HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 10/24/1967 October 24 , 1967 A special meetirr,? of the Planning Commission was called to order by the Cha_irn_an at i : 40 p . m . h0_i_ 1. l+c.S C2111 C:ii. a.T1G. 41105�� p1'e5k.':Ilt. 1.nc�Luded. ;,hal_r�aail noel. BLCkiiCll , t'i.:.`O Clia irinan Fredred Frazier , Secretary red Lams. , meulec?-s RoDerL ..f' ,Dell , iictri�li_ I)onal_d P.ide , Gordoi. hall and Gordon tlagness . Also at ending l-,'ere t '1e City 21.1: L`!11'[1ej , John iiereitcr, City Planning Consultalit M. I] . Poole and Ci ty Ln ;Jneer , Glen She rwo Dd . ThI- minut s of the prevlou..S m._:Oting L`derC'. approved as printed and di_Stri- buted, by motion duly made , seconded and carried. Mr. Bicknell introduced himself to those present as the Chairman of the Con;inission and stated that before the public hearing began , he would li'•_e to ni'hllgnt th.e background. O1 the IilatLers that would be Considered at this meeting , so that the hearing and the nature of the hearing could be seen in it ' s true prospective . :•Ir . Bicknell stated that the City of bent had adopted it 's present comprehensive plan in 1960 , and that this adoption occurre,i just after a number of annexations to the City . The bulgy, of the land at that time in North Kent was agricultural and it was felt at that time that the flat of the valley lying east cf the river would someday become indu�tr?al . Part Of the -vas actual.ly zoned heavy inciu try - '•t- at. that Lirle , part was zoned M- 1 , light industry and t..e remainder , ::Fith a few exceptions , was zoned 'II-A . The ',,I-A zoning denoted property that was used as agricultural land and which someday might be d.:sirable indust- rial land. As a general rule , developn[en.t in that area has conformed the plan forlr:ulated in 1960 . The west side of the valley was left NI-A and could be considered for rezone to 4niLlStrlal uses, whan applications were made I-n the City . Mr . 'Bicknell continued that the proposed new comprehensive plan is the result of a long and extensive review of the former plain and the present needs of the area . He advised that the legal premise under which the City is currently operating :in proposing the new plan is Section 10 . 1 . 04 and then %ir . Bicknell read this section aloud to those present . Among the points made in the reference 1..�as that zoning is not a vested right , that when some reasonable use is allotted the effect is not con- fiscatory and that zoning is a proper exercise of police power . ine C aiI' Plan stated the Planning Commission is responsible to the City Council for planning matters and had many months ago entered into a study of the City ' s zoning requirements . Mr . Bicknell stressed that in it ' s studies --he CO m e h � i attempted t e O dive and to consider T-I)C L,hl 'i_ I�. � m i slcr_ . ' �. _o b� objective P interest at all times- �Ir . i icl-1-e11 Sta31ced that SiTce it ' s adept' 1Q60 , the rlar;, defects in. the 'Present conj. ei,.ensive pl ,.n had t,F,:, , TI t .,a aild tilaL '' he prO SenL pian is in many respect,, i'Iad.equ-Ile a,i(.1 Ii(! S Ii01 contain T!it T1ec SS'ai:y eleLlents to prOVIJe orderly '-rCwt'1 fOl' "!" Cf ite - ` , henl . r1?ii0i'ig rile eiCi[ielltS c1Led DV iLI 3 i_Cnli : . in ,...IIUc' r;itlO11 Or,. � i `,iS statement <.re instances r,'ere buildings co° b: ereCte« 'r:itY1 n:_ set - back requi re,men 1:S . 4r . bicknell stated that With . a fe:ti' -�ry"`t.Ll flu c-' :i.ii �1 F' iia`[:Lire Of dL'�'e 1.Dili i.1n and Kell' } r: L11 far been glut t vast ind[lstries had recounized that it wdAs iL; their own i3itei-esf:s i--o %?`O- vide somC' amenities not required by the Present Clty 0rd '71.3IiCe . tYOF;eVer , he also pointed out that these should be required by ordinance , so that the C1tV would not SU;'f�er the tlli -i;t v,.sibi in Sono heavily S.ndustri.ai- ized areas . Mr . li.-icknei.1 read aloua. many uses prescnt.iv al _' -wed unde . Kent Planning Commission _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ October 24 , 1967 Page Two the present industiral zoning which represented uses generally conceded to be net t}1e most desirable . In addition , the Chairman noted that in the past the Planning Commission had been requested to rezone property on what amounted to a specu]_ative basis and under the present plan had been hamstrung' into doing so . The effect of this , said bit• . Bicknell , l.ad been for the City to hand some: individuals "blank checks" , with re- tard to possible uses . Bicknell noted that at the time the City ha.d reta4ned the , clzn Graham Company to conduct a study of the City and it ' s needs and growth potential , a. request had boon made to that firm for a survey of the City'' s existing comprensive plan . The Graham Company had conceived a plan