HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/03/1991 (4) CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 3 , 1991 4 :45 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Christie Houser Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson, Chair Carol Morris Leona Orr Planning Staff Guests Laurie Anderson Paul Morford Lin Ball Sharon Clamp Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Alice Shobe GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (L. Anderson) Senior Planner Lauri Anderson reported an extension has been received from the State of Washington for the designation and regulation of resource lands and critical areas. The new deadline is March 1, 1992 . A hearing will be held before the Planning Commission in November. The public participation program is moving forward. Within the next month the City Council and other decision makers will be invited to a workshop to exchange ideas and obtain feedback on how this process will occur. The mid-level managers group has completed assignments of all the tasks required by the Growth Management Act. The departments have taken on various responsibilities for those tasks. At their next meeting the mid-level managers will set a timeline for task completion. Then the proposal will be ready for presentation to the Mayor and the Council. The Impact Fee Committee has ended its first phase in determining overall policy direction for the impact fee ordinances. They will be looking at sample ordinances and ordinances for each of the four impact fee areas: transportation, parks, fire, and schools. 1992 PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) (A. Shobe) Planner Alice Shobe reported that the 1992 proposed Community Development Block Grant entitlement is estimated to be $225, 180. • CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 31 1991 PAGE 2 The 1992 CDBG program has not changed significantly from 1991. Program planning and administration funds have been limited to $916, a decrease from 1991, in order to maximize funding available, and primary support to the City's Home Repair Services Program is being continued. Ms. Shobe briefly described each program and the recommended funding levels. The Human Services Commission recommended funding human services projects presented in staff' s proposal. Ms. Shobe also explained the contingency plan which King County has requested be adopted to address potential entitlement changes resulting from the federal budget adoption. Councilmember Orr MOVED and Councilmember Houser SECONDED a motion to recommend adoption of the Block Grant Program as presented. Motion carried. EXTENSION OF UTILITY SERVICES RESOLUTION (F Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated that Resolution 1275, dealing with a moratorium on the extension of water and sewer services outside the boundaries of Kent for purposes of development, has been amended in the new proposed resolution included in the council packet. The new resolution adds three limiting circumstances under which water and sewer services would be extended outside of the City limits if all three conditions are met. Senior Planner Lauri Anderson presented a map of the zoning information the Committee requested on this issue. Mr. Satterstrom stated the Public Works Committee recommended the amended resolution be placed on tonight' s City Council agenda without a recommendation. Councilmember Orr added that since the Public Works Committee could not agree on the proposed amendment, she suggested the matter be brought to the Planning Committee for discussion. At today' s Public Works Committee meeting, they discussed other ways to limit water and sewer extensions. They are concerned because of the Sea Tac issue which has come up. Council- member Orr' s concern is if the Council approves each individual application based on the criteria in the amended resolution, then applications for water and sewer service will be granted with no potential for annexation. Chair Johnson suggested adding wording to Section C of the amended resolution. Strike all wording after "further" and add, "no application shall be approved nor permit issued for water and sewer service until the area is actually annexed to the City" . Mr. Johnson' s concern is that someone could submit a 10 percent annexation application and receive approval. Applicants could then CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1991 PAGE 3 get water and sewer service approved but never annex into the City. This would defeat the whole purpose behind the original resolution, which is if water and sewer service is extended to properties, those properties should be annexed to the City. Councilmember Orr stated the original resolution is only in effect until the County establishes the urban growth boundaries. Lauri Anderson added the interim urban growth boundaries have already been established. The County cannot establish the urban growth boundaries until all the individual jurisdictions have done land capacity analyses to see how much room they have within their city boundaries. The County is meeting this week and hopes to have figures on vacant land. The next step is to look at underdeveloped land. The urban growth group' s target date to resolve this issue is December 1991 but may take longer due to the complexity and political nature of the redevelopment issue. Paul Morford talked about church property owners on 120 Avenue SE and South 240 Street which are also interested in obtaining City water and sewer in order to expand their facility. He owns property abutting the church and also has an interest in extending City water and sewer to that area. Several of the church members will attend tonight' s City Council meeting. Councilmember Orr stated that the City should at least have council support for an annexation before granting extension of services. Chair Johnson is concerned about extending services to unincorporated areas because it will be very difficult to annex them to the City once they have services. Assistant City Attorney Morris stated according to the statute the City does not have to provide services outside of its boundaries. However, when services are provided, it cannot be done arbitrarily. Councilmember Houser MOVED and Councilmember Orr SECONDED not to adopt the amended resolution. Motion Carried. ADDED ITEMS SEA TAC BOUNDARIES (F Satterstrom) Planning Manager Satterstrom stated at the Planning Committee's August 20 meeting, Planning Director Harris presented a proposed annexation by the City of Sea Tac of 350 acres which lie outside of Sea Tact Kent and Tukwila. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the matter had been taken to the Administration' s Annexation Committee for a recommendation on the boundary lines. Lauri Anderson attended the Annexation Committee meeting last Wednesday and indicated the Committee recommended the boundary be set at the crest of the hill rather than extending all the way up to I-5. The Annexation Committee proposed to leave out the strip along Military Road due CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 31 1991 PAGE 4 to the difficulty of serving that area from the Fire Department' s standpoint. That area would more easily be served by Sea Tac, and in this way the hillside would be brought into the City. Councilmember Houser questioned why the Kent Fire Department would have trouble serving Military Road. Lauri Anderson indicated she would obtain more information on fire service to the Military Road area from Mary Berg. KING COUNTY METRO MERGER Chair Johnson asked if the Committee would like to take a stand on the King County Metro Merger. The proposal will be on the November ballot. Chair Johnson recommends the Committee favor the merger because it' s been mandated by the courts that something happen, and if it is voted down, King County, City of Seattle, and City of Kent will have to renegotiate before the deadline in 1992 or the judge will decide. Chair Johnson suggested this be brought to the next Planning Committee meeting for action. He hopes to arrange for someone who has been working on it to brief the Committee on the pros and cons of the issue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.