HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/26/1985 CITY Of W 4 low j ,;. ZO S. Fourth Awnm. Ksnt, MA 98032 1. 7olephonft t200 872-3590 i PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PRO�EDURES March 26.3)985 _ GENERAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1 . Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of minutes 4. Added items 5. Communications 6. Notice of upcoming meetings 70 Public Clearings PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS Douglas :Cul'len, Chairman 12/85 ! Chuck Lambert 12/86` Robert Anderson, Vice-Chairman 12/86i Nancy Rudy 12/87 Robert Badger 12/85 Jill Spier 12/87 James Byrne 12/87 : Raymond Ward 12/85 Richard Foslin 12/86 CITY STAFF MEMBER James P. Harris, Planning Director l ORDER OF DISCUSSION 1. The general order of business, l through 4 is routine and is handled rather quickly. 2. Communications The public may address the Commission Chairman at this time. Such commun- ication shall not, deal with any item that is scheduled on the agenda as a public hearing item. Communications may be put on the agenda as an added item by the Chairman and discussed by the Commi ssi on members. 3. Public Hearings: Planning Commission public hearings #,re intended to allow the public, the staff, and Commission members to Angige in a formal dialogue which discloses all pertinent facets of the subject under discussion. The Commission re- ceives testimony, conducts an educated exchange among its members, and makes a recommendation to' the 'City Gouncil4, The public hearing is conducted as follows: a. Those who. wish to speak are req $ sted to sign up ahead of time (sign- up sheets-will be circulated.just prior to the hearing)* i 1' Planning Commission Meeting Procedures b. The Chairman will open the public hearing. c. City staff will present the subject matter. Planning Commission mem- bers may ask questions of the staff at this point. d. The Chairman will next refer to the sign-up sheet and call those who have signed up to come forward to give their testimony. Each person will be permitted ten minutes to speak; during a later rebuttal period, they will be given three minutes of rebuttal time. e. If a large, complex proposal is before the Commission, the Chairman may permit a longer testimony period. f. At the conclusion of testimony and rebuttal , the Commission Chairman will call for a vote to close the public hearing and call upon Plan- ning Commission members to discuss the subject. Commission members may question staff, those who gave testimony or elicit information from any person present. g. At the conclusion of this phase of the hearing, the Chairman will entertain a motion. h. Planning Commission approval or denial of a public hearing item is in the form of a recommendation to the City Council . The matter will be referred to the Council which will deal with it on a future Council agenda. i.. If any party is not satisfied with the results of the Planning Commis- sion's recommenation, it is suggested the City Council be informed in writing of any objection or desired modifications of the Commission's recommendations. J . The minutes of the public hearing are being recorded on cassette tapes. It is the obligation of all participants to provide clear and complete testimony. This will include allowing time for change of tapes and stating names, titles or positions, offering spelling as required. Where unusual or technical terminology issued, spelling will be helpful . 2/84 '1/ CITY OF MIN'T 220 S. Fourth Avenue. Kent. WA 98032 Telephone (206) 872-3390 AGENDA KENT PLANNING COMMISSION March 26 , 1985 This is to inform you of the scheduled Planning Commission public hearings on Tuesday , March 26 , 1985 , at 7 : 30 p .m, in the Kent City Hall , City Council Chambers . The AGENDA will include the following items : 1 . Call to order . 2 . Roll call . 3 . Approval of the February 26 , 1985 , Planning Commission minutes . 4. Added items to the agenda . 5 . Communications . 6 . Notice of upcoming meetings . 7 . Proposed Subdivision Code Amendment . 8 . Proposed ordinance amending the zoning code relating to Planned Unit Development ( PUD) and Mixed Use Development (MUD ) . 9 . Consideration of a request by Barghausen Consulting Engineers , Inc . for a substantial development variance to allow the construction of a 77-unit multifamily residential complex . 10. Consideration of an application by C .A . G . Associates for Open Space Taxation for property located on the south side of S . 212th St . between 45th and 48th Ave . South ( if both were extended ) . Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 KENT APARTMENT COMPLEX Chairman Cullen opened the third VARIANCE #SMV-85-1 public hearing to consider a request by Barghausen Consulting Engineers to allow construction of a 77-unit multifamily residential complex. Ed Heiser presented the application for a variance from the Kent Shoreline Master Program 1 . To allow the construction of a portion of a 35-foot high, three-story building within the shoreline area, and; 2. To allow an encroachment of building, asphalt pavement, and concrete checker block surfaces within the required 100-foot building setback line. The subject property is located at the east end of South 262nd Street on the east side of 85th Avenue South. The property is approximately four acres in size. The property is currently zoned MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residen- tial . The Kent Shoreline Master Program designates the shoreline area adjacent to the Green River as "Urban" environment. Mr. Heiser mentioned that the future jail is visible from the site and there are mobile home parks located south of the subject property . There are other apartments across the street on South 262nd Street. There are also a number of single family residences scattered throughout the area. The Green River is east of the subject property. The property is composed of two triangular shaped lots. At the present time there is an existing single family home on the northernmost lot. This home would be renovated for the property manager if the application is approved. This would make a total of 78 units. The applicant applied for specific variances from the Shoreline Master Program. Kent Shoreline Master Program The Kent Shoreline Master Program designates the shoreline area adjacent to the subject property as an "Urban" environment. The Shoreline Master Program provides specific development standards which apply to con- struction along the Green River. In addition, there are a number of standards provided specifically for residential development. The applicant has applied for a variance from the following use regulations of the Shoreline Master Program: 1. No structure shall exceed two stories or twenty-five feet in height. The proposed buildings will encroach from three to 15 feet into the 200 foot wide shoreline area with the construction of a third story. The three-story portion of the building will be 35 feet above grade. 