development criteria. and the community. c. The proposed project shall provide a. The proposed PUD project shall areasof opiimmby.the clustering have a.benedicial elect upon the ofbufidings;andby the use ofwell community and users Of the"vei. designed'Landscaping•and open opnmt which would nbt normally spaces.Landscaping shall promote be achieved bytradidoaallat•by--lot a coordinated appearance and development and shalinot be det- break up continuous expanses of dmental to existing of potential building and pavement. surrounding land uses las defined d. The proposed project shall promote by the comprehensive pl= variety and innovation in site and 1171 i .04.080 KENT CITY CODE building design.It shall encourage c. No change in the general location the incorporation of special design or number of access points is pro. features such as visitor entrances, posed; plazas, outdoor employee Iunch d. No reduction in the amount of open and recreation areas,architectural space is proposed; focal points and accent lighting. e. No reduction in the amount of e. Building design shall be based on parking is proposed; a unified design concept, particu- f. No increase in the total square larly when construction will be in footage of structures to be devel. phases. oped is proposed; and g. No increase in general height of G. Time limits. structures is proposed. 1. Application for developmentpermit. The Examples of minor modifications in- applicant shall apply for a development clude but are not limited to lot line ad- permit no later than one (1) year fol. justments, minor relocations of build. lowing final approval of the PUD. The ings or landscaped areas, minor application for development permit changes in phasing and timing, and shall contain all conditions of the PUD minor changes in elevations of build. approval. ings. 2. Extensions.An extension of time for de- 2. Major modifications. Major adjust. velopment permit application may be ments are those which, as determined requested in writing by the applicant. by the planning director, substantially Such an extension may be granted by change the basic design, density, open the planning director for a period not space or other similar requirements or to exceed one(1)year.If a development provisions.Major adjustments to the de- permit is not issued within two (2) velopment plans shall be reviewed by years, the PUD approval shall become the hearing examiner.The hearing ex. null and void and the PUD shall not aminer may review such adjustments take effect at a regular public hearing. If a public H. Modification of plan. Requests for modify- hearing is held, the process outlined in cations of final approved plans shall be subsection 15.04.080 F.shall apply.The made in writing and shall be submitted to hearing examiner shall issue a written the planning department in the manner and decision to approve,deny or modify the form prescribed the request.Such a decision shall be final. p p for'The criteria for approval of a request fora The decision may be appealed to the majorcouncil by the filing of written no- major modification shall be those criteria covering original approval of the permit tice of appeal with the city clerk within which is the subject of the proposed modi- fourteen (14) days of the date of the developer's receipt of the hearing ex. fication aminer's decision. 1. Minor modifcadona Modifications are (Ord. No. 2802, § 2, 9.6.88; Ord. No. 3007, 4 2, deemed minor if all the following cri- 10-15.91) teria are satisfied; a. No new land use is proposed; sec. 15.04.090. Neighborhood convenience b. No iaeresse in density, number of commercial district,NCC. dwelling units or lots is proposed; It is the purpose of the NCC district to provide small nodal area for retail and personal service activities convenient to residential areas and to 1172 ✓