HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/04/1991 CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE VWVT June 4, 1991 4 :45 PM Committee Members Present Other City Staff Christie Houser Priscilla Shea, Finance Jon Johnson, Chair Leona Orr Planning Staff Laurie Anderson Lin Ball Sharon Clamp Jim Harris Margaret Porter Carol Proud 1992 BUDGET (J. Harris Planning Director Jim Harris presented the Planning Department' s budget proposal and explained that in looking at the gross budget several "parked items" were found which the Planning Department neither controls or administers. After subtracting these items from the total, the Planning Department arrived at a net 1992 operating budget of $1, 312, 393 . He further explained that a 10% reduction of $131, 239 will be accomplished by reducing expenses in six areas. These six areas were listed by priority and a statement of the impact on the department and possible alternatives for each cut was given. Highlights of Planning Department accomplishments for 1990-1991 were presented in the areas of Environmental and Land Use Management, Human and Housing Services, Research and Policy Development, and Community Development Block Grant Program. Councilwoman Christie Houser expressed her concern over the possibility of cutting a planner position in 1992 . Jim Harris explained that the Department has dedicated growth management funds coming from the State which can be used to do some switching. A full or part-time planner could be supported under that fund. Hopefully this would be a temporary arrangement and the planner could be shifted back into the general fund. Councilwoman Leona Orr commented on the good job of showing the impacts and how a 10% cut will affect how we are doing business and our service to the public. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5: 30 p.m. PC0604 .min