HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/12/1967 S I Ox J 1 L I j C---C, (I e_ J t ,;c c c o e i T o s I t c,n�7 n J 1,c 1, P) i to C)C) c L, i t-y oilsu Ltaj,7 and C.I en Sh c I v:o C)L: the City Tlgl1leer c c ion s f11 �j C an C, do tile st7puloItion the letter w o u(I hio 'AIccd ol) fil v, a 11 d I I Q d is c 1)s s I I hcId .Th,I, letter was Presented and read aloud by the secretary . By motion IL was 11 placed on file . Mir . S�.Lnwicl< oil ti favored the. Commission W.1 tI I J I J* S firm ' s thinking and requirements . ']'lie Chairman thanked Smiwick for his remarks and pi,ocee.clocl to the regular agenda. 'I'lic first riatter before the Commission WIS, the IPPI ' c-tiOn of Howard jinuev ifor a change of zoning from R- 1 and/or R- 3 to MdR for 4 . 5 acres, !n. Jlur-eshoc acre Tracts . INIr . Bicknell notod the mittor had been con- i, t1hc ai�p - from the Novenlibcr m ctir, ,-- � in order c�,11 submit additions-1 illforl-'Ition . The public hearing was 01-Cl, (I and "IT , lliuer presented a letter indicating percolation tests jjaj been f a v o r h I-)lie oil tjj(C s : t(, Manstead , iIr . Bauer' s assoc--atc , p-ieselltcd to "he cow- Illissicl, a plot plan of the proposed inobile home cOvclopr�o-llt The plot PI C-Kal,110 cl In detail by the mcilibc-I-S and 11)(1111 TI cs it d1d r-ssed to the applicant . After cKtorisivc cI` SCUSs-' cI) Of the 11'c'113r aspects ijjs-eive(j , tile. public, hearing was closed. t . A '!!.Ti "LCT), was mm0l- by C-Ior 'oil 1. and sec011'O'ed ho DC11,11d FJ e that "The PlaimillL, recommend to the gent City Cri,"ilci I the of the ipplication of n cl T c r --,L.o R f c, i- 4 . 5 C, z 0 1 1 f LI,S S Ul-L i 0 TI f17011t I'cl, r reason I-I Z1 4L the I a n i 11 C )Ilil-�l 1 s,s C,11 , niter 11,0 1 (1:1 11 fLi-I pubic -jppl icatio1j , bel j c ves the. approval t"'Iercef IL,,(,Illl (' be ( 1 ) is 0 th 0 J wel uses 2' (1 (?) ill, the best jillel � .� I I Of' - th j rc c olil the citi --clis cil thc� Ci ty C)i 1,11011d,ltioll is 11"Idc- by t h 1- PI tnr) Corl;1J., s in the h 1,,- t 1-12 t Sl1h10c 1- 0--r v 171 t"c, n seined at ji 0 C r,S. i7l J,j C U:! t j L 1 cl e T p c A 1 1 r I-(),)r -I I o c v i I s I t..1 1' 7,0 t t Si 0 11 s I wl �I vot I I C noted that h< a c e Fortil it o 0' th t I ts 1) or- o r u could red to a "i 1,_ c Mr . Bicknell noted that neither Mr . Klow.ino and his group r c nor I -I Ralph Thompson werc, present and that the igoncla itcPIS listed for these -ollIJ be pry s e j- C(I (3 11 U 1 i�C.I `.could. 11 �) The Ch a i n noted that. on November 0 the City Council hacl referred to the. cc)jI,.jjj.ssioji a request that the City ' s off-street parkinc, ordinances be re-examined . A ease in which these recluirel-ent-S had been circum- vented was given , illustrating the reed for deletion or, correction of conflicting sections in the ordinances . After some discussion, the collcellstls was that due to the present Opposition expressed, by some citizen Such rc -examination should take place at the same time the other zoning ordinances are re-examined . A motion was made by Den Ljde and sccoiicled by �Ir . Hall that : " I'lle 1111a1131jnn Con'tin[I' SS .LOFI contact the Kent Chamber of Com- merce and solicit P, report from that body ' s parking com- mittee relative to it ' s recuiit findings on the off-street parking noeds for the City of K'ont . Further, it should be, rii,i(ie clear to the Chamber that this request is made as a result of