HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/13/1960 CITY OF KENT PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 13, 196o Meeting called to order 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ed Sipe presiding. Members present: Kennedy, Strain, Frazier, Wieser, Turner and Bogard. Exofficio members: City Engineer Sherwood and Building Inspector Wilke. Minutes of previous meeting approved as printed. John Starkovich and Paul Verterees presented plans for Starkovich a trailer court at 21 09-81}th Ave. So. Approx. 35 units,. trailer Each space to be 25'X O' with carport. court Frazier moved to set Aug. lOth for a public hearin; providing the City Engineer is provided wit- a per^o'_w:•- tion test and it meets with his approval before da`e of first publication. 2nd by Wieser. Motion Curcio That area in the City limits lying east of the Gonnason Gonnason Road and north of James Street was discussed regarding Road prop- the proposed zoning, osed zoning Turner moved that this area be designated as R-3 on our proposed zoning map, 2nd by Wieser, Motion Carried. Regular meeting recessed for public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Approx. 50 present, Chairman Ed Sipe opened the public hearing at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Miller of 6421-212th So. asked for a short delay in starting the hearing as he and others were to be represented by counsel who had not arrived. The Chairman granted his request. Upon arrival of counsel the Secretary read the notice of public hearing requesting to zone for a livestock auction sales yard on the .following described property: That portion of the Northwest of the Northeast of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range )} E.W.M., lying within the follow ing described boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of State Road No, 5M and O'Brien Road (South 212th) as constructed; thence North 89017'50" West along the center line of O'Brien Road, 1012.60 feet to an angle point; thence North 880300" ?Nest along the center line of O�Erien Road, 296,03 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 88030+0" West along the center line of O'Brien Road, 357.08 feet to an angle point; thence North 8900140" west along said center line; 54 .41 feet; thence North 1 1810" East 1275.67 feet; thence south 68056'10" East, 902.38 feet; thence South 1018,20" West 1316 feet to the true point of beginning; Less Roads; situat- ed in the County of King, State of Washington. OR 6258 South 212th Kent, Washington Mr. Bogard disqualified himself as a member of the Planning Commissior because he had drawn the plans. The Secretary read letters from: The Department of Agriculture, Joe Dwyer Director A percolation test by Charles G. Martell, a King Co. Licensed J . Designer. Washington Cattlemen's Association, A. M. Natsen, President Washington Livestock Auction Market Association. Letters placed on file. Mr. Bogard, the architect, presented the plans and explained the operation. This project will take approximatly 7; acres of the described property. The east 330 feet lying southeast of drainage ditch and will be inclosed with a 4 wire barb wire fence. The building will be 931X60, and set back 200' from the O'Brien Road. It will consist of 7 offices, the auction arena, seating 100 people, a restaurant, (z) July 13, 196o seating 35 plus restrooms for the building. They will employ approx. 12 women besides the men needed to handle the business. All areas where the animals are will be concrete draining from the center both ways into gutters where the offal will be gathered and put in trucks to be hauled away at least once a week. The entire area must be washed down not latter than the day following a sale. At the end of each gutter is a sump to collect solids which then runs into a settling tank then into a drain field. There is an over flow for surface water provided which will drain into the ditch, There is a quarantine pen which has a separate ceptic tank. There will be a State and Federal Inspector here to check each animal as it comes in. There will be carrle guards to prevent any animal from getting out of the area. The drive ways will be of black top a and parking will be provided for 53 cars . Ample parking of trucks with a washing shed in back. They will also have a covered hay shed in back of the building and a residence for the Custodian_. The closest house is approx. 300 feet from where any animal will be. The area will be landscaped. The sanitary system with drainage has been approved by the City Engineer. The Chairman then opened the meeting for discussion and stated that anyone wishing to be heard to please stand and state their name and address. James Curran, an attorney representing; Pat Picardo-----21405-.68th So. Bliss Frazier---62663-212th So. Vera Wallenberg----6464-212th So. Earl McLaughlin-- next to Ferald Miller Jeanette Cohlon -----20658 Russell Road Bill Bevaart--- So of McLaughlin on 2-�4th Andy Anderson----6458-212th So, Gerald Miller 6421-212th So, Robert Yunker-----5258-212th So. Mrs. Hazel Sentrup-----Russell Road Asked what is the present zoning of this area and was told by the Chairman that it is unzoned at present with a proposed MA zoning in our new proposed zoning ordinance, Then Mr. Curran asked what zoning the request asked for? The Chairman stated that as this area in not zoned and felt that perhaps this could be handled on a permit basis he had contacted the City Attorney for advice and was told to zone for a livestock auction sales yard which would be nanufacturing in our present ordinance. 1,4r, Curran also wanted to know the size of the operation and was told by Mr. Bogard they would handle appros. 500 animals a day one day a week. Mr. Curran then objected to the -ranting of this request for the following reasons. 1.No Comprehensive Plan has been adopted for this area. Therefore, the Planning Commission has no legal right to zone this araa. 2.The present code has no indication authorizing a livestock auction sales barn. 3.Not adequate sewer facilities as the plan calls for overflow to drain into the drainage ditch which is presently poluted. This would not meet with the approval of the Polution Control Commission of the State of Washington. For an operation of this size they would demand either a primary or secondary treatment plant. 