2. The applicant must establish and show on the development or subdivsion plan a "building setback line" along the Green River. This line will establish the limits of all buildings, fencing, and impervious surfacing along the Green River. The standards for establishing the building limits line shall be as follows: -1- Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 In residential zones, the building setback line shall be a minimum distance of 100 feet from the ordinary high water line, or 60 feet from the ROW of a scenic and recreational drive, or 75 feet from the centerline of a dike, whichever is the greater distance inland from the river. As provided for above, the development is required to establish the "building setback line" a minimum of 100 feet from the highwater mark of the Green River. The proposed development violates this requirement in several instances, including: a) An encroachment of designated 100 foot setback line by eight (8) feet at the north and east ends of complex. This encroachment consists of unit ends, deck corners, and stairwell located at the east end of the complex. b) An encroachment within the 100 foot building setback line is re- quested to construct an access ramp at the north end of the complex in order to provide access to the proposed underground parking lot. c) While the existing single family residential unit located on site at the north end of the site was constructed prior to the adoption of the Shoreline Master Program and, therefore, is exempt from the provisions thereof, it is requested that five parking spaces be constructed in proximity to this unit for public access to the Green River. d) A security fence between the complex and the proposed 50 foot public access easement along the Green River. e) A request to provide two fire access lanes by the City of Kent Fire Marshal. The lanes provided will consist of concrete "checker" block, which is a semi-impervious material that will structurally support emergency vehicles and permit the growth of ground cover through the material and, likewise enable water run off to percolate into the ground. The Shoreline Master Program also provides goals, objectives, and policy statements that relate to development along the Green River. The fol- lowing is a review of these statements. PUBLIC ACCESS ELEMENT GOAL: Make the river's edge available to the public. Objective 1: Provide improved public access to the river's edge. Policy 5: Access points should be developed for diversified recreational use. Policy 6: Parking spaces shall be provided to handle the de- signed public use of the access point and designed to have a minimum impact on the natural environment. Planning Department Comment The developer is willing to provide a public access easement along the Green River. This easement will be 50 feet in width as measured landward from the centerline of the dike. The easement, granted to the City of Kent, will permit the public to reach the river's edge. -2- Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 In addition, the developer will provide five public parking spaces. These parking stalls will be directly adjacent to the Green River. This parking area will also be easily accessible by the public via S. 262nd Street. Valley Studies Program The Kent City Council reviewed a series of studies in 1980/1981 that related to development of the valley floor area in Kent. This review came to be known as the Valley Studies Program and was adopted by the Council in 1981. Recognizing that the Kent Shoreline Master Program regulates development within 200 feet of the Green River, the Valley Studies Program es- tablished regulations that relate to development from 200 to 1,000 feet of the shoreline area. These regulations apply only to develop- ment within this corridor and, as such, are known as the Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations. The Planning Department has reviewed the Valley Studies Program and Green River Corridor Special Interest District regulations in relation- ship to the proposed development. The development is consistent with these policies and regualtions. As such, further review in this staff report is not necessary. A Final Declaration of Nonsignificance was issued on December 12, 1985. The assessment was approved with the following conditions: 1. Provide easement for, and improve to City standards, the public access shown on preliminary plans to allow public access and vehicular access by fire suppression apparatus. 2. Execute no-protest LID covenants for the improvement of S. 262nd Street and 85th Avenue S. with asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, underground utilities and related ap- purtenances. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVIEW The Planning Department has reviewed this application in relation to the Comprehensive Plan, present zoning, land use, street system, flood control problems and comments from other departments and finds that: A. The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as "Multifamily Dwelling." The Kent Shoreline Master Program designates the site as an "Urban" environment. B. The site is zoned MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential. C. Land use in the area is predominantly multifamily residential. D. The subject property will have access to S. 262nd Street and 85th Avenue S. Each of these streets is improved with two lanes of asphalt paving and gravel shoulders. The Engineering Department has recommended the developer be required to overlay S. 262nd Street with one and one-half inches of asphalt pavement. This improvement would mitigate the impact that the proposed development would have on the existing roadway condition. -3- Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 In addition to the above improvement, the Engineering Department has recommended the developer be required to execute an agreement to partici- pate in the cost of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of S. Central Avenue and S. 262nd Street. The developer would be re- quired to pay a pro rated share of the installation cost at such time as the traffic signal .is warranted. E. There are no flood control problems on the site. F. Variances from the Shoreline Master Program may be granted only under certain circumstances. The followingis an excerpt from the Kent Shoreline Master Program: The property owner must show that if he complies with the provisions of the Shoreline Master Program, he cannot make any reasonable use of his property. The fact that he might make a greater profit by using his property in a manner contrary to the intent of the program is not a sufficient reason for variance. A variance will be granted only after the applicant can demonstrate the following: 1. The hardship which serves as the basis for granting of a variance is specifically related to the property of the applicant. 