HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/23/1959 f �G3CITY OPfiifT _ *fit gib Dcembar. 23,O 19,59 Keeting os►lled to order 7 :35 Pov, Chairm*n Ed Sips presiding. ^— webers ,p�r�ssent; Kennedy, Frazier. Strn' in and Anders". Minutes of f,revi)ua meeting read' and approved as read. F'rolect Engineer Robert We Willett presented a preliminary preliminary Kentwood 11111s; Division $o. 1. plat. . Unttiood hills After a: diascuasion regarding roadways Frasier moved and plot 2nd by 44nned7 to apt rove the prelIminarg plat subject Division 1. to the approval of the City ,Engineer. NOTION OA4RUD iegulwr meating recessed and publi -c hearing Balled at The request was ru a-3 for Yr. Glenn nennedy to vroat an publ-io hearing P4 uMVi ' rartment cn the following described pr*dpertyt Kennedy's apts. This plat of Kennedy' s, Addition to the City of Xent, King County, .Wast ington coirpriaea that portion of the( . , of t"S 3'. We of the S.W. I of the $eSo and that portion .of the N. 11 of the 3. ,; 4 of the 3. E. of t?.e New$ a of Section 19, T. 22 . 5. 0 :2, We Me 'described as followa: Beginnin at�tthe Nog. corner of said N. of the; S..i1. 1 Of the 3, e I of sold Be Be thence S. 67053'10" #t, ' along the north line of said subdivision to the True Fo3nt of Begirning. Thence continue 3. 870; 3tiC" W along *Aid north line 390.26t 'to the worth molest corner of said *ubdiviari*s• thence 3.. 68?84#41" W along, the north line of,; 3414.' N* 3. of, the` S. S. } of ,t e S.L. ?- of the So"W. 135.404 thence S. 0027136" We parallel. to *jao east lute of sold suodivision 133.001 ; thanca . ;� 0 .e41't W 80,694s' to the easterly line of asso3da. %ata .- Ylgbwey Igo. 5A thence 3 . „� s�id ,ea�tox�ly. lino 66.9 t thence if F,to*41" 3 136.69t thonoe 8 lQ55' 19" E 129.51' 'thencse x 88014102" E �36.29t to sin Wating concrete monument thence-* $ 0 35158" W 325.05, to the true ` 01cts of beginting. t SGZ7� �q /� q t y L ,ifi*-..S3�J, elta` PY'R That portion of the Borth � of the Oot�theast I of tb southeast of the northwest , Section 19, Township, 22 North, ange 5 ;,. .l�. 1]escribsd ass folio s Be $1niting at the northwest oornar €�f Lot 13, Xent�t'�iA �kiL$a to Rent; thence. 3. ?�8°0tjl'", t, along thq south, lino Welland A�•e. in Lhe City of dent. 129;06 :$04*, to the mofthessterl.g line of 9edondary .Stitss High r` Doter 2 ,. 1959 No* 5A thence southeastarly along ,said tins, bola$ ou.. tbo aro of a curve .to the left having a radius of 676.25 feet$ a distanee of 154*86 feet to a monument on -tbe south 13ne of said Kennedy+s iddition projeoted rosterly; thence N, E8014102" R. along said south lime 44,59 feet to the southwest eornar of Lot 13 of *aid Kers *4yas Addition; thence R. 1 �5e19" W. along the west line of said Lot 13 a ,distance of 129.51 rout to the Toint of Beginning.. As no one was present to raise arrj questions the public hearing olosed at 8:05 P.M. and the regular meeting reeumodo dome d soussivn was heard and because so few members were prosolot Fratier moved and grad by Strain to table, Mr. Kennedy's request until the next regular meeting. VOTJON CARRIED* she wIty Coun ail esk,3d for a recomw4radatiidn on va.tating vaeAt on of: certAin streets between Shinn and Winner Streets and between some streg tp tat, and 4th Avenues 140'. atsl4id Inn eaembers present felt' they needed more tine to study the prcposa.l so Kennedy sawed and 2nd by Frazier to table until next mott3ng. LVTION ,CARRIED. 4¢eeting adjourned 8:30 F .V. r tl. a