HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/26/1967 z KENT PLANNING COMMITS)SION N 20 , 1967 meeting of the Pianning Commission of the City of Kont was called to order at 7 : 45 p . m. on iVcvember 28 , 1967 in the Kent City Hall . Roll was called and members present included Chairman Noel Bicknell , Vice Chairman Fred Frazier, Secretary Richard Lard, Harlan Bull , Donald Eide , and Gordon Magness . Also attending ;were John Bereiter , the City Attorney , N. E . Poole , the City Planning Consultant and Glen W. Sherwood, the City Engineer . The Chairman noted this meeting was a continuation of the public hearings upon the proposed new comprehensive plan for the City of Kent and that the last meeting had temporarily adjourned after consideration of the traffic plan. Mr. Eide said that before the public hearing began again, he would like to have a date set upon which interested citizens would be asked to voice their views upon desirable densities and classifications for multiple-dwelling uses . Mr. Bicknell noted that at the Commission ' s meeting on December S , certain knowledgeable people would be asked to give their thinking on various elements of the proposed plan , and that this item would be among those discussed. Mr. Bicknell explained that although the meeting would not be a public hearing in the sense that all those present would be asked to speak, the public would be welcome to attend. Mr. Bicknell noted that the next item to be considered in the public hearing would be all elements of the proposed plan in the northwest quadrant , an area lying north of 240th Street and west of the hest Valley Highway to the City ' s limits and beyond . The public hearing was re-opened and a letter, dated October 31 , 1967 from James Curran was read aloud (and is attached hereto) . Mr. Bicknell inquired of :dr. Klewano if he represented Mr. Curran in the matter . Mr. Klewano said he could only re-iterate Mr. Curran ' s contention that the highest and best use of the property referred to in the letter would be industrial . In discussion of the matter, it was found the property totalled 500 acres , of which approximately 100 to 125 acres is now in an industrial use , with 20 to 30 acres of the parcel lying on the valley floor and the balance being hillside or plateau . Mr . Klewano stated it was estimated that another S to 8 years of mining would be possible on the site before the material would be exhausted. It was also established that only !)ortion of the S00 acre tract is presently zoned for industry . j Mr. Joan O ' Rouke , Seattle attorney , stated he _as preselit on })e'�alf several parcel of property owned by Ini cstmcn' Exci, ange Corpora- tion, ti�hich firm ;vas objecting to the proposer' land use of their property on the comprehensit'e plan under consideration. IT- described tWO parcel adjacent to Niii;tar% Road and asked that they retain a - fication "r. O ' Rourke. described another parcel situated in the valley near Kent lest foI' ivhich a buffer use had been proposed and stated that: his cl rent t';euld ;;r..test tills dt JlllatlOii and LSrnUld prefer t0 r'E tnlI% the present commercial classification , Mr. O ' Rourke also indicated lie �..ou.ld communicate with the Commission in w i.ting to set forth these views . Kent Planning Cbmmiss� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Nove,nber 28 , 1967 ` Page Two Mr. Herbert Reed, consulting engineer, stated he represented 4 clients with about 80 acres of property north of 212th . 'I'lle o�,,-ners had been alvise ' of some oC the possible Iiwitations of the proposed industrial park use and that it was felt such Limitations wore reasonable and proper . His clients appear to be in general agreement withihe general concepts . bir . hand read aloud the definitions of industrial and industrial park uses for Mr. Reed ' s benefit. The next matter for discussion was the northeast quadrant , com- posed of that area lying cast of the west Valley Highway and north of 240th Street to the City ' s limits and beyond. 1,4r . O' Rourke again took the Moor and stated his clients have property located at the southwest corner of 212th and the East Valley highs:ay, totalling some 21 , 000 square feet . IIe stated his client objects to the proposed classification and wishes to retain a commercial classification for this land. He stated that if commercial uses were allowed in an area classified as industrial park , his clients would have no objection to an industrial park classi- fication for their property . Mr. O' Rourke stated his client also held approximately 8 acres of land on the southeast corner of 1.80th and East Valley Highway, which they wished to develop into commercial use . This land is presently in the county and it is the fear of Mr . O' Rourke ' s clients that any rezone application made to the County would be compro- mised by the City of Kent , if the City ' s comprehensive plan does not reflect a commercial use for this area. Mr. O ' Rourke stated Investment Exchange Corporation believes an industrial park use would be too restric- tive for this parcel , and that his client is near to closing a sale with the Humble Oil Company for a portion of the parcel . Mr. Klewano pointed out property in the area of 228th Street extended which is presently zoned for M- 1 and C-3 uses , as well as R- 4 . Ile submitted a map and requested use classifications compatible with existing patterns of development within the area . After extensive discussion of Mr. Klewano ' s suggestions , the Chairman assured him they would be considered . The southeast quadrant was the next area to be heard and discussed. Dr. Melvin Rugg of 216 East Gowe Street tool: the floor and stated he has property in the canyon south of Smith and east of Titus Streets . He advised he would like this property to remain classified for a com- mercial use . After considerable discussion, the City Attorney again explained that the City