HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/09/1959 CITY OF KENT PLAN INN CO'VISSIOX • SEPTEI, BER 90 1959 Meeting called to order at 7:3O P.M. Chairman Ed Sipe preaiding. ;embers present: Frazier, Wieser, Strain, Kennedy, H. Anderson, Turner and Sherwood. Minu'Vs of Vrevious meeting read and ap;>roved as X= read. Ed Sipe voiced, his resignatic=n as secretary of the board. Motion made by Frazier to accept Sipe's resignation, 2nd by Wieser, MOTION CARRIED, A report was given by Sipe as to the proceedure of hiring a regarding secretary. Motion made `oy Anderson to request the City Council secretary for an emergency ordinance to pay the salary of the secretary for the balance of this year. The sum of POO= . 2nd by Wieser. MOTI-N CARRIER. The hiring of a secretvey was discussed, Strain roved that a secretary be hired by contract for $600.00 to be paid at the rate of $50.00 per rs,.::.nth for the year 1960 and that a contract for $200.00 to cover the balance of 1959 to be paid at the rate of S,50.00 per month. 2nd by Anderson. MOTION CARRESD, The budget for the coming year was discussed. Notion made 1960 budget by A:nc3arson we ask for: 2000.00 to finish our present contract with Harlan Nelson. 3000.00 to get professional help in planning for 1960, 1000.00 for general fund. 600,00 for secretary on a contract basis. 2nd by Kennedy. NOTION CARRIED. The Secretbiry read a request from Mr, Curran who is Meads Sand representing Archie Meade and the legal owners of the property, and gravel to have the following described property zoned to allow a Company gravel ;Jt operation. That portioU of the northwest quarter of th southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4, Eft, Z=ZPT"the east 3o fast, VIch lies easterly of primary State Hig way No, 1, A discussion followed. .Anderson stated that it was time for the public hearing so he would move that this matter be tabled and we could take it up I mediatly following the public hearing. 2nd by 'Turner. NOTION CARRIED, • REGULAR ME TING RECE33ED FOR THE YUBLIC HEARING 8:00 P,M, PUBLIC HEARING OPEVED AT 800 P*Mo • (2) • Sept. 9, 1959 The Secretary read the call for public heryring to zone from • Anderson unclassified to manufacturing the following described property zoned propertyt manufactoring That portion of the ortheast } of the 'Northwest I of Section 12 Township 22 North Range 4 M. lining East of Chicago, Milwaukee & At. Paul Railroad, EXCEPT the East 209 feet of the South 209 feet; subject to an easement for drainage ditch No. 1. OR South 212th Street east of the Milwaukee tracks. Approxame tley 19 acres. Motion made by Strain this pro;>orty be zoned Manufattoring. 2nd by Kennedy. MOTION CARRIED. The Secretary read the call for public hearing to rezone area So. of from R1 to Ranufactoring the following described propertys Winner Including The north 161.70 feet of the South 225.65 feet of tract Kent Tailor 25 of Supplemental ,let of Meeker's First Addition to Court zoned the Town of rent as per p t recorded in Volume 5 of Mfg. Plats on page 96, records of king County, EXCEPT the West 222.80 feet of the North 50.50 feet t2erof, situated In the City of Kent, King County, Washington. ALSO That portic:n of Tract 10, Meeker's Supplemental Plat of the First Addition to the Town of Rent, according to plat recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, pane 96 records of said Conn.W described as followat Beginnin at a point of the east line of said tract 10, 180 feet north of the southeast corner; thence north along the said east line, 121.55 feet to the northeaSL corners thence most along the north line 516.8 feet to the northwest corner; thence south aiong the west line, 136.05 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a line 575.35 feet north of and parrelel to the south V ne of tract 25, said addition;thence east along said line 516.8 feet, vWpj 00 more or less, to the point of beginning. ALSO Lot 25 Meeker's supplemental plat first addition to Rent. Beg. 225.85 feet N of SIB corner; thence w 135 feet; thence N 58 foot; thence NEly to point 109 feet W and 86 feet N of beg; thence B 109 foot thence 3 86 foot to beg. Also • Tr 25 less S 225.85 feet ea N 50.50 foot of N 220.80 foot thof less beg 225.85 feet N of 3E car Th n 135 feet; thence N 58 feet thence My to pt 109 fs-t A and 86 feet N of beg; thence E 109 foot; Thence a 86 foot to beg & por of tr 10 lying 3 of line beg on E line 21.55 feet 3 of NE corner; thence to point of N line 131*05 (3) Sept 90 1959 feet S of Rg corner. • OR Along West Valley Highway mouth of Winner Street to and including the !Cent Trailer Court. Frasier moved this petition be granted. 