for Kent ' s "core area" and had also made recommendations regarding the comprehensive plan . Based upon these recommendations and the recom- mendations subsequently evolved with the aid of the City ' s planning con- sultant , the Planning Commission is presently on the threshold of making some far- reaching decisions about Kent ' s future . Among the elements studied by the Commission was open space , types of industrial , commercial and residential uses and all of these elements were of great consequence to the pattern of Kent ' s future growth . Mr . Bicknell Poted the proposed plan provided for open space , industrial park areas , planned unit develop- ment areas for multiple housing and explained in brief the concepts em- bodied in such terms . Mr . Bicknell stated the purpose of the public hearing to be held was to access the proposals which the Planning Commission had form- elated . lie further stated that the proposed plan is not rigid and could be subject to change , both after hearings before the Commission and the City Council . He further stated that the Conimi.ssicii would not reach a final decision on the adoption of the proposed comprehensive plan , that this was a function and a power of the City Council . Ile also. noted that the plan, if adopted , would be adopted simaltaneously with a zoning ordinance to be heard in public hearings before Tooth the Commission and the City Council at a later date . Mr . Bicknell stated that the proposed plan was the skeleton of the intent and desire of both the City and it ' s citizens and is not definitive with respect to boundaries . The con?- prehensive plan merely sets the framework and the guidelines for the development to follow and that the changes proposed are not too different from the present plan . Before opening the public hearing , Mr. Bicknell stated that the proposed comprehensive plan contained four elements : (1) land use (2) population density (3) circulation plan and (4) public facilities and stated that each of these would be considered inclivJ_dually . In addition , Mr. Bicknell stated that: in orde to cover eacl-, are,,_ of the City thcroug :- ly, it was felt that the City would be divided into four quadrants for purposes of the hearing and that the first quadrant to be examined i,,o,_i'_d_ be the northwest section . This would include that <irea from 240th oil the Louth extended west to the City Limits and East to the Milwaukee tracts , and all that area west of the West Valley Highway . The parameters of the other quadrants were given . Mr. Bicknell requested that when soj-"cone wished to speak and/or ask a question that he rise and given his name .and address and 1nCilCate if +,}:."y represented only +hemlves , other property ' t. CSEii e.. O.i se owners and/or an organization . lie further requested that if they wished to present documents to the Commission that they so state . EIe also noted that the Cop-mission would recess the hearing at 10 : 00 p .m. and that if ail business were not concluded by this time , the nearing would re-open the following; Tuesday evening at 7 : 30 p .m. in the City Mall . { Kent Planning Conunission � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - October 24 , 1967 Page 'Three After again requesting that all discussion be addressed only to the pert- inent topic - the new comprehensive plan - , the Chairman declared the public hearing open . Mr . Bicknell noted that all discussion would be recorded and that all such discussion would be given consid:.ration by the Commission. Ile further stated that the Commission would not make it ' s final recommendation until the public hearing before it had concluded in its entirety . Mr . Carl. Rodbaugh of 286i.h and 1121h asked if highways and superhigh;�,ays would be di,scusseci . The Chairman stated these would be con- sidered under the circulation plan . Ma-. Bic�nell introduced Mr . M. E . "Bud" Poole , advising that he has been the City ' s Planning Consultant for the past year . Mr. Poole stated that the purpose of the comprehensive plat is to serve as a guide and a blueprint for future growth . The plan itself con- tains no rules . Rules are to he the province of the Commission and the City Council after public hearings that will be held later on a proposed new zoning ordinance . Mr. Poole presented a map illustrating the present land uses in the City and a map depicting the proposed land use and noted that the latter was the way the Commission proposes Kent develop over the next 20 years . IIe noted there would undoubtedly be some changes , but that in general , the proposed comprehensiveplan would determine future growth . Mr . Poole noted that the map as published in the newspaper was more accurate than the one he was using for the hearing and stated he