cannot zone for a public use, but must zone for a use compatible with surrounding use until such time as the property could be acquired for public use . Mr . Charlie Waller of 9042 South 228th Street was present and stated he felt the area near Canyon Mill down to the Pickle Factory should be designated for industrial use , rather than commercial , as proposed . IIe was told this point would he considered. There were no further comments from those present relating to the southeast quadrant . The next quadrant was the southwest , being bounded on the north by 240t1i Street and on the east by West Valley Ilighi;,ay . JMr . O ' Rourke stated his clients , Corrmonwo-alth Investors , owned a 4S to SO acre parcel fronting on South 272nd and Lake Fenwick Road, which is presently designated for an R-4 use . Ile stated his client abject to the proposed use , which would limit the number of units they could construct per acre . This matter -,vas discussed and ,11.r . Bicknell noted the objections would be considered . Gib Kendall of 5414 lent-Des Moines Road, again question the Commission regarding the propoded designation of his property upon the comprehensive plan as public use . The City Attorney yet again explained that until the City r;ere able to acquire land for such public use , the Planning Commission would be ohliged to give the property a Kent Planning Commission - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- November 28 , 1967 Page Three zoning classification that 1,-ould be compaLl.ble with surrounding uses , whatever they might be . after considerable discussion and an extremely thorough explanation of the co.icept by the City Attorney, Mr. Kendall stated he still opposed the proposed designation. Mr . Rugg again asked questions about this concept , and the City Attorney most patiently went through the concept again , for Mr . Rugg ' s edification . Mr. Klewano asked if he could speak of the North Park area, even though it was in the southeast quadrant and received the Chairman ' s permission . He said. he felt the area would be put into better use under an industrial park classification rather than a heavy industrial use , as proposed and gave several reasons for this thinking . Mr . Bicknell said this would be considered. There being no. further comments from the floor , Mr . Bicknell closed the public hearing temporarily, asthis phase of the proposed new comprehensive plan had been fully covered. After some discussion, a motion was made , seconded and carried that the public hearing be temporarily adjourned until 7 : 30 p.m. on Tuesday , December 5 , 1967 , at which time an executive session, to which the public was invited, would be held. There being no further business to be conducted at this time , the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10 : 15 p .m. Respectfully submitted by : /s/ Richard Land Secretary Printed $ Distributed 12/4/67 LAW .OFFICES Gurrdn, Kleireno 6S Gurrdn " ' POST OFFICE SOX 26 JANIES F. CURRAN CRARLES P. �F-TE) CJRRAN 213 STD AVENUE SOUTH ULPICK 2-2346 U L471CK 2--2 31-6 MELVIN U. KLE\N ENC,JR. }�eni, Tas inc�jon 98031 ST,PHF.N L.JOHNSON October 31 , 1967 Planning Commission City of Kent Kent , Washington 98031 Gentlemen: This is to formally advise you that we represent Kent Highlands , Inc. , owner of approximately 500 acres of property West of the Green River and North of the Kent-Des Moines Road . In conjunction with the proposals of the company , we have made as care- ful a study as possible of the proposed comprehensive plan published recently in the Kent News-Journal . We also attended your hearing on October 24 , 1967 pertaining to this plan. I am deeply concerned with the effort being made to change the existing plan. It seems to me that serious adverse consequences are going to be occasioned to people who have invested heavily in the community . I am not suze why it has been deemed that the 1960 comprehensive plan is inadequate to meet the future needs of the community . The property ` owners I represent and other people who have consulted with our office and other attorneys representing other clients who have called us seem to feel that it would be inappropriate at this time to substantially re-zone existing industrial and commercial property now in existence under the 1960 plan. Some of the criticisms being leveled at the existing plan seem to be based on the fact that development in the industrial area is not sufficiently restricted . It would seem to me that this challenge to the existing plan could be made by changing the text of the zoning ordinance includinc, setback restrictions , landscaping requirements and the other amenities that some of the people of the community feel should be a part of industrial. development. However , to eliminate land which has now been and for many years last past considered to be industrial property of the future , strikes a very serious blow to the property owner . Kent Highlands , Inc . , therefore , conies on record at this time as opposing the proposal as now presented , not only because it restricts land previously earmarked for development other than residential but because it is impossible to determine by any textural material what is actually planned for the classification agricultural , for the classifi- cation industrial park and for the classification public Lisc. . 0i:viol:sIy > Kent Planning Commission October 31 , 1967 Page Two as pointed out on October 24 , the restrictions of certain property to public use constitutes , in my opinion, a deprivation of the right to use such property without any legal right or basis for such deprivation . We will be further attending your meetings and sincerely hope that we can work with your planning commission and the city government to actually accomplish the upgrading which seems desirable . Very truly yours , CURRAN, KLEWiE O ,'& CURRAN James P . Curran JPC/ck cc : Mayor Alex Thornton C City Council