HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/02/1960 pale 1 CITY OF KENT
MARCH 2, 1960
Discussion of proposed new Approx. 20 present
zoning ordinance .
Yeeting called to order 8_00 F.M.
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding.
members present: Frazier, Wieser, Kennedy, Strain, Turner and Anderson
City Officials: Engineer Sherwood, City Atty. Thatcher, and
Councilmen Shinners and Shaffer.
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance for their interest. He
stated the purpose of these public hearings is to discuss the
proposed new zoning ordinance and to gather ideas and desires of our
citizens. He than introduced Mr. Harlan Nelsen of Harlan Nelson and
Associates, who is doing our new ordinance and comprehensive plan.
I:Sr. Nolson stated the ordinance should set forth the functions and
roll of the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustments ?end the City
Council concerning zoning in the City.
The ordinance was read and explained by Mr. Nelson. When zoning we
must keep in mind at all times to develope the comirunity in an order-
ly fashion whila putting the land to the hi--hest and best use.
Mr. Sheffer asked if it would be possible to zone some of the valley
lend as agriculture at the present time but indicrtinq that it would
go industii,.l when the need arises. tAr. Nelsen knew of no city that
is doing it nt the present tir,_e but, thcuaht sorething could be
worked out.
Thatcher oi.nted cut that something had been left out in Sections
4.22 and &.24. 4.22 should r ad, The principal uses ermittod out-
right in R-5 zon.c should be the same as R-4 zone. 4.2 should road,
see Chapt3r 4, Section 4.26.
Sherwood referrin- to Section 6.05-pa.r.5, on minimum rear yards.
Where ms.nufacturing zone flanks ^ rsidentiel zone the residential
®et bncics shall be observed. Would this also cover an 4-1 zone?
Nelson stated that it would s the A-1 zone is residential in nature.
P.'r. Nelson explained the method of apreals with the Bo-..rd of
Adjustments the final authority.
Mr. Bill Stcw.7.rt asked if any provisions were being m^do for
beautification in the industrie.l areas. Vr. Nelson stated that this
was not considar:.d in this ordinance but, irro will discuss administ-
ration ^t latter date.
Shaff.�r stated t.h .t he would like to have performance standords so
worded th t if an industrial plant was in question the necessary
t.-sts would be taken and the part;* in error would pay for the service.
Sherwood ^_sked about the Certific:t, of Occupancy? If rn building is
changed from one type of business to anotbsr would r-racing have to
be provided for the new business, if a.ccor;Lng to our h rking
pr-e 2 (2) March 2, 1960
ordinance more p'rkimz would be necessary. Ts. Nelson stated that
full conformance would not be exr-cted.
Meeting adjourned 10:30 F.M.
Idrs. E. A.�Sipej Sec�T.
LARCH 14, 196o
"Hillis to winner between the Approx. 50 present
East and ";est Valley Highways
Meeting called to order E:00 P.M.
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding.
Yembers present: Frazier, Wieser, and BoPard.
City Officials: Engineer Sherwood, City Atty. Thatcher, and
Councilmen Shaffer and Curran.
The Chairman welcomed those present. He stated the Purpose of this
meeting is to consider zoning in the area between Willis and winner
Streets between the two highways. He would welcome all ideas and
would appraciato all who would take the time to put their ideas in
a letter ^.nd mail to him at his office for future hel_n to the
Planning Commission. He than introduced tars. Kargnret Fritsch of
Harlan Nelson and Associates.
Mrs. Fritsch reviewed the zoninc that we would be concerned with in
this arca and what would be allowed in each.
Din Bell Jr. stated that he didn't think enough area was allowed for
C-2 area also wanted to know why the break on the west end was not on
6th Avo. Mrs. Fritsch stated that they felt this C-2 area would
be adequate for approximatley 50 years and. the west end br.,.k of the
C-2 area was put in the general area because 21 street would go ihmxMig
through in the comprehensive plan and in accordance with the new
proposed freeway. She didn't think it too wise to zone restrictevely
beyond r--asonnble need.
A _en thy discussion followed in which a C-3 was mentioned to 4th Ave.