2. The hardship results from the application of the requirements of the Act and Master Program and not from, for example, deed restric- tions or the applicant's own actions. 3. The variance granted will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Master Program. 4. Public welfare and interest will be preserved; if more harm will be done to the area by granting the variance than would be done to the applicant by denying it, the variance will be denied. The Planning Department has reviewed the above statements and made the following findings: 1. The hardship which serves as the basis for granting of a variance is specifically related to the property of the applicant. Planning Department Finding The applicant has requested several variances from the Shoreline Master Program. These variances will be necessary to construct the proposed development at a density that is somewhat less, but comparable to, other developments in the area. The variances requested are necessary because of the unusual shape of the subject property. The property is made up of two triangular parcels. The triangular shape of the lot and its location in relation to the Green River expose a relatively greater frontage to the shoreline. The site has 945 linear feet of frontage along the Green River. In addition, 2.8 acres of the 4.0 acre site is within the shoreline area. As a result almost 75 percent of the site is subject to the standards of the Kent Shoreline Master Program. The unique shape of the lot and the fact that most of the lot is subject to the substantial regulations of the Shoreline Master Program serve as the hardship basis for granting the request for variance. -4- Y 1• Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 2. The hardship results from the application of the requirements of the Act and Master Program and not from, for example, deed restric- tions or the applicant's own actions. Planning Department Finding The request for variances from the Shoreline Master Program are a result of the specific application of the following requirements: No structure shall exceed two stories or twenty-five feet in height. The applicant must establish and show on the develop- ment or subdivision plan a "building setback line" along the Green River. Thisline will establish the limits of all buildings, fencing, and impervious surfacing along the Green River. The standards for establishing the building limits line shall be as follows: • In residential zones, the building setback line shall be a minimum distance of 100 feet from the ordinary high water line, or 60 feet from the R.D.W. of a scenic and recreational drive, or 75 feet from the centerline of a dike, which- ever is the greater distance inland from the river. (Of the above criteria applied to the subject property, the distance of 100 feet from the ordinary high water mark is the greater distance inland from the river.) Firstly, the proposed development will have three story buildings (35 feet maximum height) within the shoreline area. This will, however, occur only as minor encroachments. The shoreline area crosses the proposed building diagonally, directing the building. More specifically, the 200 foot shoreline area line results in the direction of five units. These units encroach from seven to 16 feet into the shoreline area. In addition, these encroachments are at angles which further lessens the impact. Secondly, the applicant is requesting a variance from the building setback line. This line has been established at 100 feet from the ordinary high water line of the Green River. The proposed develop- ment violates this requirement in several instances, including: (a) An encroachment of the designated 100 foot setback line by eight (8) feet at the north and east ends of complex. This encroachment consists of unit ends, deck corners, and stair- well located at the east end of the complex. (b) An encroachment within the 100 foot buildng setback line is requested to construct an access ramp at the north end of the complex in order to provide access to the proposed underground parking lot. (c) While the existing single family residential unit located on site at the north end of the site was constructed prior to adoption of the Shoreline Mater Program and, therefore, is exempt from the provisions thereof, it is requested that five parking spaces be constructed in proximity to this unit for public access to the Green River. (d) A request to provide fencing between the complex and the pro- posed 50 foot public access easement along the Green River. -5- Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 (e) A request to provide two fire access lanes.as' requested by the City of Kent Fire Marshal. The lanes provided will consist of concrete "checker" block, which is a semi-impervious material that will structurally support emergency vehicles, and permit the growth of ground cover through the material and, likewise, enable water run off to percolate into the ground. A variance from the standard is necessary for each of the above violations. The hardship on the development is a result of the strict application of the Shoreline Master Program and not be- cause of deed restrictions, easements, etc. 3. The variance granted will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Master Program. Planning Department Finding The Shoreline Master Program provides policy guidelines and use regula- tions that determine the type and character of the development along the Green River. The general purpose of the Master Program is to estab- lish these guidelines and allow development along the Green River with the intent of maintaining the unique natural environment of the shore- line area. A review of the guidelines established in the Shoreline Master Program for residential development indicates that the proposed development will be in harmony with the shoreline environment. The variances re- quested are minor in scale and will not interfere with the public's use of the river. 