HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/03/1991 CITY OF CITY CLERK �o PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA SEPTEMBER 3, 1991 THE PLANNXNG QQMMIifTEE MEETING FOR SEPTEMBER 3, 19X XS SCHEDULED FOE 4:45 P M .A11rD WILL BE HELL)„XN X'IXE CQiINCIL CHAMBERS EAST ROOM QF '. 1�ENTX HALL A7YZO FdtIt27X1 A irENUL� S. Committee Members Jon Johnson, Chair Christi Houser Leona Orr AGENDA 1. Growth Management Update (L. Anderson) INFORMATION 2. 1992 Proposed Community Development Block Grant INFORMATION Program (CDBG) (A. Shobe) 3. Extention of Utility Services Resolution (F. Satterstiom) ACTION ITEM 1IL 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859-3390 I FAX 4 859-3334 CITY OF CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 v7gv�zk MEMORANDUM September 3, 1991 MEMO TO: CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE JON JOHNSON, CHAIR CHRISTI HOUSER LEONA ORR FROM: ALICE SHOBE, PLANNER SUBJECT: 1992 PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Attached please find a copy of the proposed 1992 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for the City of Kent. The total proposed program is estimated at $225, 180 for expenditure January 1 through December 31, 1992 . The Human Services Commission reviewed the CDBG human service applications and recommends funding the programs listed in the attached proposal. The 1992 CDBG proposed program has not changed significantly from the 1991 program. We have limited our program planning and administration funds to $916 in order to maximize funding available for human service and capital projects, and we have continued primary support to the City's Home Repair Services Program. The Minor Home Repair Assistant position has been changed to permanent part-time (24 hours a week) to allow for increased emphasis on the minor repair portion of the Home Repair Services Program. The total funds available for the 1992 program is an estimate based on the Federal Entitlement. In order to address potential entitlement changes resulting from the federal budget adoption later this fall, we have included a contingency plan in our proposal. Please note one project has been designated to receive additional funds if the entitlement increases, and another project has been designated for reduced funding should the entitlement decrease. The adopted 1992 CDBG program must be forwarded to King County by October 4, 1991. Recommended Action 1. Recommend adopting the 1992 Community Development Block Grant Program as proposed, and forward to the full City Council for a public hearing on September 17, 1991. cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director ALS:\cdbg\92pgrm.pc PROPOSED 1992 CITY OF KENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM AMOUNT OF FUNDS AVAILABLE: $225, 180 LIMITS ON EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION AND HUMAN SERVICES: 1992 Human Services Ceiling $35,743 1992 Planning and Administration Ceiling $916 ' Recommended Project Type Funding Level 1. Program Planning & Administration Admin. $916 2 . City of Kent Housing Repair Service Program Housing Rehab $142, 021 3 . SKCMSC Transitional/ Emergency Housing Rehabilitation* Housing Rehab $19, 000 4. King Co. Hsg. Authority/ YWCA South King Co. Domestic Violence Project** Acquistion $27,500 5. Kent Community Clinic Health Services Human Services $13,300 6. Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle- King County Human Services $4,443 7. YWCA Emergency Housing Program Human Services $18 , 000 TOTAL $225, 180 Applications not recommended for funding: Community Health Centers of King County Remodeling Project ($8,500 requested) ; Children's Therapy Center Handicap Ramp ($10, 000 requested) ; Pregnancy Aid Shelter Rehabilitation ($30, 000 requested) . *If the CDBG entitlement is reduced, funding allocated to South King County Multi-Service Center Kent .Rehabilitation Project Phase III shall be reduced the full amount. **If the CDBG entitlement is increased, funding allocated to King County Housing Authority/YWCA South King County Domestic Violence Project shall be increased the full amount. ALS:\cdbg\92projec.1st PROPOSED 1992 CITY OF KENT CDBG PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS 1. PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION This small allocation will be used to pay for minor costs associated with operating the CDBG program including: training, communications, and supplies. 2 . CITY OF KENT HOUSING REPAIR SERVICE PROGRAM Kent CDBG funds have financed a housing repair program for the last sixteen years. Funds are used to perform both minor and major repairs on needy owner-occupied housing located within City of Kent limits. Where appropriate, homeowners participate in the work through a self-help arrangement. All beneficiaries are screened to ensure income eligibility requirements are met. For the last three summers an exterior house painting program has been included in the Home Repair Service Program. A total of 25 houses have been painted. 3 . SOUTH KING COUNTY MULTI-SERVICE CENTER (SKCMSC) EMERGENCY/TRANSITIONAL HOUSING REHABILITATION - PHASE III South King County Multi-Service Center (SKCMSC) provides emergency and transitional housing in the City of Kent for homeless people. The proposed funds will pay a portion of rehabilitation costs for three homes located in Kent. The rehabilitation includes structural repairs and interior improvements not previously completed in Phase I or Phase II of the rehabilitation project. 4. KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY/YWCA SOUTH KING COUNTY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROJECT The King County Housing Authority is acquiring land in Kent for construction of fourteen units of transitional housing for victims of domestic violence and their families. The YWCA of Seattle/King County will operate this program. The proposed funds will pay a portion of the acquisition cost and will act as a match to Housing Opportunity Funds (HOF) obligated by King County to the project. - 5. KENT COMMUNITY CLINIC HEALTH SERVICES The Kent Community Clinic provides access to primary health care services including general medical, dental, obstetric, and gynecological care to low and moderate income residents of Kent and the Greater Kent area. Proposed 1992 CDBG funds will be used to pay approximately eighteen (18) percent of the salary of a physician responsible for delivering comprehensive medical care. The Kent Clinic has been supported with CDBG funds since 1983 . All CDBG funds will be used to provide primary medical care to low and moderate income residents of the City of Kent. 6. EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM OF SEATTLE-KING COUNTY The Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle-King County has served King County since 1977 and began serving -Kent residents in 1986. This is the first year they have requested funding from the City of Kent. In the 1992 program year, proposed CDBG funds will provide food in emergency situations to low income Kent residents. Persons in need will obtain emergency food packs, provided by the Emergency Feeding Program, at two local churches, DAWN, Pregnancy Aid, or Catholic Community Services of South King County. 7. YWCA EMERGENCY HOUSING PROGRAM The Emergency Housing Program provides emergency shelter to families and children without housing and lacking the resources to pay for housing. The Shelter service consists of 14-21 days of shelter; information and referral in obtaining needed services; crisis intervention; assistance in obtaining jobs, permanent housing and medical care; transportation assistance; child care referrals and vouchers; and emergency food, hygiene and household supplies. The proposed CDBG funds will be used to extend an existing lease on three apartment units for twelve months to provide emergency shelter for families in crisis. ALS: \cdbg\92projec. lst Prepared 8/20/91 CITY OF CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 V%,mvk MEMORANDUM September 3, 1991 MEMO TO: JON JOHNSON, CHAIR, CHRISTI HOUSER AND LEONA ORR FROM: JAMES P. HARRIS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION 1275, EXTENSION OF UTILITIES After reviewing the proposed amended resolution, I fail to understand how subsections A and B of Section 1 are limiting circumstances. Since Kent's Sphere of Interest extends beyond Soos Creek and the County's interim growth boundaries also extend to Soos Creek, allowing utility extensions for development, platting, short platting and rezoning up to these boundaries is not a limiting factor. The one truly limiting factor is to allow only those circumstances described in C (petitions to annex) . JPH:mp/a: ex RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, making a limited exception to the moratorium imposed by Resolution No. 1275 on the City' s extension of sewer and water services for develop- ment purposes to property located outside of the City' s corporate limits. WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act requires King County to consult with the City of Kent to designate the location of the City' s "urban growth areas, " beyond which annexation by the City may not occur (RCW 36. 70A. 110) ; and WHEREAS, although this process is not complete, King County has preliminarily identified and designated " interim' urban growth areas;" and WHEREAS, the City has also identified and designated areas outside of its corporate limits that lie within the City's potential "sphere of annexation, " and overlay the County' s " ' interim' urban growth areas; " WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1275 imposed a moratorium on the City's extension of water and sewer services to property outside of the City' s corporate limits for development purposes because, at the time of adoption of that resolution, the City had no clear direction on where the County would place the boundaries of the urban growth areas; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Effective immediately, the City of Kent will accept applications from property owners for the extensions of water and/or sewer service for the purpose of development, platting, short platting and/or rezoning, to any property located outside of the City's corporate limits under the following limited circumstances:A. The property which will receive the water or sewer service must be located within the area designated by the County to be the interim urban growth area for the City of Kent; and B. The property which will receive the water or sewer service must be located within the area designated by the City of Kent to be within its potential sphere of interest for annexation; and C. The owners of the property which will receive the water or sewer service shall have submitted a ten percent (10%) petition for annexation to the City prior to the time the application for utility extension is made and further, such owners must be included in an area that has, by agreement, at least sixty percent (60%) support for the proposed annexation by the City of Kent under terms and conditions established by the Public Works Department, consistent with Kent City Code Chapter 4 . 22 . Section 2 . The moratorium imposed on water and sewer services in Resolution 1275 for circumstances and property not described in Section 1 above shall remain in effect until such time as the "urban growth areas" are designated by King County, and any 2 appeals of the City therefrom are resolved, pursuant to RCW 36 . 70A. 110. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this day of , 1991. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of , 1991. DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is 'a true and correct copy of Resolution No. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of , 1991. (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, DEPUTY CITY CLERK sewer. res 3 Public Works Committee August 20, 1991 e 3 Page U+� O discussion, Don Wickstrom stated he would review the situation to determine if further changes need to be. made. Mr. Nizlek stated he was curious about the status of the effectiveness of the turn restrictions at S.W. 212th at Frager and Russell Roads. Ed White stated that a significant reduction in accidents has occurred. He stated he would like to monitor the effectiveness of the turn restrictions a bit longer before having to install the islands as recommended by Mr. Nizlek as those islands do pose difficulties for emergency vehicles. Extension of Utility Services Copies of the proposed resolution were distributed to the Committee. Jim White stated this proposal . resulted from the annexation proposal that was submitted to the Council a couple of weeks ago. Ort 'stated she was still concerned about opening it up. If we allow service for one project then we would have .to allow for others. There is no guarantee an annexation will go through. Wickstrom stated that currently if there were a request for utility service for anything greater than a single family residence on an existing lot in the Kent school district, the County would probably deny the request based on their school capacity ordinance. The school district would indicate they do not have the capacity; thus, the development could not take place. This would apply to plats and rezones. Orr asked what would happen if the property was already zoned for multifamily. Wickstrom stated there is one 5- acre parcel in this proposed annexation that is zoned for multifamily. It was clarified that if the annexation is approved that property would come into the City as R1-20, 000 until the City sets the zoning. Dowell suggested this resolution be sent to the Council without a recommendation. Morris pointed out that paragraph C had been changed from the resolution presented at the last Committee meeting. That change was an attempt to address the concerns Leona Orr had expressed. Wickstrom stated it required the property would have to have submitted a 10% petition and we would have to have sufficient outstanding covenents representing 60% of the valuation. Jim White suggested that Leona review the zoning with the Planning Committee. The Committee unanimously recommended sending this to the Council without a recommendation. Leona Orr stated she would be adding this resolution to the Planning Committee agenda. ru1� 196th Corridor O W p Wickstrom explained we have been attempting to acquire a particular parcel since 1989 and have had funds reserved since that time. It Public Works Committee August 6, 1991 Page 4 Don Wickstrom suggested that he be allowed to review the left turn proposal by the developer before any decision is made. It appears that the left turn off Meeker has become the primary issue. Jim White asked that the concerns of Mr. Secord's business be kept in mind when reviewing any proposal. Dowell suggested the matter be scheduled for the August 20 Council agenda and if the issued is resolved by that time, it can be removed from the agenda. Leona Orr added that the City already has a problem with driveway widths into parking lots and shopping centers. She asked that these driveways be large enough that the trucks and vehicles can get in. Mr. Davidson said he concurred with that and he would make sure they are wide enough. The Committee unanimously concurred that the matter be placed on the 8/20 Council agenda and if resolution is reached before that time, it will be removed from the agenda. Extension of Utility Services Jim White stated he was suggesting that we allow the extension of utilities if an annexation has been initiated for a given area. Orr said she would not support anything that would contribute further to the transportation problems. Morris asked if White wanted the extension allowed for any property. White asked if it could be done for single family and not for multifamily. Morris replied not unless there was a rational distinction ' to be made between single family and multifamily. Orr asked if there were any guarantees that the Boundary Review Board will approve an annexation even if we have all the signatures. There was clarification of zoning on areas that are annexed into the City. Orr stated she would like to see single family homes built but if the City can't extend services to one classification without extending to another she would be hesitant to open it up until the urban boundaries are designated. Dowell asked what options were available. They are: wait until the annexation is complete or put in a well. However, the well could only be for one home. A community well could only be developed if the City gave a release that we would not service the area. White stated maybe now is the time to find out if our annexation agreements are valid. White asked that Carol Morris prepare an amended resolution, incorporating Orr's concerns, and bring it back before the Committee. Orr added that it could possibly include conditions that we have the required signatures and the 10% petition presented. 