Some felt that R-2 would be better than R-4 between -,owe end Saar to
Discourage expensive apartmsnts. It was generally felt that R-4
would be close to the C-2. Don Bell Jr. suggested the C-2 should
drop back south of Gowe to abut th3 school property at least and
perhaps a.s far south as Willis or Saar.
Mr. Brandon spoke in favor of more C-2 area thinking, that more
corrpetition for those owning property would b!: helpful.
Councilman Curran st.-;ted we should plan to either Saar or Willis for
Councilman Shaffer stated that he felt by planning C-2 south to Willis
would do a better job of furthering the comprehensive plan.
Don Bell Jr. reminded us that we need room for off street parking
which wo don't have enough of in our existing C-2 Area.
Yr. Nixon, representing the N.P. Railroad, wanted us to take A long
lock at performance standards before adopting them. He was especially
concerned with vibrations in the valley Rrea. He stated that the
industrial move must be tow2rd Kent as Seattle's area is filled.
When settin^ standards we must be caraful to allow what we want
Page 3 (2)
March 14, 1960
When setting standards we must be careful to allow what we want but
not make them too strict that would scare industry away. Also he
thought it wise to zone plenty of area industrial because plants
looking for property do not want to fight a zoning problem before
Councilman Curran would like to have C-3 along the N.P. railroad
tracks between Shinn and Titus.
Mr. Davis stated that all of the Kenthurst plat must be zoned R-1.
Mr. Brandon suggested the R-1 of the Kenthurst plat might be carried
south to Sam Street thereby including the homes on the north side of
Sam Street.
Mr. N, E. Mattson owning prorerty on the south end of 5th Ave. next
to the Milwaukee Railroad tracks. He stated that his area is zoned
manufacturing at the present time and has a lar^e warehouse and is
using it for manufacturing purposes. He would like this area to
remain manufacturing.
Meeting adjourned 10:30 P.M.
airs E. A. Sipe Secy.
MARCH 16, 1960
proposed zoning north to
northern boundry of City park 125-150 present
south to City limits from E.
valley highway to east City limits.
P:eeting called to order 5:00 P.M.
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding.
Members present: Anderson, Bogard, Wieser, Strain and Frazier.
City officials: Mayor Thornton, Engineer's Sherwood and Wilkie,
Councilmen Shaffer and Curran.
The Chairman ,uelzomed those in attendance and introduced Mrs .
T`argaret Fritsch of Harlan Nelson and Associated. Nrs. Fritsch
re--iewed the zones of R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4. expl.n.in in,g principal
uses, accessory uses and conditional uses in these zones.
Fred Headoiscroft felt the south side of Smith south to Titus and
State on tha wrest east to the brow of the hill. was potential
commercirl propert,, rather than R-4. He felt the flat 1^.nd should be
(]OTPmorei^l with R-4 beginning with the start of the hill.
Mrs Fritsch stated that the comprehensive plan called for the
continuation of ,'r7eeker Street to approximatly Jason and Smith St.
This would br, a natural b_:rrier for this area.
Mrs Lloyd Ottini of 430 IT. Jason asked why the area between Smith
and James Streets had been changed from an R-1 to R-2.
:firs Fritsch explained that this area has a few good residential
dwellings but many many ara not of the quality of an R-1 area.
This area seemed to be good for a small apartment with the single
family resident because of its nearness to the down town area.
It was also pointed out that in the now proposed ordinance the
restrictions are .groats than in the R-1 zoning of our present
p.1e 4 (2)
March 16, 1960
Airs Kock asked for a show of hands of people in the area of those
present. The approx. vote was 37 for R-1 and 3 against.
Air. Purdy told the people they should look to the future of Kent.
We need R-2 area's near the shopping center and this area would
qualify and certainly doesn't meet the proposed R-1 zoning require-
Mr. Thatcher explained the difference between an R-2 zoning in the
proposed ordinance and the R-1 in our present ordinance.
Mr. Brandon explained the land with the least restrictions was most
valuable. Via hava a definate need for the R-2 area here as proposed.