would have the big map brought up to date for the next hearing on the matter. He also noted that the differences of opinion and the suggestions that would come out of the public hexings on the proposed plan would be most helpful to the Com- mission and that they were welcomed . Ile stressed that the plan , as pre- sently conceived , is believed by the Cori,mission to be in the best interests of all the citizens of the City of Kent and that the Commission was aware that it could be improved and that some improvements could very well be suggested by interested citizens . With regard to the northwest quadrant, Mr . Poole pointed out the present uses and explained the proposed uses , noting it was proposed that the land west of the river be utilized for agricultural and residential purposes . Mr . Poole also displayed another chart which explained the different land use terms and pointed out what the different colorings denoted . Mr . Poole also explained that the numbers appearing on the map published in the newspaper, advising they denote the number of residences permitted upon one acre , and gave other information in this regard . Mr . Poole next examined the circulation plan, as illustrated in the map published in the newspaper , reflects the development the City would like to see develop in the future . Mr . Harry Venables , attorney , inquired what the white areas on the proposed map represent. i,Ir . Poole replied they denote high density, multi- family residential uses . '4r . Venables also inquired wily the ttti!o naps of proposed plan were dissi;??ilar and stat--d he fount this confusing. Mr. Poole stated it was an oversight on his part that the large map had not been corrected to conform with the published map and that this ivoul.d be done prior to any future hearings . Mr . Kysar inquired .,:hy some of the high de:Lsity uses prese �.tly in existence were not reflected in the proposed �21_ai . Mr . Bicknell stated that although Mr . Kysar ' s question did not relate to the quadrant under discussion , he would answer and ;dent on to explain that not all Fxistin-_j zoning was not shown , as it was not practical to � o so on ,a map o,: this nature . He further noted that certain areas cif hloh density dot-1n,,iile?1t Kent Planning Commission. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - October 24 , 1967 Page Four were proposed, especially on the Ilillsides , ;where uses were particularly appropriate . He noted no density is perputi�e.d in agricultural areas and that C1USt2r5 Of Ilrgh denS3ty USeS were prOpO5ed at t11e dritersoctlonS o ma. ior %11'tel'ials . Ile iul-IlOor noted that toe IOap oL the, prnposeU idol is generalized on purposc- , as it would not express the general concepts in- volved i f it were detailed in c\-ery partic;:l )r . Atr . Bicknell. also noted that the zoning clap wnen it is coarnpleted t� j.11 give all the detail not present in the proposed comprehensive plan nlap . Mr. Bereiter , the Kent: City Attorney , asked when it was antici- pated that the. Planning Commaission would commence public hearings 01, t.hc,. new zoning ordinances . Mr. Poole replied that the timing 01_ the new zoning ordinance hearings would be based upon the - timing of the adoption (if any) , of the proposed new comprehensive plan . That legally, the zoning ordinance could not be enacted without the prior enactment of a comprehensive plan upon which it would be based. He said again that the proposed comprehensive plan must be general in scope and that a zoning ordinance , based upon the comprehensive plan , must be detailed and follow the comprehensive plan, both in principle and in enactment . Mr . Poole opined that it could be possible for the new zoning ordinance to be heard within 'Lliree to four months , but that he couldn ' t make any definite state- ments . Joe Carpinito inquired v'hy the proposed plan showed no businesses at major intersections . Mr . Poole replied that some intersections would not be suited for business due to limited access problems , but that business was contemplated for other intersections without this restriction . He further stated that the desirable pattern is to have business at the inter- sections surrounded by a buffer area of multiple family uses , and that if this was not shown at most intersections , it was planned and proposed. Herbert Reed; a consulting engineer, inquired about 72nd Street not being shown and was assured it was in the map which had been publish- ed . Mr . Reed also inquired if the City ' s presently installed and Project- ed utilities compatible with the proposed plan . Mr. Sherwood stated there were some variances , but that no re- location of present i.nstall.ationswis foreseen as necessary . Lou Peretti , representing five firms , askedif the proposed