4.He did not feel that an adequate supply of :water is serving the area to take care of their needs. 5.This is a very low area and doesn't feel a septic tank would be acceptable. 6.He questioned the qualifications of IlZartell, who made the percol- ation test. 7.A health hazard. 8.The O'Brien Road is a narrow road and this would generate 11ts of heavy traffic. Mr. Curran asked that this request be denied on a legal and health hazard basis. The City Engineer stated that he felt the water pressure was xdxgxxt adequate and that Mr. Martell was licensed by King County and he would accept his findings. Mr. John Anderson of 7200-212th So, objected because he felt the water pressure would be inadequate, This is a low area at flood time would create a health hazard for the two schools in this area. Gerald Miller of 6421-212th So. stated that there are 6 or 7 houses in this area within about 500 feet and also objected because he felt it would depreciate the value of the surrounding area and from a (3) health stand point. July 13, 196o Mr. Curran presented 3 petitions and s letter from B. E. Frazier of 6263-212th So, which were accepted and placad on file. Br. Bogard asked what the legal statis is? The Chairman asked the City Building INspector to call the City Attorney and give us a report. He reported that the City Attorney st stated that we might not have the legal right to zone this area but neither would we have the legal right to stop anyone, The Chairman stated that this is a dairy area at present and a dairy could ,go in here without a public hearing and could cause a worse condition than this as these people must have the approval of the Department of Agriculture and the Polution Control Board. This, we as a board, have no control over. The only thing we are concerned with, if it is generally compatible to the area with no appreciable overall depreceation to property. Robert Yunker of 5258 So. 212th was much concerned with the sanity ary facilities and didn't feel they were prpper or adequate for this project. Lee Purdy of 22244-84th So, objected on the basis of a traffic hazard particularly for schoole children and a health hazard for the school in the area as well as others living here, It was Point- ed out that any developipemt would increase traffic. P..r, C. B. Haynes representing the owners of the proposed projuCt stated that a properly run livestock sales yard is a very important part of any community. This is not a new yard but a replacement. They have looked over the entire area and feel that this a good location where they will be able to meet the approval of the diff- erent departments they must comply with. It should be remembered ±k that industrial land with activity has no ceiling for value while residential areas have a ceiling of about -3500 per acre. This would not depreciate this area. Harlan Bull who owns property adjacent to this feels that it would increase the value of his property. The Chairman asked for those present who owns property on the O'Brien Road west of the West Valley Highway to the Ri,re'r to stan,9 and give their acreage. Vera Wallenberg 70 acres Gerald Miller 1 acre--2 homes Earl Me Laughlin �- acres Andy Anderson 12 acres Mr. Frazier 6 3/4 acres Harlan Bull 21 acres Pat Picardo, represented by Councel, 4C acres. Gerald Miller stated that when the stockyards went into the Seattle area industry was reluctant to move in. Mr. Hildebrand, of the Company, stated that the plans were drawn to comply with the demands of the State Department of Agriculture. Air. Curran asked if Mr. Bull is the owner of this property? Mr. Bull stated that he is under contaract on this property. Therefore, Mr. Curran also objected because other people are involved and they have not signed the request. ....Zr. Andy Anderson 6458-212th So. felt that the percolation test might qualify if taken now but f®lt it wouldn't have 2 months ago. This is a main thoroughfare from 99 to East Valley Highway. Don Olson who does not own property here but has from 60 to 90 cows on property in the area was concerned about the health to his axima animals. Mr. Hildebrand explained in detail about the quarantine pen with a separate sanitary system which must be disenfected after each use. Wieser moved, 2nd by Frazier to close the public hearing and recess for 10 minutes. Motion Carried. Regular meeting reconvened 10:20 P.P:i. The Chairman asked what the Commission wanted to do on the lives- tock auction sales yard request. Frazier moved to zone the area manufacturing for the purpose of using it for a livestock sales yard apd accessories subject to final approval by the City Building Inspector and City Engineer. 2nd by Wieser. -- Strain stated th t we have set up a comprehensive plan to be adopted for this area. Industry is proposed between the two tracks with an PGA zone for this area. He doesn't feel this is the proper ocation for this business. `,lotion carried. Kennedy, Turner, Frazier and Wieser voting for and Strain voting against. The Chairman stated that anyone dissatisfied with the decision could appeal to the City Council by first notifying the Secretary c4� duly 13, 196o of the Planning Commission in writing not latter than 10 days of this date July 13th. Mr. Andy Anderson stated that he felt this was a cooked up deal as a member of the Planning Commission is a business associate of Mr. Bull. Mr. Yunkers stated that he flet the same way and wanted the records to so state. Mr. Pierce presented a redrawing of his plat showing present and final contours. This was accepted for study. It was agreed that the area controlled by Lambuth and Sill west of the Milwaukee tracks to the West Valley Highway should be M-2 on the new maps. Mr. Adams and Mr, Roy Emmett owners of property lying east of Military between 260th and south of Reith Road wish to have the proposed zoning map show this area for a shopping center. They have approx. 7 acres. Mrs. Frirsche had objectad to this due to the traffic Pattern. They were told that if they had something concrete other than a service station we would conside their idea. " ,rr.cr mn- ad to adjourn. 2nd by Frazier. :fleeting adjourned 11:00 P<M. P.,rs. R. A. Sipes Secy.