HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/14/1967 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION I November 14 , 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7 : 3S p .m. on the evening of November 14 , 1967 in the Kent City Hall , Kent , Viashington. Roll was called and those present included Noel Bicknell, Chairman, Fred Frazier, Vice Chairman, Richard Land, Secretary and members Robert Coen , Donald Eide , Gordon Hall and Gordon Magness . Harlan. Bull was absent . Also attending were John Bereiter, the City Attorney, M. E . Poole , the City' s Planning Consultant and Glen IV. Sherwood, the City Engineer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as printed and dis- tributed. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce , protesting any changes that might be made to the present zoning ordinance , pending adoption or rejection of the proposed new comprehensive plan and subsequent zoning ordinance , was accepted by the Chairman, read aloud by the Secretary and placed on file . The Chairman clarified that . the protest only applied to changes that might be made to the residential density ordinances , not to the re- zone applications upon which public hearings were scheduled to be held . The first application before the Commission was that of Monarch Invest- ment, requesting a change from R- 1 to 01-3 for anprcximately 16 . S acres situated south of South 252nd Street between Military Road and 38th South. The application was read aloud by the Fecretary and Commission members examined maps and layout of the proposed apartmentunit development . The public hearing was opened and Mr. Briggs , representing the applicant , explained the proposed plans for the area. Generally, the plans follow- ed the planned unit development concept , with 53% .open space , two park- ing places for each unit and many other amenities for suburban apartment living . When the Chairman requested comments from the floor , Irvin Haugland, Don Knapp , Tom Woodman, Ralph Leigh, Mrs . Cameron, Denver Grigsby, John Taylor , James Snow, Herb Rabick, Mrs . Warren Palmer, Bob Walker and others all protested the proposed zoning change . Among their objections were : increased traffic on Military Road, increased loading of the schools (which are in the Federal Way School District) , the establishment of a multiple family zone in a formerly single family residential area and the type of transient people wl-,o would be residing in their neighborhood. After an inquiry by a chamber representative , Mr. Bereiter advised that this application differed from an earlier one in that the applicant would be willing to make a comritment that , should a rezone be granted, development would be in cornl -.ance with the plans presented. After extensive discussion and comment by those present , the public nearing was closed. A motion was made by Gordon Magness and seconded by Fred Frazier that the Commission recess for executive session . The Taotion carried and the meeting was teipperarily recessed. The regular meeting was reconvened . hid. Frazier reported that a sub- committee w7aich had been appointed to view the site and study the applic- ation returned the unanimous recommendation that the rezone be granted. Mr . Poole , the City 1i1_--:ling Consultant , S it u iIc felt lie re7onu i,.7uuld be compatible with good planning principles an ' I:vt he recommended it be granted. When Mr . Sherwood was queried for a reccmmendation, he stated he felt the proposed use would be acceptable , wit`! some changes in the Kent Planning Commission - - - - - - - - - - --- - ----- -- November 14 , 1967 Page Two traffic control situation . Mr. Coen inquired of Mr. Briggs if the applic- ant would consider the dedication of a 15 ' strip of land or. the north of the subject property for street purposes and a deceleration lane being establi.shee for those who might wish to turn into the, proposed project from Military Road, together with two drivesthrough areas within the pro- ject itself. Mr. Briggs stated the applicant Mould be happy to comply in all these particulars . In addition , Mr. Briggs stated the applicant would be willing to make what adjustments might be necessary in its plans to allow for a left turn lane on Military Road. The correspondence secretary was asked to read aloud the following: "That the Planning Commission recommend to the Kent City Council the approval of the application of Monarch Investment Company for a change of zoning from R- 1 to R-3 , for the following reasons : 1 . That the rezone is compatible with good zoning and plan- ning principles and the Kent Comprehensive plan and zoning and 2 . That said rezone would be in the best interest of the health, welfare and morals of the citizens of the City of Kent , and 3 . That the City is relying upon the applicant ' s promises and statements that the following steps will be taken by the appli- cant , its heirs , successors and assigns , should this rezone be granted, to-wit : A. A warranty deed, accurately describing the area refer- red to in the subject application, be presented to the City of Kent forthwith upon the rezone application being approved by the Kent City Council , containing the following covenants and promises: (1) That a strip of land 15 feet wide running from 38th Street South westerly approximately 300 feet (to co- incide with the existing easement) shall be dedicated to the City of Kent , for public street use . (2) That at two points on the New Military Road deceleration lanes shall be established to the satisfac- tion of the Kent City Engineer and that one such lane shall co-incide with the entrance to Yorkshire Addition on 254th Street . (3) That two driveways shall be established for circulation of traffic with the proposed development ; one on the south boundary thereof and one north of the tennis courts . (4) That the number of buildings and parking spaces to be developed upon the subject property shall be in strict compliance with the plans presented to the City of Kent this date (suUiect to the above provisions) , and shall be subject to the approval of the :Cent City Engineer. (5) That the Kent City Engineer and his staff shall be responsible for enforcingthe provisions set forth above and the covenants therein made and upon report of a violation thereof of any of the provisions Of said covenants and notice Of SUCK U1O Ua on t0 the property owner involved, the development in the entire area being rezoned shall be stopped until such violation is corrected and any development in violation of said i a Kent Planning Commission - - - - - - - - -- -- - --- November 14, 1967 Page Three covnants that occurred prior to the discovery thereof shall be subject to the same enforcement provisions . " After the foregoing was read aloud, Mr. Coen so moved and was seconded by Gordon Hall . The Chairman called for a vote and the motion carried, 5 for and 2 against . Mr. Bicknell advised those present (including the 15 people opposingthe application) that the matter would be heard by the Kent City Council on the evening of Monday, November 20 at" 8 :00 p .m. in the City Hall . The next application before the Commission was filed by Howard Bauer for a change of zoning from R- 1 and/or R-3 to NIFIR for approximately 4 . 5 acres situated between Maple Lane and the Green River . The application was read aloud by the Secretary, after which the public hearing was opened. Mr. Coen inquired of the applicant if he had any more detailed plans for the site than that submitted with the application. Mr. Bauer advised that lie did not, and that he didn ' t think it necessary to submit plans at a rezone hearing. When questioned further, Mr. Bauer stated no perc tests had been run on the property, since it was not believed this was necessary either. Mr. Sherwood stated that perc tests had been made on adjoining property and had. been satisfactory. When questioned about the proposed lot size for each trailer, Mr. Bauer stated he arid his partner-developer proposed lots of 401x801 , although this would be dependent upon the final plans , when drawn. When the Chairman inquired if anyone present opposed the rezone ,he received no response . However, Mr. Brafelt of 1510 Maple Lane stated he was in favor of the applica- tion and hoped it was approved. After some further discussion, the pub- lic hearing was closed. A motion was made by Donald Eide and seconded by Bob Coen that : "The Planning Commission defer action upon the Bauer application until theregular meeting (December 12) in order to allow the applicant sufficient time to present to the Commission more detailed plans for the development of this site, as well as the results of perc tests upon the subject property. " When a vote was called the motion carried, with Mr . Hall voting "nay". The next application for hearing was that of Roland. Jankelson for a change of zoning from M-A to M-1 for 23+ acres located east of Russell Road and south of 228th Street . The application was read aloud by the Secretary and the public hearing opened. 