2nd by Kennedy. NOTION CARRIED, toned The Secretary read the call for public he >>ring to rezone mfg. for from Commercial to Manufactoring the following described used car lot propertyi The Went 350 :feet of Treat 5, ShInn's Cloverdale Ad.'ition to tent, according to ;-lat recordel in Vol. 6 of plats, page 52; together with an easement for in-gees and egress over the south 15 feet of th9 west 350 feet of Tract 6 of said addition; subject, however, to an easement for read purposes over and across the north 15 feet of the west 350 feet of said fired 5 of said addition. Objections were voload by Mr. & firs. harry Novak of 8520 Rio. 222nd Kent and Mr. A Mra TJ, J. Elfving So. 222nd Kent. 'fir. Tank, representing the owners, stated they Intend to use • it as a used car lot. It would cover about 2 acres. Frasier moved the request be < ranted. Turner stated that because of a small quirk in the existing law which does not allow used car lots in a Co=merr,ial zone and because the new Comprehensive Plan will iron out all the problems, Therefore he would 2nd. the motion. NOTION CARRIED, ANDERSON VOTING NO* The Secretary read the call for public hearing to construct apt, house an eight unit apartment building on the following described ap; rovad for propertys Ed Ylke on 100th Avc, SE. Neat 184,36 feet of the South 150 feet of the Borth 335 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quartAyr of Section 17 Township 22 Borth, Range 5 8 W g ; EXCEPT the west 20 feet, thereof for County Road; situated in King County, State of Washington, • or 100th Ave, S, E. near 240th Winer moved that a,:proval begiven this petition subject to set b>icks and parking to sset with the approval of the City Engineer, • 2nd by Strain, MOTION CARRIED, PUBLIC BEARING CLOSED 9s2O P,M. . (4) Sept. 9, 1959 nGULAR M91TING CALL-ED TO k')RDER It20 P.M* •Meads Sand The Chairman started the First order of business would be to & Gravel continue our discussion of Yeades purposal that had been tabled denied. prior to the putlic Inearing. A d1scussi4 followed ir. tlAlch the follcwin3 .zc is were brought out; 1. From tb,3 legal descri tiou of the property givers in the letter this property would all lie east of the proposed Freeway. 2. This area Is fast developing Into a fine residenial area. The proposed Freeway seems to be a natural buffer between t: is residenial erea and the Coureroial or Industrial tree to the west. 3. A gravel ; it si>aIlar to the one Meade is now oper= t!'ng wo. ld depreciate the value of this area. This would be ccntrary to dood Manning. Str^In Koved that fres the !nforzaation we I-eve at this time this request be rejected. 2nd by Turner, l°t;710V CARRIED. UNANIT-TTISLY. It .7cs P;;rf#eu' Lo r;eat Sept. l6th to work or; t1m now ordinance. Public be,,ring 111. Jensen wt4s unab1c, to .get :-is 1e al description In on time Oct. 14th :nd has aaicel tl �t a new 1 e{ring rtpte bo Est-t for Pie request. •Jensen Frasier moved tt s L rp not Clet. i4th for a public `peering. 2nd by Wieser. °+:iaiii,f< CPRRIBD, Paul Wieser Paul Wieser Iresented a request to zone from L'nolosslfied to public hearin- hanuf catering aI roxi atlp 44 acres in ere. a lying south Oct. 14, of 212th and we ,t c,f the N.F. tracks to the Root road. He will furn'sh the socretr,ry with the necessary le7,al description In the next few days. Frasier moved that we set Oct. 14th for public hearing. 2nd by Strain. MCTIGN CARRIED, Sherwood bro�»ght up the question of whether a }Fred sedretary, who is not a memb-r of the Ylannlng Co slselon, could lea ally sign final fats. The Chairman stated he would check with the City Attorney and report beck At next me€atinga besting adjourned 10t30 F.V. a 1,-efAt4y. •