HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/23/1959 • CITY OF KENT PLANNIVG COW"R'ISSION September 23, 1959 • Publics hearing called to order at 8:15 P.M. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present: Frazier, Turner, Kennedy and Sherwood. The call for putlie hearing; was read for a permit for multiply Multiply housing on the following described property: housing k trailer That portion of the north half of the southeast quarter approved at of the northeast quarter of section twenty-one (211, 24426 township twenty-two (22) north, range 4 east W.M. and Pacific Hwy. of block 16, Interurban Heights Fourth Section according So, to plat recorded in volume 17 of plats, page 8t. in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of the south east thence 89049100" west along the southerly line thereof 250.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence #orth 00291000 west parallel with the easterly line of said subdivision; thence west along said north lire 400.00 feet; thence south 0029100" east parallel with the east lire of said subdivision to a point 100.001 feet north of the south line of said subdivision; thence . south 89 40"0" west parallel with the south line of said subdivision 677,983 roet, more or less, to the easterly line of State Road No. 1; thence south 8052133" west along said easterly line 101.258 feet to the intersection of said easterly line with the south line of said subdivision from which point the true point of beginning bears north 89049,00" east; thence north 89049+00" east along said south line 1094.42 feet to the true point of beginning, EXCEPT any portion therof in said block 18 that may lie north of the north line of loth, said block 18. Situated in County oP King, State of Washington: Less the east 400.0_feat thereof. OR 2W6 Pacific Highway South. Also a permit for a trailer court on the following described property; The east 400.0 feet of the following described tract: That portion of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of • Section 21, township 22 north, range 4 east W.M. , and of block leg Interurban Heights Fourth Section, according to plat recorded in volume 17 of plats, page 86, in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said north half of the north half of the southeast quarter Otember 23, 1959 of the southeast quarter; thence south e9049100" west • along the southerly line tt-ereof 250,0 rest to the true point of beginning; thence north 09 29100" west parallel with the easterly line of said subdivision to the north line of said subdivision; thence west along said north line 400.0 feet; thence south 0029f00" east parallel with the east line of said subdivision to a point 1(.O,Ov1 feet north of the south line of said subdivision; thence south 89049+OO" west parallel with the south line of said subdivision 677,9e3 feet; more or lose, to the easterly line of State Road No. 1; thence south 8052100" west along said easterly line 101.258 feet to the intersection of said easterly line with the south line of said subdivision; from which point the true point of sinning bears north 89049100" east; thence north V9 1;9100 east along said south line 1094,42 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT any portion thereof in said block 18 that may lie north of the north line of lot 6, said block 18, OR 24426 PAOIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH. . Frasier moved w=. -pprove these two pieces of property as to site only details to be worked out with the City Engineer and the Chairman of the Commission. 2nd by Turner. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HErRING CLOSED 8:35 P,M. REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 8:35 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and a, proved as read. Mrs. L, A. Strain presented a preliminary plat, Strain's Strain's Addition to Kent, lying west of Lincoln Ave. and south of preliminary Winner Street. plat Turner moved the preliminary plat be XXXXIMEN approved 2nd by Kennedy. 110TION CARiJED. accepted. Selma Wilson presented a request to allow a nursing home Nilson at 856 E. Smith Street. nursing home A motion was made by Turner to set Oct. 1 th for a public request hearing on the request. 2nd by Frazier. MOTION CARRIED. Mr, Hauge presented a preliminary plat for Armscrest # 3 a portion of stating that at this time he only wanted to get approval Armacrest # 3 of that portion along Maplewood Ave, It was stated that 0-reliminary he would have to present a drawing of only that portion of approved. his plat for final approval. Turner moved to approve the preliminary plat covering that portion of Armserest # 3 along Maplewood Ave. 2nd by Frazier MOTION CARRIED, (3) e S*P&ber 23, 1959 Mr. Dolman presented a request to rezone from R-1 to Dolman R-2 a tri-angular piece of ;property at ap; roaimatly request on 245th and Now NIlttasy Road. He stated that he was Kew Military unable to get the required property owners to sign his Road. petition. The question was raised if the Planning Commission 00-:1d act on suvh a request. Frasier moved t1.st we .net ,-,t. 14th for a public hearing subject to approval of the City Attorney in regard to lack of sigrw turea. 2nd by '"urner. *'OTION C A?4R?RD. Apr lication was mr-de 1.:7 The Ac^e Poultry Co. for rezone Acme from R-1 to Manufacturing and Commercial. Poultry Frazier moved that a pudic henring be held Oct. 14th to request c >nsidt�r this ;7 tter. 2n b-, Turner, a;O�7 ,.., ,•a�t"Iu;D The Chairman re orted that he had chocked with the City Secretary Attorney on "tea qu4stiOn of s hired seeretnry signing authorised to plets a^d other documents. The City Attorney stated that sign the secretary could sign such documents with the chairman documents but tLe eoti_ n st,•:�uld include this statement, "end authorize the Chairman and Secretary to sign said documents" Frazier reported that he hedi attt ned the King County Report Planning Commission meeting in Seattle Sept. 221, 1959 on wreaking where a requost for a ereL!�ing yard at 260th and highway 99 Ward Ring was boing ccxisida�red. A representative of the Midway ounty. Chamber of Cow^arse and rror.@rty ;vners of the area were In attendance ob'eotlng to 21 the requests Frasier Informed them tbet a wreok'ng yard along the highway woLld be inaompetihls with the comprehensive plan of t e City of Kent, (a tslerhona vote aes tnken Se ^te .*ar 21 unani ously authorizing Mrs Fr&sier to op; ose taw wrecking yard) The wrecling yard request was rejected. Sherwood pdressnt-,d the f is al �7 lot for Larry Clements Clements fie stated that the prell lna p r,-plat had been approved, final by the Coumis,s i cn Aug. `j, 19 E but cc � show had filed to plat be brought up for final arprovol be fare t aken to the arproved. City Council. Hosevor it 3s still necessary for the Planning Commission to al rove and sign the final plat. Moved by Frasier that we approve this plat and instruct the chairman and secretary to sign. 2nd by Turner YCT1ON CARRIED. The Secretary read a letter f°rcm Mr. Chusman, an attorney, Meade- for Meade-Romano, ae'aing for reconsideration es they Romano have additional info ati:),n. Acting upon the advice of the City Attorney it rf,s a�raed bar all present to reconsider this mattar October 14.th. Turner moved we adjourn • 2nd by Frazier, MOTION C AH'tIED. Menting adjo:.:rned lOcl5 P.m, 4rrs,A1% ' r wog.