Mr. Ecland statad ths.t we have spent quite a sum of money getting
consultants to do our job. Therefore we must let their advice weigh
heavy when making our decisions. This plan is good as they have
Bob Cohen pointed out that most of the people that are present at
this meeting are in a small area east of Clark about 3 blocks.
Mrs Swetnam who owns a house on Smith Street between the service
station and the Church would like this area zoned commercial.
Mrs Davison who owns a home with beauty shop at 412 lie i1illan would
like commercial between Smith and Pioneer.
Keeting adjourned 10;00 F.M.
Prs. E. A. Sipes—Secy.
MARCH 28, 196o
For proposed zoning north of
Winner and east of river to
City limits lines. 70-7. preseht
Meeting; called to odor 8;00 P.M.
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding.
A'einb:;rs present; Frazier, Kenne y, Bogard, Strain and Anderson.
City officials; Engineers Sherwood and Wilkie, City .Atty. Thatcher
and Councilman Shaffer.
The Chairman welcomed those present, and designated the area for
consideration tonight. He then '_ntroduced Airs. P.nrgaret Fritsch of
Harlan Nelson and Asscci^t s.
Mr. Fritsch reviewed the provisions of the zoning ordinance pointing
out that M-A and R-A zones are transitional zones.
Mr. Nixon of N.P. Railroad objected to the restrictions in a 1.1-1
zone. Fe felt all M-1 areas are amply protected by area from any R
zcne. Screening sounds good but it is usually used as a. dumping
mround for the neighbors. He felt performance standards are not
necessary in Kent and too man,'r restrictions will not be inviting
to industr^ n*. Askin; for variances takes too long and too much trouble
The N. P. Railroad would like M-2 east of the tracks to E. Valley
Pars Sainati of 2044 -84th So. who :canes 100 acres in this area is of
the same opinion as Air. Nixon. Wo have competiticn and we must rwRirgm
realize we must be competitive. She would like M-A rather than SR so
that she could expand her present business and thinks this area will
F•'-ae 5 (2) 14arch 2F, 1960
be for industry scse day.
Pat Barber who liv:s on 21Fth So. nsked if SR zone would be industry
He, felt it should.
Jack Sprague cf Lanbuth, Sill -rd Co. r:pr sentingr^risers of 195)
acres south of 1FOth faci n ^i st valley 1-_ignjjn.y_ would like M-2
between the tracks and w-st to the h_'hway. -'!e hav service of 4
raironds and. one highway ..C,TthinT few ccrunitias have. He feels we
are not allowins enoua;h ar;a fcr industry; ^nd strop ly objects to
SR along the east side of west vallezr hi:7h+Pra7r.
Fronk ',Vilson of So. 228th amrees ;pith the previous speaker but thinks
xve should have some restrictions. He would sumRest some Ml north
of I,,?orth Park and mcre cemmsrciel area somewhere.
Mr. Bishop living- on So. 222ml owns a small niece of property here
and has scin.e h:uses he rents he �mculd litre to be zon d so that he
c^_n expend.
Fr. and I;'rs. Novack living c.r So. 222nd, have houses they rent smd
would like to be able tc expand this business. They don't feel nice
hones that would be in an SR district will develops alcn, the free-
way. Their area is cerm_orcial now and tbev_ would like it to remain
I;'.rs . Fritsch sta.t d- th t xe must protect our central business dist-
rict to setae extent snd not rllow ceru�Drcial districts -rywhore but
there ar_: other zones in whicl-. thes-, reo_r,le could expand their Raxtx
The question of texas .vas r .isa.l in th=- different zones and 1Ir.
Spracue stated thzt he hoc! inquired nt the Assescrs office reelydin
this m^.tt=.r .an bras told t}-^t zoning does not crate yr lu.es, but the
actual use of the in-id does.
The owner of the Pent Nurs:,r;* woiild like to hs ^.b1s to expand his
Dale Levris livin7 on 222nd Sc. su:-; , st,c', the ar;n north cf So. 218th
1."a ^n:' south either SR or R2.
I1r. Bishop su_^,gasted . stria ....gut 1 block b.^.ck along the .!_�st side
cf E. ,,>Ilev hi;hv;Y<)y for 'cones.