'Ir . Jankelson explained he wished the site rezoned to light industrial so that he might attract clients to located upon the site . Mr. T n Jahn was present as attorney in fact for the oraner of the site and concurred in the rezone request . Mr. Jankelson stated he has an earnest money to purchase the property , subject to a rezone being gran".d by , hc City o-C Kent . hen '.r . Bicknell asked for comments from others in the audience , he received no response . When asked by the Commission if site plans were available for the area ; Mr . Jankelson stated they would depend upon future tenants and that no tenants had as yet , been secired. He further stated that until a different zoning were given this property it would be difficult to secure tenants , since the uses to be permitted would be in question . After extensive discussion of the site , utility services , access and other pertinent points , the Chairman closed the public hearing . • • Kent Planning Commission - -- ---- - - - - --- -- - - November 14 , 1967 Page Four Mr. Poole was requested to give his recommendation and did so , stating he believed the Planning Commission should not act until it had more and better information on the uses proposed for the property, and that it would be desirable for the applicant to submit plans for the develop- ment . After some further discussion, a motion was made by Fred Frazier and seconded by Robert Coen that: "The Planning Commission defer further action upon the applica- tion of Roland Jankelson until it ' s regular .meeting in January (9) , 1968 , in order to secure from .the applicant more precise information about the uses and development proposed for the sub- ject property ." When a vote wascalled, the motion carried unanimously . The next matter for hearing was a consideration by the Planning Commis- sion of the desirability of deleting all references to R-5 zoning from the City' s present zoning ordinance . After a brief summary of the back— ground, the Chairman opened the public hearing and requested that the letter from the chamber of commerce be read aloud again (please see foregoing page 1 , paragraph 4) . Mr. Grigsby elaborated upon the opposi- tion ofthe chamber, stating the chamber did not approve a piece-meal approach to changing the zoning of the City . He further stated that the chamber feared that if the R-5 zoning was deleted from the present ordinance , other high density zonings would also be deleted by the City later and that the chamber opposed all such deletions , feeling that high density uses were desirable . Considerable discussion and several ex- changes were made on this point, between chamber representatives and Commission members . Also discussed was the high rize zoning concept , which the Commission stated it hopes will be incorporated in any new zoning ordinance passed. After considerable time and discussion, a motion was made by Don Eide and seconded by Gordon Hall that : "The Planning Commission defer action upon this matter (the possible repeal of R-5 zoning) until its regular meeting in January (9) , 1968 , in order that additional information may be gathered to guide and assist the Commission in its deter- minations . " . Motion carried, with Mr. Coen voting "no" . Although a petition for vacation filed by Alex Cugini had been upon the agenda for this meeting, it was established that the petitioner was not present. Further, the City .Attorney stated he advised that until a high court decision is rendered, he does not believe the new state statute governing vacations can be followed. Or , if followed, that it will be in force after a court test . After some discussion of this thinking , a motion was made by Gordon Hall and seconded by Richard Land that : "The Planning Commission recommend to the Kent City Council that the petition filed by Alex Cugini for the vacation of a portion of West Willis Street be denied, based upon the advise and opin- ion given the Planning Commission this date by the City Attorney ." When a vote was called t:ie ntution passed, with Eide voting against . Kent Planning Commission November 14 , 1967 Page Five Mr. Bicknell advised that he had been contacted by a gentlemen who had recently had a rezone application to the King County Planning Depart- ment denied. One of the reasons given for such denial by the County had been a recommendation given to the County by Kent . Mr . Bicknell explained the mechanism by which the City has referred to it rezone applications that pertain to property located near the Kent city limits in the County. Mr. Hillis , Seattle attorney was present and requested that reconsideration be given to this application by the City . He explained the proposed use of the land and how it would be developed. After many questions by the Commission , Mr . Bicknell was authorized ,to corresponded with the County Planning Department and advise the Kent Planning Commission had reconsidered and would not now oppose the sub- ject application . A sub-committee of Don Eide and Gordon Magness was appointed to bring back nominations for officers of the Planning Commission for 1968 at the December 12 , 1967 meeting of the Commission. There being for further business before the Commission, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 12 : 15 a.m. on Wednesday, November 15 . Respectfully submitted by . /s/ Richard Land Secretary Printed $ Distributed Monday, November 20 , 1967 .