1 - i • CITY OF II '' c��eIIc��a CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE August 20, 1991 I Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Jon Johnson, Chair Roger Lubovich Christi Houser Carol Morris Leona Orr Planning Staff Finance Department Lin Ball Mayene Miller James P. Harris Margaret Porter Guest Lois Ricketts Bill Doolittle Fred Satterstrom HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Bally Kent now has a domestic violence community advocate under contract with DAWN to serve its residents. The Valley Daily News recently ran an article about the first person to be charged in King County under the new domestic violence law which the Human Services Roundtable sponsored. Under the new law (in effect July 28) persons who commit a violent domestic assault while under a no- contact order or civil protection order can face a felony charge rather than a misdemeanor charge. The Roundtable held a goal- setting retreat on August 13 . At the retreat the Roundtable evaluated its existing action agenda. They decided not to shift from the current action agenda but to make some refinements. Childcare has been renamed "Children's Issues" which encompasses a broader category. Family Support is now a category which overrides all action items and is an umbrella over the five main action categories. The five action agenda items were prioritized into the following two categories: #1--housing, children's issues and family violence; #2--health and employability. Five new items were suggested by the Roundtable members as being critical regional human services needs: mental health, sexual assault, youth at risk, transportation, and seniors. These were put under the appropriate action agenda items. Transportation of seniors were identified as "Backdrop Categories" which cut across all areas. SEA-TAC BOUNDARIES (J. Harris) The City of Sea-Tac is proposing to modify its boundaries and enter Kent's sphere of interest. Mr. Harris has met with the Planning Directors of Tukwila and Sea-Tac to discuss this issue. The Public Works Committee discussed the possibility of a franchise to extend the sewer along the 212th and west on Orillia Road. This CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1991 was referred to the Annexation Committee which found this to be within Kent' s sphere of interest. The committee recommends that the City move its boundary to 200th and across Orillia Road. It would be more cost efficient to purchase a franchise from Kent to serve their developments than to bring the service from the Sea-Tac side. He pointed out that a vast wetland area, just north of the City Boundary, is plowed frequently so that it doesn't appear to be a wetland. Ms. Orr explained that when the request for a sewer extension first came to the Public Works Committee, it appeared to be a minor issue. When the request came back the second time for approval, the City of Sea-Tac presented a map which showed the area they wished to annex into Sea-Tac and talked of multifamily areas of 24 units per acre, but they never designated where these might be located and what impact the drainage might have on the City of Kent. The Public Works Committee sent it to the Annexation committee. Bill Doolittle explained that the original request was small but had grown into a massive annexation plan. Sea-Tac wishes to purchase a 27" sewer line which could serve 1,000 to 1,500 apartment units on the hill. They need to annex the area in order to be able to tie into the sewer system. Ms. Morris pointed out that currently there is a resolution that imposes a moratorium on extension of utility services. This also applies to extension of utility services to another municipality. She said she had not mentioned this at the Public Works Committee meeting. She added that the City of Kent would not have any liability for adopting this limited exception as long as Kent doesn't arbitrarily or capriciously accept applications and extend sewer services. Chair Johnson suggested that the current zoning and pending development regarding this area be presented to the next Planning Committee meeting, September 3, and that a recommendation be sent to the Council that evening. DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTYWIDE POLICIES (F. Satterstrom) Fred Satterstrom presented a copy of a letter from Tim Hill, King County Executive, and Lois North, King County Council, to Seattle Mayor Norman Rice regarding the development of countywide policies. The statute which came out of the last legislative session in June requires King County to sit down with all the County- cities and develop countywide policies. The letter to Mayor Rice invites the 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1991 cities to discuss this issue on Thursday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. , At the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Sea-Tac. Chair Johnson said he thought he might be able to attend. The Planning Department will be represented. By October i the cities and the county will have determined the process by, which they will develop these policies. SOOS CREEK RESOLUTION (F. Satterstrom) I I Section 4 was added to the resolution dealing with the City's position on the Soos Creek Plan. The Council supports the concept of . land use zoning provisions in the Soos Creek Plan which would preclude urban development within the Soos Creek Planning Area until such time as the roads and arterials which serve this area are improved to Level "E" service. The language deals with trying to get County support for the 277th east/west arterial, which is a crucial element to the resolution. This resolution was on the August 20 agenda. PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL (J. Johnson) Jon Johnson introduced a resolution concerning the proposed regional agency. Puget Sound Regional Council is planned to replace the PCOG. This replacement needs to be approved by Kitsap, Snohomish, King, Pierce by Thursday. Jon MOVED that the Planning Committee recommend that the Council adopt this resolution. Councilmember Orr SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. 3