HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/09/1960 r CITY OF KENT PLANNING COY ISSION November 9, 1960 Meeting called to order 7 .35 P.M. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present: Bogard, Wieser, Frazier, Bicknell, Kennedy and Turner. Ex-officio members ; Sherwood and Wilke . A correction to be made in the minutes of previous meeting as printer; In Kennedyts report the words "it was approved" should be stricken. The minutes of previous meeting approved as corrected. No committees were ready to give a report. The Chairman stated that the City Council will hold a public hearing November 21st. on a proposed annexation. The Planning Commission must give a recommendation for zoning within 90 days of annexation therefore, he appointed the following committee to study this area: Frazier----Chairman Strain Kennedy The Chairman presented the final report of Harlan Nelson and Associates . He also showed a copy of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Auburn. A discussion followed. Frazier moved the Chairman be authorized to investigate the Harlan Nelson contract and a Comprehensive Plan similar to that of the City of Auburn then bring back a report. 2nd. by Bicknell. Motion Carried. A letter was read from the Board of Adjustment suggesting that Section 10.18.04 of Ordinance # 1071 be amended by striking the words "an attorney" and change the wording of "one layman" to read "two (2) layman" . Kennedy moved, 2nd by Bicknell we recommend to the City Council the suggestion of the Board of Adjustment. Motion Carried. Mr. Pat McHugh presented a tenative plat located on So. 268th just east of Military Road. He stated that at present this is not in the City but would like our reaction on the plat as he is consider- ing asking for annexation. A discussion followed. Starcovich John Stareovieh presented plans for a Mobile Home Mobile Home Park on the west side of East Valley Hwy. a little Park rejected north of 218th. There is 4 acres in the area. This is now zoned M-2. Frazier stated that we had examined the proposed Mobile Homo Park and he would move to reject because we cannot allow it in an M-2 zone . 2ns by Bogard. Motion Carried. (2) November 9, 1960 The Chairman stated that tnis area is in the middle of an M-2 zone but thatMr,. Starcovich had a ^ight to ask for a rezone if he wanted to. Sher•vio,.d again pr,,sented the Lone Cedar Tree Addition Lone Cedar pointing out that they nre not asking for a rosiden- Tree Add. tial plat and owners only want to plat in order to break up the property to settle an estate . A discussion followed. Turner mov 1 th^t we table this request until such time as the City P.ttcrney can be present to render an opinion. 2nd by Bicknell. Motion carried. Pog^rd moved; 2nd by Wieser to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 9 :15 P .M. (Mrs E. A. Sipe Secy.