HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/05/1967 KIIVII D 111N,1 1) 1 J" CONi'MIQ�_ '10, c r 5 I Q 6 PI s 1 oil, cu� cc�. Lc) (I CJ[1­ 1 ill ct it 'at L, i A ,j e d al.Ci t o 1 1,e I J n g J,::c I 11Jccl !Jhali rii 1,11 Vicr, Ch;i i rwa n Fred i-,1,;j i r Secretlly Ri-chard Land , 1, h Coen 11a y] -t Gordon 11,111 Kos zarcR end Gordon Also a,ttonding wc-i-e John, Pc ici Lei- City Attorney , City Planning Con- sultant MI. E . Poole and City Engineer Glen Sherwood . P) iclCjlt j I]t roJ u'l-C Cj 1',!), . Y o s -,I 1-0 k t 0 1 h 0,;C present S the n C v: o i 11 -'ember of the P1a1131� 1,1l CclUll-liss -Lel, and 11,1111" Gil be - halt of the other Commission 1110111bers -Mr . Bicknell noted that letters read at the previous meetings from from Harry Olson , Inc . (regarding the Lake Fonwick Area) , from Donald Olson , architect (regarding the area at South 228th Streets and 88th South) and from 1Yijlialp Springer (regarding numerous items) should be placed in the recorcl . A motion was made , seconded and carried that said 104-tcrs be placed oil record. L The Chairi:ian recalled to those present that the previous roctino had covered the proposed new coillpreliciisive plan oil a quadrant basis for the City and that this meeting would be devoted to obtaining the thinki:1C, of persons specifically invited for this purpose froli-L several. disciplines . A motion was made , seconded and. carrioJ that the public hearing on the proposed nev. comprehensive plai-, for the City of Eollt be opened . A further Motion made , socoll1jecl and CL1171-iod that the hoarin'o, C j oil (1 0 4 11-o 1-':\ C I'l k,-, bc, close , thc�t the Colnl�jss e L s i on to hear the C 0-)j rl j 0 IIS o I- the c i n x,i t,e J guests . I Mr . Schul I er , the City Planning Director for Auburn, i,:a s first to speak a-Ill-ii ��Itey tile colliilicnt tnat Auburn , too , is ill the process or- revlsillg its CoEiprebellsivo plan , stated that h i s initial '-,at 101, cf the nro-nc.sed plan for Kent revealed no aAreas of conFli Ct Auburn ' s planning . YiikP)-i I a and Rr!lltoll diIC. 110 linve re-rosr,ntrt ves c1 I t 1­i co had been i ill.-I ted to attend . 4 c all 0 U I t 1 L L j 'I C, 1,C 0. C) sCII 1tC r S o 1'L 1 1 1 o!l i I C, Y V 1 s TF 1"(2 t t t C, 1—u,c L on T I-I t I1 1 i I C, 0-k 0 d 0a 4- T I Ul) j'' t IlLe C, tll t to di�t0 r o u t 0 d 0 c i sJ oil had c., i s, t St 0 F0,s 5W L,,v I f 4 0 F1 of r()u t1l-, 0 a S t C I']-[ port o tilt City 0 L Y �;0:�� (i i C1 is�: i C possible routes ir . C I I and Mr . 1 1:o o p C r both S t �q!,t C,d they !could put their thinking into a letter to the Planning Conimis s 1011 . I I 1 11- oF 111o, Park t�ltcd she, the c(-)11 c-(2 1) L. of (!I(_'s j.g)l-I a n g a r C as for Public use Oil tllL' comprehensive 1)1 an as detailed .in part by the John Graham study . Alirs . Mogan stated the counci I had a,d given its approval to t h e. a c q t i i s i t i o n of M i 11 Creels Canyon and she was very concerned that the State locate tPlp East/I'T-_ _Qt express- way on the so- called "southerly" route which Would not disturb the canyon . Mrs . Hogan also indicated she favored the establishment of a public use area along the north side of the Kc-it-D_-s Moines Road west of the Kent West Center. She further stated the Cqm-ti-.iission would receive ICT forth its a written ccomunicatioii from the Parks Department setting pesiticii on the various proposals . M r . Sand , Director of the King County Planning Department was present and noted that he believed the valley floor area vest of the Boeing Space Ile vC I opjjjC]jt Ijli gh t be S U I to d f o r an industrial use , due to the industrial uses being established just, nort', of that area . 110 stated 01' , n I g roquosts are hcino i-,iado for such a ' u.