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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/20/1960 CITY OF PELT PLANNIIRG CO1.2jSSION APRIL 20 , 1960 Approx. 30 present FURLIG HEARING ON AD?•.INIST"�TION Lieeting called to order 8:05 F.A.R. Chnirmc:n Ed Sipe presiding. M=b rs present Prazior, honnedy, Bogord, Anderson and 1A,'ieser. City officials : ?'rilke , Bovell, Sherwood, Thr_tcher, and Curran. The Chairman introduced Harinn Nelson of Harlan Nelson & Associates . Yr. Nelson reviewed the purpose and intent of zonin? and explained the 1eQislative act ehich ^llolared Cities and Counties to create Flnnning Commissions . He also reviewed the duties of tha City Commissions . The $40.00 fee for rezoning wps discussed. It was questioned if this was an excessive amount . 3hemood would like tha lanrrunge more clear r gardinq trade limit^- tior_s in r sil ntinl ions , such as banuty pn.rlors . A'rs . Cavend.;r ^.sked if n duplex would b allow-sd in an R-2 zone on a 6000 sq. ft . lot if the Owner has the lot prior to this ordinan- ce . Ed Sipe st•^.tvd that ^ sin*�le fami117 onh would be ^]_lowe(9 on n lot too small to n-,st requirr,,ents in a R-2. Thy Board of Adjustr. nts and its duties was discussed. City Attorny Th-.tchor obj ;ctod vary strongly to citizens havin.^:, to +ake their npl.e: l from trc> Board of Adjustmonts to the Sup rior Court. He felt their s-ou.ld have the benefit of !7noth;r le?islntiv- City body such as the City Council or n Board of App: nls . Yr. Nelson stl:ted that this !_, s not been done because it imposes too much load on the City Council . The City Council is a political body and it is generally felt that politics is not good in planning. If thi Board of Adjustment is resversod by -znothe-r Citt r Bod-* all the tine it will b.- come impossible to g;,t people to fill the positions . Airs Cnvonder stated that a dccission could by made by only two people as this is all tilnt would be necess 'r�r to form a quomm. The quest6on was raised about people living in an rem thet with the passing; of this zon=ng will bo LI-1 or A"-2 not being able to rebuild their hcuso should it be 751,o destroyed. Yr. Nelson stated that this is fcr the overall welfare of the City, Mrs . Sainati felt that this was taking away the rights of the people and. Air. 'Nieser felt it would ba ri hardship on them. Councilman Curran stated th t the Council will propose -'n addition to the parking ordin,=o which will provid-; en alt -rn,tivol riethod if the property owner can not meet tea_, off stra^t paarkincy requirements . Yeeting adjourned 10 :1j.0 P.M.