uses shouldn ' t be shown individually on the map and stated he thought such uses should all be shown in color . It was again explained by the Chairman that this was not feasible on the comprehensive map . Baldwin Sammis , a local real estate broker , stated he would like to ask a question and make acomment . Ile stated that if the large area designated industrial park in the quadrant in question is developed in tracts of not less than S acres , the present utilities servi.ccs proposed would be insufficient to service this area_ . He wondered if the Planning Commission had considered this factor. Further , Mr . Sammis stated he feit the present plan coulcl be amended, rather than adopting a ne,ti compre- hensi�,o plan . Mr. Bicknell advised utility services had been considered and n-o difficulty was foreseen . Mr. Poole continued with the presentation of the proposed com- nlehensive plan , I•rith a no-mbe.� oL interested citizens ask pertinent quest]_ons , includ.iIlg James Curran (represe.nti-ng Kent Illghlinds , Inc . ) , Mr. Peretti , Clyde Hunter, Gib Kendall , Herbert Reed , B . J . Gilbert , John O ' Rouke (a Seattle attorney representing clients) , 1) . J. Gilligan , Marsha Tavery and others . F Kent Planning Commission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - October 24 , 1967 Page Five After Mr. Poole had concluded his remarks regarding the northwest quad- rant , Mr. Bi-cknell noted it was nearly 10 : 00 p . m. and that adjournment should be considered shortly . At. this T)Gi.lit M(:',1- Oserc.i1 , roprescrl !J11('� hillISCIT as a. pro�)f-ri.y' 01%11e1' in 'Che ';rea., and as Cha7_rI7I,- Oi t}18 }.el)t Cjlajilbe]:- of CoTli,iierc2 1TI- d.Llstrial. Rela.tlolls colimit.tec asked to be al.loh'ed to speak. an.cl l'Zas granted permission . LIr . Osc:ran st ate e th":t after hearing 1"Ir . Bicknell make a presentation recently to the referenced conn:ittee , .the Chamber of Cori- merce had called a special board of directors meeting at which a motion had been passed endorsing the action of the industrial relations com- mittee in declining to approve the proposed comprehensive plan as presented , on the basis of insufficient information being available . Fie stated that the committee and the Board of Directors of the Chamber felt that information regarding the zonings which would be later enacted should be made available at this time , since they considered it inevitable that the proposed comprehensive plan would effect the subsequent zoning . Ile further stated the published notices oil the present hearing had included numbers placed upon certain areas and since these numbers referred to densities , they also referred to zoning and therefore the comprehensive plan is , in part , a zoning plan . Land use is zoning , said Mr . Oseran and the citizens should be fully informed of the ramifications of the various land uses proposed. Ile further said that insufficient explanations of the proposed new uses (i .e . , industrial park , planned unit development , etc . ) had been given and that at this time the Chamber of Commerce was simply in no position to approve the proposed plan. `;r. Oseran noted that he could understand that in principle a comprehensive plan !)ad to be general , but felt that at the sane time sufficient information regarding the other points mentioned should be furnished to the citizens so that they could understand the latent effects of the proposed plan and make their ol,;n determinations regarding its desirability . "Ir . Oseran summed up b ystating that everything he had heard at the hearing had merely confirmed in his mind the validity of the Chambers action in refusing to approve this plan until further information is made available , in terms ofthe points he had previously raised. Mr . Oseran said the Chamber is anxious to promote orderly grolti,th in the valley and would be eager to iiorl: with the Co,-emission in this regard, but that it must be informed of the full proposal before it can endorse the proposal . Mr . Oseran was roundly applauded by those present . Mr. Bicknell indicated he and other members of the Commission would be pleased to meet with Chamber representatives at any time and asked the Chamber advise them cf its wishes in this regard. After some further discussion , a motion was madc by Gordon ;`Magness and seconded by Fred Frazier that : "This public hearing ue temporarily adjourned at this time , to be reconvened at 7 : 30 p . nl. on Tuesday, October 51 , 1967 at t`ie Kent City IIal-1 , Kent , }Vashingt oil , l.,bere the matters discussed this evening will again receive our attention. " When a vote was called the motion carried and the Chairman de- clared the hearing adjourned at 10 : 12 p .m. /s/ R c}- - rd Published 10/30/67 -- - --- - Secreta.i} --- - --