HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/26/1959 r CIP T!1 '�j l i1 Tj a -jcrn 6 r,plle l to ordkat' !t 7 :3c ._Cti-n`!, ­huirman La:-.ar Strairi -residing. C' 109 1'3 , 70 S S r! z,i a r 1,;j E!p Tj kradar-on, Sipe , macd i-i n e,-Iy . j rl�l t f t r-_q road loft it teal Y- of thl- norl' n7 MOM On --y' ch wve ur to Wo w! wits rormAs on court cpksras n :id Vullitmi cost 10MO --gr year. • o,,i 3 AM a r a cm ;7 o sW�o,:r!!--,e to t I- ? -21,111 t e n 2 r,d 'by f-,-,,r. C_.i, :11J 1�. :-�r. J7!rr,?u - resent9d a, mqu1 ',-.t for a tr? 11?,- court on Flyth Jensen trallear COL .-it Ave . So. ��vr­3 b-y S11 �,et Sel-t 23 for � ul:)I -*c !-.,,�aring I rovf:l!n� i r. J­ncer) r.01-.11 ­?t t,(-.e ley! T Vcw.'�.7tJon and ot'er i: s t c r. .n - -lci-et7ry in t .,;--e tc p2t ' r a, -.r. 2rd by !,.errilly. !, (,T1`,,j. 7' '1 _MPC; CATQ�j) 'F(D I' T 11t Q() j )MG Ina air i ng The s -c t n ro- ire it d I 9t,t,r from 1:6 n t 7:i J s 1-3 --,al Yard Hi O- larids Oserf% tion of rrorart-.- ro,,,ustJ. r,7 zcnir)-, for a 7 e r o v-_-.I I,,,i t In. rock� c ru. a n a 3 71--'a 1 t 1- c 11 ".3 cr r,�te Xtahk lants an -ravol ol- erbt.J - ns . Also deserf.-tion of r c 7 e r t y Y-,I u n ,t: --2 zD r:`n- L n t t.0 1' T lace'd cn file . K. ^t- t-d tl,'!t _. ict of llvlia7 lrt the -enearal am�) of tI.-' s 3-, :'nt t!-.at t`3 K,. nt Fighl^mds !,av3 TtC 'Titention of on tl-ijs rrorerty an.-I ^r� c'!�T-r f-1 tl--(-, 7r,lVel or',o_:',9tfc--n, re wculd like a st­ tzi"nt fro-- 1.r:mt 1,1ghlands as to their intentions . L.r. 1�oc-ns tl-.,,It tba T--r,-),-P.rty w,s too oq.,ensive to not diel;eloro the -.,r--el 0--erations . They intrai:d to L 1,. e i.r'- - :core t;= a+nd rut it into a-eable condition, so" tint: c^n ^-911- the rrc--crty ;'r. 1-:a11 st^..t I that they r , ,re bouc-,h.t a lot r cre r rc-srty than t.,'-e-- nee I for _r .;ravel o' " t_.OT, , .,n,l the±. t,Yi`-r i,nl=end to rlevelcT:e for a cult'-divlslcn for rerI.Jential ,-iirroses . 'Te state'i +'"'t. re 1 ten` T•i ;1,1 ancis scuta]-17 or if ,.., o - t.i t Lr. iial.l. V •t 0` G_l. ... d 1.:T? fr .c Andl er E:17. t.;.,o t a e17.s 1'ava n or, cortract ???':1 :_ "e ar- roIlIIl3tely of t,.. .. urclCa^'3 7.. P, . T"- 1 r total a-ri, ro;Zl lr<^_tley }"0 a�rgs industr� �-1 r=_a a rrox. !�` ..cr .e,, ^ael ar,a I)C� nCI'es i17;-111a,] thr ^C,-. t11 of '',y1e 7`r0rOse Tn:nrIl 1nct1 ' 11 ; . • I:r Tr1G:ll r:�A!� t1•.o Cf...�.-�}-1'..r.a_' a'T ren cnt -' h ti:�^ v r + ; �ntP 3 or . otar ccr. idr2t'cn. (CU;=y rlaced. c1. __1. . ) Si, a --;,r15n,.T of °article Y1 1'Ih ch wC—L-1•1 aul 4.-.1 orl ze let- t of e- ction. This Or9^Yticn sl-; ul•:1 '�- controlled by contr-iir ,-3 i0'r T,)L'.'..11in? so lc- objc^tl-n,- t0 '-1'bntlri^ $ of the r.anufcctoring .✓'_lr.ir.l,. ...p + +1 , ' U, ;.' ^. t u,- ^-nr;. ;nsr ct th", cclrtot'r raj 1.0GIls st: t ,-] to st?.rt UT� lain h.orn^.c ir-r. =:l ,.ally, r:inimurc lot s_ ze i'IfOQ% C400 Sq. Ft . ilor ea i.11 of r--I: iurr ;,rice , 15 to 2('-,000 .00 dollar's . haul iI ^1-..