Ch-nrli VrPlller .of 12b2 E Vmlle - 1,1^hway .,Thc. ^ms property rt F'Oa-
821 Pie C ntral ;gu st 11-1 z nin t. ccvar the nra.. beta, en t;.e
N.P. tr-cks a.n_a. 71. Control, tre s:trtl:,rn boundr- ^f 757 ` . Central
nn,'. the propese:l -1 zonin cn the, north. They aculd h.-ve nc serious
objections if t'ne oast 10C feet ..are zoned C-3 if the b,-lonca w^s
E-1. A petlticn is on file Jth fill T-ertr ,o��.ors sir?natt'sas.
1,'r. ''vixen :^7n,5 co7lcerned, abr`Ut $t I{l:?'y- ' Cnmp ' isc in r,-3.
1.`rs. Novak stat : ' th,..t there is '_-one cr! a 5 acre trn.ck
ecst o£ E. Caller highway north of ,So. 222nd.
P:leetinr; closed 10:00 P.".
T S->cy.
,.'ARCH 30, 11
St^rtin_� at '.illis moin,' south 20-30 present
to City '_jr,its am crest tc hill.
art tc Va11e;r Hl shwa,-
Feetin7 called to crder F,-CG -P.i'.
Page 6 (2) March 30, 1960
Chairman Ed Sipe presiding.
Members present; Strain, Mazer, Turner, Frazier and Bogard.
City Officials; Engineer's Shertrocd. and 6'iillcia, ::'a;Tor Thornton, and
Councilman Shaffer.
The Chairman welcomed those present and introduced Firs. iviargaret
Fritsch, of Hatlan Nelson and Associates.
Yrs. Fritsch reviewed all zones concerned in this area pointing out
that M-n and R-A zones ar transitional zones.
No discussion on the Pi-a district.
1,r. Bogard stated that Mr. Bone, of Bonel "obil come mark i.s ready to
expand and Boee,rd thought all of his 40 acres should be zoned C-3.
The Chairman stated that 21r. Bone ha3 reauest�d the south 20 acres
for a trailer ;,ark and err.^nted the north 20 zone-I ,=facturing.
Bor-, rd is to check with I"r. Bone on this and make a report.
Glenn Crawford of 514 So. Central asked M some specific questions
on what could b� done and whet couldn' t in r. F.I-1 zone. Ther were
advis=d that no new residential bull.Linr•s would be allowed in a Y
Carl Bo,,rer of 717 So, Central stated that the area west of State sout•.
of Willis now has many homes. They would like some type of rssidcnt`_^=
zoning. There is not much chance of anyone building an expensive home
here anal when the nerd comas it can be zoned is-1.
Mrs. Fritsch stated that it was their feelin7 that this --^.roa is built
up nova but at a later date would be industrial.
Frazier suggested ma night make P line arprcxim<tley 50 feet b^.ck
from State and zone Y-1 s.lon the highway.
Charlie Waller who owns propert'r in this area. w,7s concerned about the
scrap verd he has, P_ discussion followed in which it was decided we
must have a definition of a scrap yard and heavy scrap yards. Shaffer
sug?estsd that all scrap yards should ba.vs a minumum set beck from
thou-hfares and screening. Tl.etcher thought the wording concerning
the hicrhth of screening should be chargo.I to read. ' minimum hiRhth.
Mr. Hall-qwsy was concerned about what fire protection would be liven
to this area if npartments were built here.
Shaffer statsd that the fire zones would be looked st and also the
buildinr, code Ayould trke cnr of the structures.
Be7ard explain ,] the difference between buildin- coda andd zoninr,
Thatcher asked i.f administration wro^1d be discussed rt a public hear-
in ? ^ t netive date of April 20th ;vas set for this c',iscussion.
I-rs . ( ,,vender su,gcestsd that the rucoj-- should be well inform 'a of
this meeting_ ^.r': wsntod to know if .. map Would b� rlr.c-d lihere poople
could. stud/ it b.,for- this or`nance ani. zoning was finally accepted.
Mrs. Fritsch stnt=,a tYzt a ;,,-ap •.;•as usuall- rublishe ? with the
I:ieetirg .^d,icurned 9;30P.1I.