4. Public welfare and interest will be preserved; if more harm will be done to the area by granting the variance than would be done to the applicant by denying it, the variance will be denied. Planning Department Finding The public welfare and interest will be preserved. The development will provide a public access easement along the Green River as well as public parking areas. Significant landscaping will also be provided along the Green River. The site also offers a unique opportunity to provide housing adjacent to a.significant natural amenity. The requested variances can be approved without impacting the public welfare and interest in the Green River and the shoreline environment. G. The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the Valley Studies Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends APPROVAL of the applicant's request for variances from the Kent Shoreline Master Program. Commissioner Lambert asked for clarification regarding the public access setback requirement. Mr. Heiser responded that in residential zones, the setback depends upon the character of the shoreline. In this particular case it is at least 100 feet from the ordinary high water mark. Commissioner Lambert expressed concern about the way the public access would be used by the public. -6- Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1985 Mr. Heiser responded that each development along the river' s edge in this area has provided public access and there has been no report of problems at this time. It is the intention of the City of Kent to develop a linear park along the river' s edge from the northernmost part of Kent to the southernmost part. Mr. Harris added that the State of Washington has found the Green River to be river of statewide significance, which essentially means that access is to be provided along the entire river' s edge. It is the intent of the Shoreline Master Program to have the river open to the people of the State of Washington. He felt that it may be necessary at some future time to have the area policed. Commissioner Badger asked about the fire lanes in the 100-foot area. He wondered if the Walnut Grove Mobile Home Park currently had asphalt paving within the 100-foot area. Mr. Heiser responded that they did have asphalt paving. Commissioner Badger asked if this were the last parcel left to be developed in the multiple zoning area. Mr. Heiser replied that all the properties on the south would now be developed, but he was not certain about the properties to the north. Commissioner Badger asked if the jail property extended to the edge of the river. Mr. Heiser answered that it did extend to the river' s edge. Tom Barghausen, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. , 6625 South 190th, Suite 102, Kent, Washington 98032, stated that he had prepared this application for the Planning Commission' s review. He mentioned that architects Bob Theriault and Arden Steinhart were present and had prepared the site plans for this project, and that they had been working with Ed Heiser and the Planning staff over a six-month period on this project. It had taken a great deal of site planning because of the constrained area Since the developer wished to put a high quality project on the site, it took a great deal of planning in order to conform to both the Zoning Code and the Shoreline Master Program. Triangular property and square buildings presented a challenge, but they had been able to meet the intent of both with a reasonable development for the site. The density would be about 15 percent less than what was allowed in the zone, and this was without any bonus points. Mr. Barghausen did not anticipate any of the problems that Commissioner Lambert had mentioned. When the project is completed, the landscaping would allow the area to be visible. He felt this would be a deterrent to the type of problems that Commissioner Lambert had alluded to. Commissioner Badger asked at what point the landscaping requirements stopped. Mr. Barghausen remarked that a miniature golf course would be included in the area. Since this would be open to the public, it would be a passive amenity. -7- Kent Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 1985 Commissioner Badger asked if there would be a fence between the development and the river. Mr. Barghausen responded that they had originally proposed a fence, but the fence was eliminated as a result of the restriction between the 50-foot access and the balance of the project. Commissioner Anderson asked about parking and the final grades. He felt that the roof line would push close to 35 feet above the existing grade. Mr. Barghausen responded that they were planning to slightly indent the foundation into the ground so that it would be slightly below grade level . The height of the two-story units within the 200 foot line would be 20-25 feet in height, and then at the three-story level it would extend 30-35 feet. Richard Owen, property owner contiguous to the subject property, asked about filling in the area and about a retaining wall . Mr. Harris pointed out that this matter was not involved with the variance request and should be directed to the architect. Commissioner Foslin MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Rudy SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Badger MOVED that the request for variance from the Kent Shoreline Master Program to allow the construction of a portion of a 35-foot high, three- story building within the shoreline area and to allow an encroachment of building, asphalt pavement and concrete checker-block surfaces within the required 100-foot building setback line be approved. Commissioner Lambert SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Byrne commented that the applicants had worked hard in putting together a very ambitious project. Commissioner Badger mentioned that he understood that the two green areas where the fire lanes are provided were to be accessed from Dyke Road. He felt that this was a good solution for a passable road within the Green River Shoreline Management area. He expressed pride in the creativeness shown in this project. Motion unanimously carried. -8-