HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/23/1960 City of Kent Planning Commission Special R.eeting May 23, 1960 Meeting called to order 7 :40 P.m. Chpirman Ed Sipe presiding. Mambers present; Turner, Bogard, Kennedy, 'Niaser, Frazier, and Anderson. Exoff is io memb =rs : Wilke Mgrgaret Fritsche of Harlan Plslson and Associated was present and an informal discussion was held in regard to the proposed zoning. The comprobensive Alen was discussed fully. Mvs . Fritsche point:.d out that the cmprehensive Plen is the first thing that must be adopted as it is r> picture of what vie hone to have in the future . The C;rprehensive plan as presented will have to hav . Son. o ch,,^ es , the most inpc'rtnnt of thaso are . T 7e M-2 Prea is Kent Highlands should be confined to the present zoning, Yr> Bone ' s pr^part,,* should be C-3 or for a trailer park, that area ro:^th of ':inner b ttrr;en the two highways ahcula be industrial ctnd the R? 11 ares, west of 111est Valley Highway should just include the Kent Hurs; plat . It i—s decided to show :,.ill Creek and the ravine east of Jason for public use . Home occ,,.Tacions in a R-1 zone were discussed. It was deeided teat ccrtain th nrrs sl ch as b,a.u-�y parlors , barber shops . corm-rcinl stables or kennels , real ostate office or rest^ura.nts should not be allowod and the crdinnr ; a should so state . Horse occupations shall. requira an initial p-r-Wit grant:;d b77 the 'Ro.^.r•d of Adjustmants, revocable by the Board, upon its findings that there have ben violatic.ns of the ribave rerrintions . "Ile riE,ht granted by the initia' permit must be maintained b5 an annv.?i licsn4e from tiz, Cit7 of Kcn-t A meeting was sT'r_edulod with HArl-ii N:,Ison and Associates 'or June C at Sipefs Fuel office 7 :30 P.M;, gloating adjourned 10 ,C0 P (dies . E.7. slpo secy.