HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/27/1960 � CITY OF KENT • PLANNIVG COIRUSSION JULY 27, 1960 Meeting called to order 7 :35 P.M. Cahirman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present; Frazier, Kennedy, Bogard, Wieser and Anderson. Exofficio members ; Sherwood and Wilke . Minutes of previous meeting approved as printed. An appeal to the City Council on the livestock auction sales yard was read. Mrs Andy Matpli-lh asked to have his property south of Kent-Des Moines Road and west of the river bridge zoned for industry. Wieser moved, 2nd by Bogard to set Aug. 24th for public hearing on this mattsr if the legal description is correct. Motion Carried. Mr. Crowell, of Salt Air Hills, asked for a variance on variance height of fence . on fe-nce Wieser moved to grant variance to allow his fence 42 in. grantad on east corner and 52 in. on west corner above road levee. subject to first filing a letter with the Planning Commission from his adjoining property owner, giving his approval. 2nd by Frazier, Motion Carried. A letter from Harlan Nelson and Associates was read and discussed. Bogard moved camping trailer, boats and trailers etc . when stored on private property, should not be closer than 5 ft. to side and rear lot lines . 2nd by Kennedy. Motion Carried. Bogard moved Mobil Homes ahould be prohibited anywhere except in a trailer court except in an Industrial zone under conditional uses where one may be used for a caretaker. 2nd by Frazier, Motion Carried. Side yard fences were discussed. Bogard moved, 2nd by Wieser to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 8:30 P.M. Mrs . E. A. Sipe Secy ,