HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/10/1960 CITY OF KENT PLANNING C0D5iISSION AUGUST 10, 1960 Meeting called to order 7:45 P.M. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present: Strain, Kennedy, Anderson and Bogard. Exofficio members: Sherwood and Wilke. Minutes of previous meeting approved as printed. A letter was read from King County Planners asking our King C^unty recommendations on a plat located on SE 192nd. between Hi-•Park the Benson Highway and Springbrook Road. Tracks Kennedy moved, 2nd by Anderson to instruct the Secretary to write them a letter stating that we recommend approval of this plat as presented. Motion Carried. The final plat for Maclyn Addition was presented. Maclyn final Bogard moved to accept the Maclyn Addition and instruct plat approvedthe Chairman and Secretary to sign subject to the owners showing evidence to the City Attorney that the 5 Ft. strip has been deeded to the unplated area. 2nd by Strain. Motion Carried. The Secretary read a letter from Foster and Kleiser asking the Planning Commission to consider in our new ordinance Outdoor Advert- ising Structures be allowed in a C-3 zone. Kennedy moved, 2nd by Bogard to leave the proposed zoning ordinance as it is regarding Outdoor Advertising Structures. Motion Carried, The new proposed zoning ordinance was discussed. Anderson moved, 2nd by Bogard to eliminate Item 1 in Section 10.5.51 ➢Motion carried. Bogard moved, 2nd by Strain to eliminate in Section 10.5.52 Item 1 the phrase, (all of which shall be for the exclusive use of tenants of the park.) Motion Carried. Bogard moved, 2nd by Kennedy in item 3 C_.-mplaints of Violations. Change the word covered into the City Treasury to read Forfeited to the City Treasury.. Motion Carried. Bogard moved, 2nd by Strain in Section 10,10.25 Service Stationed Item 2 Yard Provisions. Should read. Minimum set-back of pump islands shall be 12 feet for front, rear and side yards. Motion Carried, Strain moved, 2nd by Anderson to change Section 10.11.2 Plans to read (The plan of the proposed parking area shall be submitted at the time of the application for the building permit for which etc.) P4otion carried. Kennedy called our attention to an error under definitions Garage,. Private item (a) & (b) in refering to Sec. 10.11.4 should be page 59. This was changed. inderson moved that we approve the August 1960 zoning ordinance as corrected and recommend that the City Council adopt the Comprehensive Plan, The Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map. 2nd by Kennedy, Motion Carried. The Chairman stated that we still must prepare and approve a Plating Ordinance and a Trailer Ordinance. He appointed two committees to work on these and bring back a report to our next meeting, Plating Ordinance: Bogard Chairman, Ed Turner, Wilke and Sherwood. Trailer Ordinance: Kennedy Chairman, Strain, Wilke and Sipe. He also asked if anyone had any ideas for der committee to please give them to the proper chairman. tQ1v nderson moved, 2nd by Bogard to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 9:40 P.M. (Mrs. E. A. Sipe Secy.