a referral iuiwe by the 'Ken! City CCUIICiJ to the Com;ni scion, wherein the CoInjilission feels '(11c chmnber ' s ,Iiinl�in could be of groat benefit i'L to the Citv . " Motion c e�1-17 i 0,d A Proposed 101) description for the Kent Direction 1"­'rs rua.,J aloud by t1he secretary at1 the Chairman ' s request . The proposed description had been formulated by a sub-ccimitittoo composed of Richard l""nJI , Coic-1011 Mall ��nr' bred crazier and cc-)i ,,?s of the doc:Li­ellt. I"CrC SIPI)Dljedi to all s 1'',­ �'DC rs Mr i cl�lie L I I h �O.i:jlil. Lce for tficir i-Jor'k o I l tale C,s c r p lo11 7,1 2- tj s )o I- tills c)J, 11111- report were 0,i S ClT5 Sed i -,I -iftcl- wilich L )J),� rcill.: there i'l-as �I basic 1"Fis - I , i - bccamc "', it 1)v Mr. Pco1c, 811(1 t1le rul ,-Itivu to One somc diSCt)_SSiO31 OF thl, IIC'IjIOJ h%T thi - !':j S U 31 d�' 1 s I "i I)d- 1to reso I u.d. i I """i L� �ctr- rrii'llod 'Ll) ,",'L 111C c r 1 j C)r 0 U 'ZO c 1 1,c"I I hers 1 -j 7 c 1.0 0, -1 le t L c, t'! 1) r L i�- i C s� C)c11 SC' 1- , t l'h 11E 11 t S 1)0 s l oI -C - a t c C) t-110 P! C 0 1 U T C, V C lllzi1, to t C, r s c] e i i t n d CC'm 1)0 Y 12 , 1 7 i t I L) C J L m f 3 1 1 (7 1-1 1 F t -i A; ,j c, Li (I o I d S 0 the c 1 night D e d CI U 1-1 I e J I L v" 'I e C 0 j I J I I ClLill a a t 7 9 o nett regular item of business was a report f r o in a lsub-committee of p "rstcc to I d d - " nc! I'!, JIM S il Jt, k -Ir . -�.! 11- - c izi i the sub- colilwiittee wished to nominate Noel B 'L C kil--11, a I,J for Chainilan . MY llichneII hmi(led tho on"01 to Air . E after wllj.ch lie withdrew Iris name , stating lie had served four years and could not servo again, for the good of the col'MisSJ[ 011. Mr. 1iidc asjlled for other nominations from the floor and roccl.ved no response . Noel Bicknell moved that "the nonlinati-on of Richard 1,,nd for Chairman be accepted and that the secretary be empowered to record a umiilijilous vote in favor of Mr . Lard" . 'file ,lot-ioji L,jas seconded b, Gordon NLigness and unanimously carried, with Mr. Land abstaining rtheom the Vote . Mj- . Eiclo returned the gave]_ to Mr . Bicknell -,3r)d the Chairman that the sub-cor.ini-ttoc recommended the following 110fli' ll"ttin"S : j,cc Chij riiLin L. B . Cool) , Jr. and Secretary Gordon; Ila' 1 . The cli�j I Tillail for -oli, the floor for these t�-.,o positions and called nominations f, s roced ved none . A motion was made by Fred Fr a 7 4 0 r and seconded by Gordon 11cJICSS that the nominations be closed . Mc, o n carried . ied . Mi Frazier I isn moved that"The nominations of L . B . Coci, for Vice Chair- man 111Lm nr(1, COrdon Hall for Scc-"euary be accepted and that said_ gentlemen be ejecled, For 1968 . " lk>rla11 hull_ socond,2d the motion and it C ,,r r i 0 s) N- ,-b c I-, a vote w;is tanen , vifl), 'jlic . HAI Sore discussion Leas held coiice -ning the p 0 b i I j 'v of Y�r - P)i c kn(-1,1 con L j-,ii ii,,, to chair scs si (Ins of tile, mectim-� deal i n- wi I'll the, T-roposed. I-101A, Comprobons-1 vo p I a11 . t-1),c T)rocedlly,.-, to 1)U r()I I C) 0 a to Brief discussionwasheld col''I-101-11jM1 1n`-.1110 an ordc-fl\ . . I Lh- n-e"ont nari - im- --c-o-cclilic sc�: - Y 11-�Irsj - 101, k - -I- I I L� I I � - - 1\ ,f the C,-' J Y Planner . Af to r 1,C) o re tl ry t 0 a full-tame. s e c re!-"',I . d i s c,11 s o n It was (I to r j-,i j 10 dt that this c Ll I cl be rOTked cm L L Sci L>22C o- net that r 1. L I' _1 , c 0 t 1)0 S/