-;c in Vithat. arc�' - � � 1� � I t C) tj_, public C I,Se concept, ��jr . Sand -j -4L C irC S,a S�jjj his elepa , l Ci IL felt it entirely proper and e xt re nl;o I y beneficial to lla-ve so,-ic areas designated 1-01. public use . Mr . Sand was asked the Chai rinn'll w1i ')-t type of develop - mont fiis d"j)"irtmelit would consider feasible for area I)CLIndc'd by Y fll-CC L i the intersection of 180th aj,�. the Valle', T and the East Valle% IIi ohway . Ile stated that although soma Co;',,'Tlorcjal - c-L --vity alight be feasible , t 1i c c s'L.ab I i s1 i ill e n t of c o m i i,e r c i a I /r e t,i i 1 facilities did riot appeal, to he the best use , otl,or spOcitic loca-L 'iClis were disclissed, and the, Col,iity ' s criteria for uSes Civoil 1), Air :and . 1"'l,i d t raji-S j L prospects fell' the 1-`11 lc,,,- were d"'s'--mlssed , as wele toe L pc s s j L) 11tv 0 f locc tl r Ill j density areas near sick facill ' ics . t R��Jy Guess 01 the Puget Sound T'eoicnil Comcrcrcc present 11 d Ile.ni'C'sno'C'LF 0 ralls S, t oi,a t c as 1) n"151 c LISe SO 011 1)C', (I e il:,I,ct! ur fl(I i 'I tl,`es 1 1!'L 1 i 11. ill aC L 11 n I L 1'051 C i I I O,- � ar, J oil it di C f,� 1� i 1 ;%Ir. 0 Rourl,,� w�,s proSciri: and dicus.-,­d the, public, Wise. con:Cpt C I t 3l S ol'lc I]s L�11 cc,s 1h,' IiaCl 1-11 c C)un I I'L, d U 1'j 11 Ills 11 ll-a C,j -C' Of W JT't1le Se a i ! 1 c, re I 1c I I j, C A 1 L V K031t CO!I III, slon Dccelr.ber S , 1967 1'ane T111,C." 1 " o 1) "t 1,e C,o I", bC 1,n C C, j s C L 0 C t C -t,l C J j I:c. C o I I c e 'd hc�, h;tJ� S r T Sj,, 1-j 11 j C�,- Is 1')rO, +lit ilia f tc 1.71 a I I re ZI d, r c,0 ,C"(! 1)", the I I III 1� I] C Sp I-J_11 o).:C v r d j r C i T Ll t e hl.s v i 0,"s L o 1, the Co].1111ss1U1T. s Deneti T Herbert Reed, a consulting engiiiecr from Seattle was present and 1 1:11", belic "I his 't,10 ,1JIL0 c, I"s C, C-"1." 11 green be ] r�, �111J (-mcll ��PL'Cle Th J S 11),.t1 L 1 s (I i t I t e!I I I o , ( I - __ j cussed by 1,4 r . Reed, Mr . O ' Rourke , 1,11-s Mogan a il d A1r . Sand and 1%1 r . Guess . Desirable densities were discussed by those present and Tom Perkins , on behalf the Kent Chamber of Commerce , stated that body objected to any lesser densities than those allowed under the present plan. The criteria for deciding which areas are suitable for multiple faii,.ily densities were discussed in great detail , with Mr . Sand giving some example of the variables the County considers . The industrial park concept A,as discussed , with all malting comu111-nt in favor thereof, including Mr . Sand , Mr . Guess , 'Yr . Rued . Tom Perkins stated the Chainber v.,ould be willing to Wol-l< With 11)0 Planfling Commission 113 working C114-L, the particulars of such a use cclicc,)t . Ll The Proposed buffer LISC Was CliSCUSSCCI . N127. BjCl<llell noted that a diocotnc,ny existed in th" thinking regarding this cmice,)t ; Kith some tllirl,,jll�; in terms of a use , whi le others thought In tel-III:, of a zOjIC . These aml)YoaChes wo-c discussed an(! the LL,c­hjJ,(-j,,ics of each cxaml.i-,ed , witil MI. . Sol 1131r . Kccd and O ' Roujke valuable comirollts Alj- Guess emphasized intent could be identical , t , that tj��C il)tCI14 lAc,,tiner o-�, not the buffer �%T,,s Ll Use Or a zone . Ala . Land pointed out si.; areas ­1 al , oli S'lo-Ad bo (Tivell to upon the aT­C1 st1:' C�d coils ! d, Lf a "special 1 "I71cl whiCh WOUld 14-j)c1tide a high,0:,iv ellt)-ancc U-Se . al I ' I s s e, El (211 t i oils wel-e di ,�cts d a. Ft e r I%M i Ch "r . Bicknell for report and tie t I I, C, CCIIIS ll:ilc:1 in prepar111g s11111C . Cl,nCl th;mk,'d all t 11 c i Ilv 'I t e J I C,S t-S 1"(, ­L,i(, publ is F r attend_ i lic n d 1")r the L, J?to 1.-est. II Fe11t s ronoseJ ncl%- col,-_?)T -11 e 17 I (-1 1 1 '1 2'�S 11"1 1 C (2 I t 1 11C I- d _1; C d L 1i C 1,j, t C I 0 C1, '-d 1, C Se C,I-c t ry L 1­