^10-,ur , l,, -t -rl a' of >�ar•)s r:r t',o.53e r rotes tin- T 1.'C t 17r _i,' ��':{1',� j r•�I,� t,o 1.�'Jd. ,.-rs rovell. cice brie-' n-, ` he rotenial �nd;lstr:ia1 levelop- 1:•.er!t of ',7-lletr 'lnrl_ ;)l I i?ot l�l''nli tl 1 .. C r de-.7e 1 o T T.e nt wOl'.1�i ..�, -7i�r...n i14'1 to fill.`^. I,,,r t 11!1.11. Mooney T oin.t .,I out +;1, 1t if rre are 'roiTlLr to h,?v^ a "S'• Cl ?Iltial .^.r^a nrn!_;.nlj- Vent 1.1^ 1-"...lst also have A u g 2 Indl)stry to -i- rctvlle tYle necesso,-�;, ta­:,s . -rsc�n f= 'ls ' rrlt tC, cortract --,re--�-3nt ", ould state t'�at t! 1; 11:7zt Ir---t the col"t-lirs �s �31-r­.ln o,) ran . Moved by Bill 1 -iieser tl-.at ­!q ai r rcv,C tl-i S -1(Irl n, 3111.-)j?ct to a- rova 9.r) a -r t a n- c f a 311 b le Gn t r r P,3ri n t anO co-tcur b- t'! 9 1 t-7- ittorne,r anJl C.* tv En-in-er. n­. C.'� -j to the L�m -ld ,,t 1 t, J tl-e r-I r Tnoval of r-re c!r c)sse-1 to an lrdustrial _r?a b�lo-w tXMIN Troi ert,- . TTJs to tl n^ ^zl cvr-ticn cf the le ol-T ossed. L.nt cn 2nd 1-y z.1 e r. e -U 1 S t Tin r! 'Jjit` C L� !lr ry wc ticn 'Rt t'-is tine 1.­�_,d 1.3-1-1ter frog. t ,C t,'T Pttorrr - rjint'n - cut `rcm ttie 'D_ � u- on by I Ll a nr r, Corn,,_ssicn and 1(ent at a- felt that there -.3b.-uld !-e q ^.ontour rRi- crt ev-:r v C I-4� should uov,-r -',e ent7re c ', oreratj n ncl, O!n- Yr r?- Road. Also t"lls, ­ree!.-ent does coi- , r­ to r.n­t tile Hlnffttjiv�X contoi, s as set It not st,•- te th.,?4- t',;(,, cor,�.n-%r -Nil-1 ;7c;t- o- ' Cie a r zorl of s ar a at the -r,,' of t,teir cr "ratlon, n o r is .1 t rffillc tl­� inal,,istrJal, r -a to t 1, j.r c,.%Tn or e i­ticns Sil-c mia,le an dr ,-I t ;".-;lt 11 e.rro 3 -1 d Snr the t ter. ant 41 t ve r rove t17,,- r `r e d t to a c c 3- t a nc e b-, C_ c,.ncil of the c c"t r c t ro ent a n d contour Isla n-_e Tid r!11 t- 2nd I y iienl-)edy. '.n.iend,.- en4_ rl^soed unarl-17m0u51y. Jot-, calle3 cl- Illotiol- ­iitli ,x.',,_r.,drient . YO- s7ed unanimously. '_ublic hqnr: ­.- .- -cj r--.! -1c.,; .-rl at 1 : 30 '�el-ular called t-c c-l: r. rL u 7 i ,.r. :':`heeler , 'csente-f. �i re ossmap Z =ust for :}r, '"os::man to sazone 1-1]la7.t jr, 1— 1 � .'S _�. end tr_1_ ler ^,ct'•-rt al bin Q0 . } GV e'� J l'e t Set.t • `3 'l! for r li. ,, a_ilf T ��. � i,� Yrc�lu 1^r L.0 I'I:1:', � /•_;7...I "Lle of gle,.. "n- a To,Ll.lar :"hB.irnan c311'_9 . u- It wag permanent 31A 7t= ? +,' r '; Sire ':.'e c']^ !,. man. to one +-d or ..ouill take cha Irrran t' jot, c^ s^cry`; ft, r . ;or •. liscr " - . -n it s ,T. ;e r ;,, ^ > ". .^-rci'et:,�'�* DU; not a...rOint?d 8S •,_/`L, ? 1 nl. '...^ir of l..i ]L,A lTl ' V l�. '� �:..,l�n ; .lit on ,,. -3.e by salary u;- to '1G0 . `•- r th. "Zd :r , , J� :r;va 1 h-• I at?1 .':fuser Ld aiT e "-e e c.;, =,,.� l 1 r ^: by th/✓r ��� i:a_„ t_.1, 1 rn•s3 1 ;( .I, J / �. I . 61re S?cv